船舶轮机实用英语口语 7

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Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

Excuse me, I'm Hyde, the representative of Eastern oil company. 我是海德,东方油料公司的代表。

Yes,I'm Wang. Take a seat,please. 好的,我姓王,请坐。

Mr. Wang,your agent informed us you need 600 tons of 180 cst heavy oil and 200 tons of diesel oil,right 王先生,你的代理通知我们,你们需要600 t 180 cSt的重油和200 t 柴油,对吗

That's exactly what we want. 这正是我们要的。

OK. Here is the application form. All the specifications are on the form. Please go through it and fill it out. 好的,这是申请表,所有规格明细均在里面,请看完后填表。

Well,why is there no sulphur content among specifications 为什么规格中无硫含量You see,Mr. Wang,the fuel oil comes from the Gulf Area. Its sulphur content is very low,so we ignore it. 你知道,王先生,这种油产于海湾地区,硫含量非常低,所以我们忽略了。

Yes,I see. But the harbor officers from the European countries often check the sulphur content in the fuel. 是的,我明白,但是欧洲的港口官员经常检查燃油硫含量。

We'll be fined if the content is over percent. 如果超出%,我们就得挨罚。

That's the point. If so,I'm sure you'll get the exact sulphur content next time. 这才是问题关键,我保证下次提供精确的硫含量。

OK. So much for that. When will your bunker come here 好了,不管它了。你们的油驳什么时候来

At your convenience. How about tomorrow 看你的方便,明天怎样

OK. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. 好吧,明天上午9时。

OK. But you should get everything ready in advance. 好的,但你们应提前做好准备。No problem. 没问题。

Which side should we get alongside 我们应靠哪舷

Either side will be all right. 两舷均可。

Do you have filling pipes on both sides 两边都有加油管吗

have international standard connections&specifi- ed filling pipes of 150mm diameter for fuel and 100mm for diesel oil. 是的,我们有国际标准接头和专用加油管,加燃油的管径为150 mm、加柴油的为100 mm。

Which oil should be first,diesel oil or heavy fuel oil 先加哪种油,柴油还是重油Diesel oil. 柴油。

What's the pumping rate 泵油速率是多少

For diesel oil,80 tons per hour. For fuel oil,120 tons per hour. 柴油每小时80 t、重油120 t。

Who will give the signals 谁发信号

We'll give signals for starting and stopping. 我们将发启动一停止信号。

That's good. Please write down those two points on this notice and sign it. 好的,请在加油通知上写上这两点并签名。

Mr. Wang,could you collect the remaining fuel oil in one tank and tell the Chief Officer our bunkering plan 王先生,请把剩余的燃油并舱,把我们的加油计划告诉大副好吗Yes,sir. 是,先生。

Ask one Motorman to check and clean the ball valves and filter in the venting pipes,and plug the deck scuppers. 让一个机工去检查并清洁透气管球阀及过滤器,堵上甲板下水孔。OK. I'll follow your instructions. 好的,我照你的指示去办。

Mr. Liu,please ask another Motorman to prepare some sawdust and waste cottons. 刘先生,请让另一位机工准备一些锯末和维斯(废棉纱)。

Yes,sir. 是,先生。

You should take soundings and figure out the amount of oil. 另外,你应当先测量并计算一下油量。

Yes,sir. 是,先生。

Mr. Zhao,put the fire appliances at bunker station. 赵先生,加油地点准备好灭火器材。Yes,sir. 是,先生。

We're coming. Which side should we get alongside 我们来了,靠哪一舷

Starboard side,please. 请靠右舷。

Please ask the sailor to put down the gangway and lift the oil hose first. 请叫水手放舷梯,先把加油管吊上去。

Yes. Please wait a minute. 是的,请稍等。

Where are the connections 加油接头在哪儿

Here they are. This is for the fuel oil and that one is for diesel oil. 在这里,这个是重油接头,那个是柴油接头。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Would you come down to my lighter and take a sounding 请下来到我船量一下油。

All right. 好吧。

How many tanks are there on your lighter 你船有多少油舱

There are 6,No. 1 to No. 3 port and starboard the same. 共6个,左右各3个。

Which are for fuel oil,and which for diesel oil 哪些舱装重油,哪些舱装柴油
