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The British Economy After World War II


England was a leader during the process of the world’s development . But after the 20th century, Britain has lost its glory .After the second world war, the British economy suffered serious wounds.At that time, Britain restored its economic development by depending on America.After being out of America’s control ,British economy began to go into a period that it developed its economy by itself.


(I)The 30 years between 1945 to 1975 was a slow period that the British economy was troubled deeply by colonial empire dissolves and "British disease"


The British economy in the 50s and 60s developed steadily. The characters were slow but steady growth,low unemployment and great prosperity with rising standards of consumption. In the 1970s among the developed countries. Britain kept the lowest growth rate , the highest inflation rate, and the high record of trade deficits. After the second World War, the progress of industry in U.K.began to fall into a decline, and its structure also changed relatively much. There were troubles with many British industries, for example ,the coal industry, iron and steel industry , and textile industry. In order to adjust the structure of industry, for example ,to develop traditional industry department and enhance the rising industry department,the government took a series of measures and constituted a series of relative laws.But its effect was weak.As for agriculture, it has always been British weaknesses.Britain's food and other agricultural products, are mainly relying on imports. After the second world war, Britain suffered serious trade deficit , and many British colony in the countries had won independence. It was no doubt a heavy blow for Britain which was a country that getting agricultural food mostly from the colonial countries import . In order to satisfy the native food self-sufficiency relief, the government began to pass legislation to
