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(单选题) 1: Don’t _____ the camera ______ unless you are sure you can put it together.

A: take …off

B: work …out

C: set …off

D: take …apart

正确答案: D

(单选题) 2: Scientists didn’t know much about lung cancer _____.

A: before long

B: until recently

C: long before

D: in the past few years

正确答案: B

(单选题) 3: Can you think of anything else to talk about? I don't like this subject ________.

A: at all

B: ever much

C: any

D: never

正确答案: A

(单选题) 4: The birth rate in a city _____ to fall as its gross domestic product (GDP) rises steadily. A: estimates

B: anticipates

C: assumes

D: tends

正确答案: D

(单选题) 5: These courses, if properly conducted, will _____ the minds of the students.

A: refresh

B: renew

C: stimulate

D: encourage

正确答案: C

(单选题) 6: Recently the newspapers have reported several _____ on the boundaries of Israel and Jordan.

A: accidents

B: incidents

C: events

D: happenings

正确答案: B

(单选题) 7: It is impossible to live in society and be independent _____ society.

A: on

B: from

C: in

D: of

正确答案: D

(单选题) 8: It is difficult to ______ a conversation with someone who only says “Yes”or “No”. A: hold up

B: keep up

C: stir up

D: come up

正确答案: B

(单选题) 9: The problem has ______ simply because you didn’t follow my instruction.

A: raised

B: risen

C: arisen

D: aroused

正确答案: C

(单选题) 10: It is the boy’s laziness that _____ his failure in the exams.

A: resulted form

B: brought in

C: resulted in

D: led into

(单选题) 11: I received a _____ parcel yesterday and I am still wondering who may have sent it. A: sincere

B: dull

C: complicated

D: mysterious

正确答案: D

(单选题) 12: If you study English _______ Marie Curie did her scientific work, you will surely become very good at the language.

A: the way

B: that

C: when

D: by the way

正确答案: A

(单选题) 13: I can’t tell the ______ difference between the twin sisters.

A: slight

B: simple

C: slender

D: single

正确答案: A

(单选题) 14: _____ his wealth, he is not happy.

A: Except for

B: In spite of

C: Because of

D: Besides

正确答案: B

(单选题) 15: The best students are ______ special scholarships.

A: rewarded

B: awarded

C: compensated

正确答案: B

(单选题) 16: He never ______ any gifts from people on Christmas Day.

A: received

B: accepted

C: expected

D: took up

正确答案: A

(单选题) 17: We are now certain ____________ cigarette smoking is harmful to our health. A: that

B: what

C: if

D: for

正确答案: A

(单选题) 18: There is no _____ in applying for that job as you are not properly qualified. A: reason

B: result

C: point

D: chance

正确答案: C

(单选题) 19: We must recover the stolen goods at all _____.

A: accounts

B: conditions

C: payments

D: costs

正确答案: D

(单选题) 20: The movie star _____ with your sister, didn’t he?

A: was used to dance

B: used to dancing
