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个人所得税完税证明:The People’s Republic of China Individual Income Tax Certificate

税务登记证Certificate of Taxation Registration

地税编号local tax code 国税编号national tax code


成就工资(Merit Pay):绩效工资来自于英文中的Merit Pay但在中国更为贴切的说法提法应该是绩效提薪.




奖金(incentive pay):

成就工资(Merit Pay):

基础工资(Base Pay): 以职位为基础(Pay for Job)的基础工资和以能力为基础(Pay for Competency)的基础工资



收入差(pay ranges

1,pay structure:

2,pay grades:

3,pay ranges:

4,overlap: 重叠

年终红利(annual bonus

岗位工资post wages

岗位技能工资与岗位效益工资之优劣Discussion on Merits and Demerits of Skill Wages and Benefit Wages of Post

隐性报酬(intrinsic compensation)和显性报酬(extrinsic compensation)。

1.基础工资:Foundation wages

2.职务等级:Duty rank

3.级别工资:Rank wages

4.工资工龄:Wages job seniority

5.职务岗位津贴:Duty allowance

6.特殊岗位津贴基础津:Special allowance

7.基础津贴:Foundation allowance

8.综合补贴:Synthesis subsidy

9.岗位补贴:Post subsidy

10.目标奖:Goal prize

基础工资: Basic Wage (or Salary)

职务等级: Occupation Classification

级别工资: Classification Allowance

工资工龄: Long Service Allowance

职务岗位津贴: Occupation Benefit

特殊岗位津贴: Special Occupation Benefit

基础津贴: Basic Benefit

综合补贴: Miscellaneously Supplementary Benefit

岗位补贴: Occupation Supplementary Benefit

目标奖: Targeted Rewards


Chaoyang Local Taxation Bureau is in charge of organizing the collection and administration of taxes (fees) in the District (excluding the local taxes defined by laws to be levied by national taxation authorities). The taxes include

Business Tax, Enterprise Income Tax, Individual Income Tax, Vehicle and Vessel Usage Tax, Vehicle Usage License Plate Tax, Property Tax, Urban and Rural Land Usage Tax, Urban Real Estate Tax, Stamp Tax, Land Appreciation Tax, Metropolitan Maintenance and Construction Tax, Slaughter Tax, Agriculture Tax, Agricultural Specialty Tax, Arable Land Use Tax, Deed Tax, etc.

The fees include Cultural Undertaking Construction Fee, Educational Fee Supplement and Operating Fee of City Collective Service.

契税:deed tax

Individual income tax return 个人所得税纳税申请表

For individuals with annual income of over 120, 000 RMB Yuan 适用于年所得12万元以上的纳税人申报

The tax administration registers certificate number税务登记证件号码

Manage code管理代码

Taxpayer’s name纳税人名称

Income year税款所属期

Monetary unit金额单位

Date of arrival in china抵华日期


Place of residence经常居住地

Address in china 中国境内有效联系地址

Annual income年所得额

Categories of income所得项目

Income from within china境内

Income from outside china境外

Tax payable应纳税额
