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(2014, Term2)Test 4 (Unit 6, Book III)



1.For all the latest pop music, tune in to your favorite radio station.


2.Rains have filled the reservoirs to excess. 降雨使水库的水过量。

3.The students streamed into the playground for a break from the classroom after the bell had rung. 铃响


4.In spite of fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in his research.尽管事实上,


5.Being a grown-up, you should not cling to your mother.为一个成年人,你不应该固守你的母亲。


6. When two people feel the same about each other their feeling are mutual.

当两个人彼此感觉相同时,他们的感情是相通的。【解析】A. visible可见的;B. common 共同的,共有的;指人们相互共有的东西;C. joint共同的,主要强调两人真正地拥有某物。D. mutual

7. The fire has caused great losses, but the factory tried to minimize the consequences by saying that the damage was not as serious as reported.


A. decrease减少

B. subtrac减去,数字的减少

C. minimize最小化

D. degrade降级,使退化

8. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still bare.


A. blank空格

B. hollow空洞

C. vacant (职位)空缺

D. bare

9. The old glass dish is very fragile. Be careful not to break it.旧玻璃盘是很脆弱的。小心不要打破它。

A. brittle

B. fragile

C. flexible

D. crisp

10. For many patients, institutional care is the most thoughtful and beneficial form of care.


A. persistent

B. appropriate

C. thoughtful

D. sufficient

11. To make a cake, we mix flour, eggs, sugar and milk together.


A. mix

B. blend

C. combine

D. mingle

12. After a long weary ride, the motorist finally got to the end.长时间疲惫的骑行后,摩托车终于到达了终点。A. wounded B. weary C. credible D. tired

13. The terrified hunter, clasped in the arms of a huge bear, fought desperately to loosen its grip.


A. grasped

B. clinging

C. clasped

D. clutched

14. In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a student should present his findings in logical order and clear language.在准备研究实验的科学报告时,学生应该按照逻辑顺序并用清晰的语言来呈现他的发现。A. furnish B. propose C. raise D. present

15. The roof was damaged and water dripped from the ceilings in wet weather.


A. dropped

B. dripped

C. drained

D. strained
