

American Dreams in Death of a Salesman

Abstract:With money as the theme of “American Dream”in Arthur Miller’s masterpiece Death of a Salesman is fully reflected. The tragedy death of leading character stands for the broken of American Dream. Willie’s twisty character is the main reason for his tragedy fate, while his social rules are the primary cause. These two reasons lead the broken of American Dreams.

Key words: Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman, American Dreams

After the masterpiece Death of a Salesman came out by contemporary author Arthur Miller, it caused a big sensation among American playdom. Arthur Miller was praised as a social philosophical dramatist. His art achievement reached peakedness by his masterpiece Death of a Salesman. Willy Loman who was a salesman believed American Dreams with no doubt thought only he worked hard and kind to people then he could get into the upper class. In this way, he could become rich and respect by people. Willy’s sons, Buf and Habbie, were controlled by American Dreams like their father. But unfortunately, they became victims of it. American Dreams is a kind of fairy tale in contemporary American society.

American Dreams in American literature

Every country and ethnic literature with unique tradition has its own emotion. For American literature, this kind of emotion is the “American Dreams”. Throughout the American literature of the 20th century, we can find a forever theme; this is the "American Dreams" of weight loss and prospects of persistent pursuit. The "American Dreams" is throughout the history of the United States, the most can reflect the ideal of American way of life and national spirit is the equality, freedom, tolerance, enterprising and idealistic belief of success, is the everyone has equal opportunity to succeed the hope and the possibility of miracles optimistic self-confidence. It is this "American Dreams", as it were, embodied the American spirit, embodies the American traditional value concept. The immersion in the American psyche of the "American Dreams" complex originated from immigration, Wild West. Early European settlers, who arrived in America with great vision and imagination to develop the new world, they overcome the bad natural environment, conquered the resistance of the native Indians, the establishment of a happy home in the new world. In this vision, fantasy, and gave birth to the embryo of the "American Dreams" of success. Religious propaganda tell people to success is a industry city people's gift of god, and secular literature is filled with "from rags to the millionaire's" dream of success. Later in the process of "gold rush" of western development, there are many adventurers overnight become wealthy upstart, is the "golden dream into a reality."All this has stimulated the "American Dreams" the growth of the uniquely American monsters. Americans are generally thought that as long as their hard work hard work

hard struggle will be able to succeed, to happiness. Spread the concept of the long and deep influence, is arguably accumulates deeply in the American collective unconscious psychological level, dominated the American behavior and life. And then the high-speed development of economy makes people full of confidence for the realization of the "American Dreams". Until the middle of the 19th century, American literature, especially the Walt Whitman as representative of romantic literature, with lofty sentiments and warm dream ruggedly sing of American democracy and freedom."Naive age" is over, however, stepped into the 20th century American literature finally refining device smile meditation. The American writers of the new century is no longer addicted to about the "myth" of American success, turned to the "American Dreams" to conduct a comprehensive reflection and criticism. The theme "war" on late for the first line, the early main performance from the Angle of social crisis the disillusionment of "American Dreams", the late mainly from individual existence crisis performance criticism of the "American Dreams".

Analysis for American Dreams in Death of a Salesman

In "Death of a Salesman" in the American Dreams of success is never forgotten Willy's brother, Ben. The age of seventeen, went to the African jungle, by means of competition comes out at the age of 21 became a millionaire with diamonds. His brother for Willie this from the start of his own fate is very sure, that I will become a rich man. This image, the embodiment of the American Dreams like ghosts always linger in his mind, Willie heart around all the time. Willy Roman life abides by the law of "success", his entire body and mind, enthusiasm, dedication, and even life are poured on the pursuit of success. Life ups and downs, poor management, by now, are old, still helpless and golden "American Dreams" for he is like a castle in the air. He hopes the success two sons, was to educate them to be thought, however, biff, as father wandering for many years, career achievements. All this to Willy Roman's great stimulation and mental anguish, because failure means that the library of his life struggling to pursue.

