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so / neither / nor 引导的倒装句



英语句子通常有两种语序:一种主语在前,谓语在后,称为自然语序,另一种谓语在前,主语在后,称为倒装语序,按“主语+ 谓语”这种顺序排列的句子是陈述语序。如果排列顺序变为“谓语(或谓语一部分)+主语”,就是倒装语序。之所以出现倒装,一方面是因为语法结构的需要,另一方面为了强调,有时两种原因兼有之。倒装句分为部分倒装和全部倒装。

1、so / neither / nor 引导的倒装句


结构:so +be/助动词/情态动词+主语

Eg:1、She is a am I .(so译为“也、同样” )=Me,too

2、L i Lei can dance .So can Tom.

3、---I like eating apples.

---So do I.

(2)、neither/nor 引导的倒装句的条件

结构:Neither/nor +be/助动词/情态动词+主语

Eg: 1、Li Lei can't can Tom.(neither/no 译为“也不、

同样也不” )

2、---I don't like eating apples.

---Neither do I.

3、Li Ming isn' t a good is Mary.





3、b e/助动词/情态动词的人称和数与其后的主语一致;




一般现在时,do, does / am, is, are / can,must 等

现在进行时,am, is, are


现在完成时,have, has

一般将来时,will, shall,

过去进行时,was, were





1. He can ride a bike, so ___ I.

2. The boy died, and a week later, so ___ his friend.

3. Tom doesn' t like bananas. Neither ____ his wife.

4. If you won ' t go, neither ____ I.

5. He is a teacher and so ___ h is wife.

6. She has been to New York .So ______ I.

7. I like singing and so ________ Tom.

8.1 don ' t eat meat and neither ______ Helen.

9. James didn ' t attend the meeting and neither ______ Jane.

10. Shehasn' t seen that film. Neither _______ I.



1.1 don ' t like football. Neither ________ I.

2. They couldn ' t afford to stay there. Neither ________ I

3. He has been to Beijing . So ________ I.

4. Li Wei can ' t answer tU e sqion .Neither _______ I.

5. Zhang Ping is a top stude nt in our class. So

6. A fish can swim and so ________ I

7. I get up at seven and so _______ my mother.

8. He didn ' t smoke, Neither _______ she

9. They didn' t do it and neither _______ I.

10. I am dancing .So _______ t hey.


( )1. If Joe ' s wife won ' t go to the party,

A. he will either

B. neither will he

either he will

( )2. You forgot your purse. ______ Mary.

n either did


C. he neither will


A. so did

B. so was

C. did so


( )3. —I don ' t know Jim quarreled with his brothe—

A. nor don' I

B. neither do I

C. I don' neither

D. I don't also

)4.—The fish smells terrible!

A. So does the meat

B. So the meat does

C. So does the fish

D. So the meat is

)5. Jim was in the supermarket just now. his mother.

A. n either is

B. n either was

C. so is

D. so was



)1. The cat will jump off the wall. the dog.

A. So will B Neither will C Neither is D So is

)2. Miss Lin does some shopp ing on Sun days. my mother.

A . So do

B So does

C Neither does

D So is

)3. My little brother has n ever got up late. they.

A . So has

B Neither has

C Neither have

D Neither are

) watches TV every morni ng. I.

A. So do B So does C Neither do D So am

)will visit the Great Wall in two days. he.

A So will

B n either will

C So are

D Neither are


1. I am a nurse . So he.
