人教版高中英语必修五 Unit5 First aid 单元测试卷(二) (含答案)

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2018-2019学年高二上学期训练卷 必修五 Unit5 First aid 英 语 (二) 注意事项: 1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考


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Ⅰ. 阅读理解

No one enjoys hearing the sound of someone else chewing their food. Most of the time,

though, it’s not that big a deal but a minor annoyance.

But for a small group of people with misophonia (恐音症), the sound can be painful, causing extreme anger and deep discomfort. The most ordinary sounds of chewing and breathing can drive them crazy. Past attempts to explain the causes of misophonia have

suggested everything from compulsive disorder to an easily-annoyed personality —but

according to a study published yesterday in the journal Current Biology , the true criminal is the

structure of the brain.

For the study, a team of researchers led by Newcastle University neuroscientist Sukhbinder Kumar recruited (招募) 42 volunteers, of whom around half had extreme misophonia and the

other half served as the control group, and played them several different noises: some ordinary;

some harsh, like the sound of a person screaming; and some that were ordinary for the control

group but known to be annoying for misophonics, people with misophonia, like the sound of breathing. As the participants listened, the researchers monitored them for signs of anxiety, both physical symptoms and behavioral expressions, and observed their brain activity using FMRI scans. The only significant difference in reaction between the two groups happened, during the misophonia-specific sounds, when those with the condition showed physical changes that suggested they were entering fight-or-flight mode. Misophonics had increased activity in the AIC, an area known to play a central role in the system that determines which things we should pay attention to. When the trigger sounds were played, there was not only more activity in this region but also abnormally high levels of connection to other regions. Misophonia, in other words, may be a result of misplaced attention the brain of a misophonic focuses on things that other people normally tune out (不予理会). On a related note, on behalf of misophonics and manners-minded moms everywhere: Please, chew with your mouth closed. 1. What is the true criminal of misophonia? A. Sounds of chewing and breathing. B. Compulsive disorder. C. An easily-annoyed personality. D. The structure of the brain. 2. Which way did researches use to carry out their research? A. Playing volunteers several different voices. B. Observing volunteers’ heart activity using FMRI scans. C. Monitoring volunteers for signs of anxiety. D. Analyzing volunteers’ answers to specific questions. 3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Misophonics had decreased activity in the AIC during the misophonia-specific sounds. 此卷只装订不密