And Willy Roman career in stark contrast to the failure of the Willie is a modern man, embrace the American Dreams dreamed to get rich. As a good salesman, a good father, a good husband, loyal to his wife's widely revered. The harsh reality, however, far from it. Willy crisscrossed 36 years for the company's marketing work, at the age of more than 60 companies nor guaranteed salary for him, only to give him the sales, and have association with his client not retirement has been to the deceased. When Willie out marketing drive seven hundred miles but can't take home a money, but for the sake of self-esteem, nor of his wife the truth, only friend Charlie borrow fifty dollars a week to pay installment, even say oneself earn, this kind of work pressure.

Willy Roman is the victim of the "American dream". Like many Americans, he think that no matter how much he is a ordinary little people, as long as their efforts, god will help you, there will be a good house, good car. On the contrary, god will leave you. This belief has become a part of American culture. Times have changed, Dave Sigman told the wonderful memories can only is memory. In the materialistic

social reality, no warmth between people, "this is a heartless world. Willy's philosophy of success homes in the presence of this fact.

Finally, when realized thoroughly realize the American dream hopes, and his son biff has break with him in the thoughts, no longer believe the American dream, Roman helplessly on the point of no return. He is full of hope, for another version of the American dream and died. A sad thing, he is a failure. His wife can't get a $twenty thousand in compensation from the insurance company. Roman became victims of the American dream. He seems to be for the American dream is born, die for the American dream.


Death of a Salesman shows an ordinary American’s life for us. It tells a sad story of a failure. Willy’s tragedy is in his extreme superstition for American Dream. Just like crazy for religion, this kind of superstition erosions his age and life and twists his human character. At the beginning, he was just confidence blindly. Then following was disappointed and loneliness. At last, he lost his motivation for life. The process of failure is the process of Willy’s American Dreams’ broken.



湖北师范大学 美国文选论文 从18世纪的美国文学看“美国梦”的特点

从18世纪的美国文学看“美国梦”的特点“美国梦”从广义上讲,指作为”民主,平等,自由”国家的理想;从狭义上讲,指个人通过自我奋斗获得成功的梦想。”美国梦是一个被众多美国人普遍信仰的信念。 美国梦作为美国特有的精神追求,作为美国人民特殊的精神力量,有着丰富的内涵,它涵盖了美国文化、历史、社会、宗教、文学艺术等领域,是贯穿美国文学始终的重要的主题。 300年前,当英格兰移民乘坐着”五月花”号横穿大西洋来到马里兰,寻找一块清教徒能居住的“净土”时,“美国梦”已开始悄然萌芽——美国给了全世界每一个人均等的机会,只要努力奋斗,都可以实现自己的梦想。 一般而言,“美国梦”包含几个要素:美国提供了人人都能成功的机会;成功取决于自己的才能和努力,而不是家世和背景;人人都拥有平等的权利;人人都有信仰的自由。这些要素是与历史密不可分的,也必须和时代背景结合起来看。 18~19世纪的欧洲,贵族尚未退出历史舞台、社会等级森严、财富分配不公、宗教歧视严重……孟德斯鸠、笛卡尔等启蒙运动的先驱,开始对美国这块神奇的土地赞颂不已,这也燃起了弱势群体的“美国梦”。 18世纪来到美国的移民都是欧洲的弱势者,当他们来到还是殖民地的美国时,政治平等的要求就格外强烈,也自发地落实了民主。于是,“平等权利”成了“美国梦”的一个内涵。 南北战争前后,美国开始了工业化。欧洲来的移民更多地进入纽约、芝加哥、底特律等新兴的工业城市。从此,“美国梦”有了新的内涵。这一时期,出现了许多奋斗起家的工商业巨子。比如依靠个人发明而创立通用电气公司的爱迪生,采石油的洛克菲勒,搞银行的摩根,发明汽车生产线的福特。他们的共同特点是:起家寒微,但通过勤奋终于创立了自己庞大的事业,成为传奇人物。 到了21世纪的信息时代,微软的比尔·盖茨、雅虎的杨致远以及GOOGLE的三个创立者变成了“美国梦”的新偶像。他们凭借自己的智慧,年纪轻轻就积累了数百亿美元的庞大资产。他们活生生的故事似乎表明,只要有智慧,有天才,在美国就可以成功。 乐观主义与《本杰明·富兰克林自传》 "乐观主义" 选取本杰明·富兰克林的《本杰明·富兰克林自传》为代表. 富兰克林(1706-1790),美国最伟大的先驱者和美国民主的缔造者之一,著名的科学家、出版家、外交家、政治家、哲学家和实业家,美国独立运动的领导人,曾参与起草并签署了《独立宣言》和《美国宪法》。 富兰克林1706年出生于北美新英格兰的波士顿,他在家中的17个孩子中排行15,父亲是从事蜡烛和肥皂制造的小商人。富兰克林少年时进过两年学校,后因家境困顿,被迫辍学,12岁时,父亲让他到哥哥的印刷铺里当学徒。学徒的日子是艰难的,然而,他却利用学徒的闲暇时间刻苦自学,阅读了大量的书籍,在政治、科学、历史、文学等方面打下了扎实的基础,他还通过自学能熟练地运用法语、意大利语、西班牙语、拉丁语。 1726年,富兰克林开始在费城独立经营印刷工厂。从此,富兰克林的事业生涯开始蒸蒸日上,开始创造一个美国梦的传奇故事:他印刷并发行影响巨大的《宾夕法尼亚报》;他发明了避雷针、两用眼镜、新式火炉和新型路灯;他率先提出了北美殖民地“不联合就死亡”的口号,并与杰斐逊起草《独立宣言》;而当美国制宪会议因为联邦体制问题争论不休时,富兰克林又欣然前往,进行调解。1771年,他出版了改变无数年轻人命运的《富兰克林自传》。这本书生动地记叙了富兰克林的成长历程,告诫年轻人积极向上,在世界上影响深远。一个人在如此众多的领域成就斐然,美国历史上几乎无人能及。 富兰克林既相信社会秩序又信奉人有自然赋予的权利, 既渴望社会安定又向往为革命


