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1. If you _______ tomorrow, I might have time to see you.

A. come

B. will come

C. are to come

D. were to come

2. __________________________________________ I did n 'see your sister at the meet in g. If she _________________________________________ , she would have met my brother.

A. has come

B.did come

C. come

D. had come

3. _______________________ It is importa nt that politely.

A. have spoke n

B. should speak

C. spoke

D. would speak

4. It is time we _____ t o bed.


B. went

C. shall go

D. will go

5 They shouted as if they _______ some good n ews

A. heard

B. have heard

C. had heard

D. would hear

6. It is quite n atural that he ______ so.

A. should thi nk

B. must thi nk

C. have thought

D. thought

7. Our teacher dema nded that all the homework ______ before the day after tomorrow.

A. must be fini shed

B. shall be fini shed

C. had to be fini shed

D. be fini shed

8. Your advice that she _____ t ill n ext week is reas on able.

A. will wait

B. is going to wait

C. waits

D. wait

9. My father was strict. He requested that I ____ television on week night

A. must n 'twatch

B. not watch

C. could n 'watch

D. don 'twatch

10. If I had gone to party last ni ght, I _____ tired now.

A. am B will be C. would have bee n D. would be

11. I suggest that you ____him to go there.

A. allowed

B. will allow

C. allow

D. would allow

12. So fast _____ that it is difficult for us to imag ine its speed.

A light travel B. travels the light C do light travel D does light travel

13 Not un til 7:00 ______ .

A. he got up

B. he didn ' t get up

C. did he get up

D. didn ' t he get up.

14.Seldom ______ her readi ng aloud because she is too shy.

A. do we hear

B. we heard

C. we don ' t hear

D. we have heard

15. Only whe n you realized the importa nee of English ____ it well.

A. you can lear n

B. can you lear n

C. you lear n

D. you will learn

16. ____ lie ill mannered, ______ the laziest trnd the most irresponsible 口弋血i代you could ever hope to meet.

A) Not only is...but he is also B) Not only is...but also

C) Not only is...but also is he D) Not on ly...but also

17. Never before that night ___ the limit of my own power.

A) had I felt B) I had felt C) did I feel D) I did feel
