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Kunming international hortiultural expo park is99 kunming orld hortiultural expo site, loated in northern suburb of kunming east mirage seni area, about 4 km XX from kunming it. Expo park overs an area of about 218 hetares, the vegetation overage rate of 7

6.7%, of hih 120 hetares of bushes thik gentle slope, the surfae of the ater aounts for 10% ~ 15%. Park overall planning involves up to the mountain, the provines, autonomous regions and muniipalities all over the ountr, loal harateristis and of landsape gardening produts in 95 ountries, ard onstrution and sientifi and tehnologial ahievements in a garden, reflets the era of man and nature, harmonious development theme, is one ho has a unnan harateristis, Chinese , a orld-lass grand vie garden landsape gardening.

Expo park mainl has five venues, seven themati ZhanYuan 33, 34 ZhanYuan domesti and international ZhanYuan position. The five venues inlude international pavilion, pavilion, pavilion man and nature, siene and tehnolog museum and big

greenhouse; Seven themati ZhanYuan: arboretum, bamboo garden, miniasape garden, YaoCaoYuan, tea garden, vegetable melon

fruit orhards and meeting ne floer art in the name of the rok garden; Three outdoor exhibition are

a: international outdoor exhibition, China outdoor pavilion and outdoor exhibition area. Various lasses ere ultivated transplanting plant 2551 speies, more than 200 strains , of hih 112 speies of rare and endangered plants, and best of all the previous level A1 orld hortiultural exposition. Also in the area, the onstrution speed, the displa of plant speies, garden produts, onjoined greenhouse, bamboo plant speies, upressaeae plant transplanting, liff stone, et. Eight most of the guinness book of orld .

Park has speial performanes, ever da parade, annulus movie entertainment ativities, suh as major holidas ill have grand projet ativities.

On Ma 1,99 - Otober 31, the Chinese government for the first time, the suess of the expo held in kunming, unnan in the late 20th entur orld one of the biggest international event - the orld hortiultural exposition A1 level. Sine the morning, a total of more than 2300 tourists, reeived 26 foreign heads of state, as ell as man ell-knon at home and abroad and more than 5000 Chinese and foreign journalists.

As the orld s onl full retention of the expo site, expo garden ith the orld s largest and the most original landsape gardening grand vie garden unique historial ulture and landsape value, has bee a osmopolitan, nationalit, gardening, high qualit, uniqueness, not imitation, value sustainabilit site of ultural heritage.



Travel to unnan, there is a saing irulated idel: the ground to see the stone forest, 9 tonship to the donstream. The beaut of the stone forest is the peak, jiuxiang beaut

lies in the valle. On the same da, hoever, that the stone forest and nine tonship better, redit, ou an see the peaks and valles at the same time, redit, ou an feel the pleasure of peaks and valles at the same time. Outside in the stone forest, ou ill see the peak, peak lake outside, outside the peak trees; In nine tonship, ou ill see that the hole ith a hole, there are river in the hole, hole in one da.

National ke seni area, the national AAAA level tourist area, international assoiation - ave jiuxiang seni area ith a total area of 27

7.8 square kilometers, is loated in kunming it in unnan provine, 90 kilometers from the provinial apital kunming, 28 kilometers XX from the stone forest seni area, is a unique
