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1 祝你们白头偕老:May you both be happy

2 恭喜您荣升:Congratulations to you on your promotion

3 祝您长寿:Many happy returns of the day

4 谨祝您在新的工作岗位上万事如意:I wish you every success at your new post

5 我提议为我们双方的精诚合作干杯:Allow me to propose a toast to the most sincere cooperation between us

6 祝您一路顺风:Have a pleasant journey

7 如有什么事需要我帮忙,尽管开口说:If there is anything I can do,please

just let me know

8 十分感谢您雪中送炭:Thank you very much for your timely help

9 冬天来了,春天还会很远吗?:If winter comes,can spring be far behind?

10 按(我们)中国人的习俗,这样子是不行的:By Chinese custom,this is not acceptable

11 这纯属私事,请你不要插手:This is something completely personal.Please keep your hands off

12 中国人无论红白二事都有设宴摆酒的习俗:It's a Chinese custom to hold

feasts for such celebrations as birthdays and weddings,and even at funerals

13 这是一点小小的心意,请收下:This is just a small present.Please

accept it

14 中国人特别讲究吃年夜饭: The Chinese attach great importance to having

a family reunion dinner on New Year's Eve

15 除夕夜,我们通常要辞旧岁迎新年:On New Year's Eve,we would like to see

the old year out and welcome the new year in

16 春节是全世界华人普天同庆的节日:The Spring Festival is a holiday all

Chinese in the world celebrate

17 这茶叶是本地特产,请品尝:This tea is a local speciality; I hope you

like it

18 正月十五是元宵节:The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth of the

first month of the Chinese lunar year

19 你和他是同行,一定有不少共同语言:He is in the same line as you,so

there must be a lot you can talk about together

20 由于工作关系,我每天都得与许多人打交道:My work involves communicating

with many people every day

21 我代表公司李董事长在此迎候你们:I'm here to meet you on behalf of Mr.Li, President of our company

22 今晚七点,董事长为您设宴洗尘:The Chairman of the Board of Directors is giving a dinner of welcome in your honour ay seven tonight

23 今晚我们出去吃饭,换换口味怎么样?:How about eating out tonight for

a change?

24 吃得不错。小姐,结帐:That was really delicious food. May I have my

bill please,Miss?

25 老朋友,是什么风把你吹到这里来了?:What has brought you here,dear

old chap?

26 中国民间有清明扫墓的传统:It's a traditional custom for the Chinese to sweep the graves of

their ancestors in the Qing Ming Festival

27 你们这里过不过复活节?:Do you observe Easter?

28 我想和您讨论合同之事,今天下午您有空吗?:I'd like to discuss the

contract with you. Will you be available this afternoon?

29 总经理今天的日程已排满,但明天可以见你:The General Manager has a full schedule for today, but he may be available to see you tomorrow

30 咱们言归正传吧:Let's get down to business

31 您提出的建议我们正在考虑:Your suggestion is under consideration

32 您的问题我一定亲自处理:I'll see to your case myself

33 您的问题我们还要研究研究:We need some time to study your case

34 您的处境我很理解,但我爱莫能助:I quite understand your dilemma, but

there's little I can do for you

35 有不少伪劣商品充斥市场:Thera're many fake and inferior goods circulating in the market

36 消费者的权益要得到充分保障:Consumers should have sufficient protection of their rights and interests

37 从小看大,三岁看老:The child is father of the man

38 孝敬父母是中国人的美德:It's a Chinese virtue to show filial love for

one's parents

39 这只是一个建议,你看着办吧:It's only a suggestion and you may take it if you think fit

40 我根本不是这个意思:That's not at all what I mean

41 请不要把你的话强加在我身上:Please don't put your words into

my mouth

42 我们认为你要对此负责:We'll hold you responible for it

43 你无权批评我的人格:You're in no position to criticize my personal


44 你为什么这么爱管闲事?:Why are you so nosy?

45 你言之有理,我接受:There's a good point. I accept it

46 英雄所见略同:Great minds think alike

47 我认为这一点值得注意:I think it's noteworthy

48 跟(旅行)团旅游最省事:It saves the tourist a lot of trouble to

travel with a tourist group

49 这几年新马泰游做得最成功:Package tours to Singapore, Malaysia and

Thailand have been most successfully managed in recent years

50 我觉得这里并没有什么特别吸引游客的东西:I don't think there is really

much that particualrly appeals to tourists

51 游三峡享受大自然的美丽景色真令人陶醉:It's absolutely fascinating to tour through the Three Gorges and enjoy their natural beauty

52 桂林山水甲天下:The mountains and waters in Guilin are the most beautiful on earth

53 香港是游客的购物天堂:Hong Kong is the shopping paradise for tourists

54 咱们把(香港)海洋公园留到后天看好吗?:Shall we leave Ocean Park till the day after tomorrow?

55 请看镜头,笑一笑:Look at the camera please, and say "cheese"

56 这个风景很上镜头:This landscape is photogenic

57 请把您的登记卡准备好:Please have your boarding card ready
