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for the first time

It was the first time I had ever been in a plane.

change one's mind

I don't need any bread. I have changed my mind.

I used to think she was clever but I've changed my mind.

go on with

Turn off TV. Go on with your lessons, Peter

happen to do sth.

If you happen to find it ,please let me know.

go bowling

I often go bowling with my friends at weekends.

one another

They hit one another.

in surprise

"you've got married with John?" I asked in great surprise. stop...from...

Her parents are trying to stop me from seeing her.

The test can help stop AIDs from getting around.

have pity on

We had pity on the homeless family and took them into our house.


Choose the suitable word and fill in the blank with its proper form. stop...from , in surprise , share...with , happen to do , change one's mind , go on with , for the first time

1.He turned off TV and______ his work.

2.Jane_____meet her class teacher when she went shopping with her mother.

3.Mary always ___her secrets ____her friends.

4."You've picked flowers from the garden?" Jack asked _______.

5.Because of his poor health, he decided to ___________and did a little work.

6.The heavy rain ____ us _____ going to the movie.

7.I went to Shanghai by ship ____when I was a little child.

all day long , have pity on , all the way , one another, be on , go bowling

1.When I got to the cinema, the film_____10 minutes.

2.Jimmy had so much homework that he did it _______.

3.Students should help________.

4.We shouldn't _______bad people.

5.A women sat beside me chatted ______.We all got bored.

st weekend I _________with my classmates.

be fond of 喜欢

1.Other people are fond of fast food chains, such as KFC, McDonald’s

and Pizza Hut.


2.She’s very fond of music and travel.


3.I’m not fond of eating meat


be different from与……不同

1.A space plane is different from an ordinary plane.


2.How is a digital TV different from an ordinary TV?


3.An industrial robot must be different from a medical robot.


try on试穿

1.Please try on the new coat on.


2.The Father Christmas coat is size small. Would you like to try it on?


3.May I try on the yellow jacket 。

