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○1To our surprise,he succeeded in passing the entrance exam.(他成功地通过了入学考试)

○2As a student ,you have to obey the school rules and regulations.(遵守学校的规章制度)

○3Although he is ill today,(虽然他今天病了),he attends the class.

○4We should look at different things from different perspectives(从不同的角度).

○5He is responsible for (他负有责任)the damage in his work.


○1With the development of science and technology(随着科技的发展),our life is getting better and better.

○2Now you have lelt your parents .You have to make decisions by yourself(你得自己做决定). ○3Ultimately , the success of the play depends on good performance(依赖好的表演).

○4After my graduation in two years (我毕业两年后),I will be a doctor.

○5He turned a deaf ear to (他充耳不闻)what I said.


○1Everyone has his own right (每个人都有自己的权利) to pursue his happiness.

○2I will apply what I have learned to (自己学到的)my work.

○3Now you are an adult . You should be independent of your parents. (不依靠自己的父母)

○4He won the first place (他得了第一名)in the 100-meter dash.

○5It's so noisy outside that I can't concentrate on my sdudy. (我无法集中思想学习)


○1Tt is not fit for you to tall like that (你这样谈话)

○2I have had a great deal of trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.(跟得上班上的其他同学○3His proposal was refused (他的建议被拒绝)by his boss .

○4Did you hear the announcement about the school sports meeting (有关学校的通知)?

○5The clock was striking 12 o'clock(时钟正敲12点)when we heard the scream .


○1I am wondering whether to refuse him (or not) . (是否要拒绝他)

○2seeing that teaher,the students smiled and said good morning to him . (看见那位老师)

○3The famous writer was born on May 30 , 1789 , in France. (1789年5月30日在法国)

○4The more scientists find out about the brain , the more questions they are unable to answer. (他们无法回答的问题就越多)

○5She doesn't know when and where to meet him . (何时何地与他见面)

○6Hearing the news , we all jumped with joy .(听到这个消息)

○7He sees himself as a hero of the country because of what he has done for the people .(把自己看成国家的英雄)

○8There is nothing so valuable as good health . (最宝贵的东西莫过于)

○9when he was crossing the street,he was run over by a car .(穿越马路)

○10These children often look upon their teachers as their enemies . (把老师视为敌人)

1 为了处理好生活中的压力,取得优异的学习成绩,你必须换一个角度看自己,完成从一依赖家人给予感情支持的人向一个对自己负责任的人的过渡。(perspective; dependent; responsible)

To handle the stress in life and do well in your studies , you must look upon your self from a different perspective and make the transition from a person dependent on his family for emotional support to a person responsible for himself .

2 因为我已经长大了,无论生活中将会发生什么,所有的决定都必须由我自己做出。(have in store)

Since I have grown up , all the decisions are up to me no matter what life has in store for me .

3 他突然想到可以用电和划组成的复杂密码来传递信息。(come to)

It suddenly came to him that a complicated code made up of dots and dashes could be used to deliver secret messages .

4.母亲使我走上正道,并且在我需要她的时候总能助我一臂之力,因此在母亲节之际向母亲说声谢是非常合适的。(keep…on the right path)

It is fitting to say thank you to my mother on the occasion of Mother's Day because mother keeps me on the right path and always gives a hand when she is needed .

5 一个好的运动员可以跑很长时间而不感到累,因为他用所需的最小能量使自己向前移动。(without; as…as)

A good athlete is able to run for a long time without getting tired because he uses as little energy as needed to move himself forward .


○1He kept his balance (他保持平衡)with his arms on top of the wall .

○2I requested that he should come an hour earlier.(他提前1小时到)

○3She greeted me (她向我问候)every morning with a nod .

○4I arrived there without any delay when I received his call .(当我接到他的电话)

○5He told me that he was looking for a job (他正在找工作)


○1We hope we'll have a good harvest this autumn (今年秋天有好收成)

○2Roughly speaking(粗略地讲)what you said is to the point .

○3They are debating whether to go to the mountains or (go to )the seaside (去山里还是去海边)

○4He did a lot of extra work(他做出了很多额外的工作)but refused to take any extra