美国梦与中国梦有何区别? 来源:郎仁斌的日志 美国梦是希望之梦、成功之梦、平等之梦、幸福之梦。 据有关学者的归纳:“ 所谓的美国梦(American Dream),是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获致更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须透过自己的工作勤奋、勇气、创意、和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。通常这代表了人们在经济上的成功或是企业家的精神。许多欧洲移民都是抱持著美国梦的理想前往美国的。尽管有些人批评美国梦过度强调了物质财富在衡量胜利和快乐上扮演的角色,但许多美国人的确认为,这种获致成功的机会在世界上其他国家是找不到也并不存在的。因为与其他大多数国家不同的是,在美国拥有的经济自由相当多,政府扮演的角色相当有限,这使得美国的社会流动性极大,任何人都有可能透过自己的努力迈向巅峰。” “依据历史学家的说法,美国快速的经济发展和工业扩张并非只是因为美国的自然资源丰富,更是因为所有人都有机会藉由自己的奋斗获取财富。美国梦成

为了吸引世界各地人民移民美国的主要原因—无论过去或现在。在今天,每年有超过一百万的人成为美国公民,是世界上最受欢迎的移民地点。” 美国梦的核心是:“ 美国提供了人人都能成功的机会;成功取决于自己的才能和努力,而不是家世和背景;人人都拥有平等的权利;人人都有信仰的自由。” 美国梦的代表人物有:爱迪生、洛克菲勒、福特、比尔盖茨、拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布林、杨致远、赵小兰、朱棣文、施瓦辛格、林肯、罗斯福、里根、肯尼迪、克林顿、奥巴马…数不胜数。 而中国人并不存在一个明确的中国梦,例如现在,大家的梦想就是“我爸是李刚”和“中五百万”大奖。这些梦想都是只要结果,不要过程;只要收获,不要付出的梦想。 如果要找出一个中国人都希望达到的目标的话,就是“升官发财”。追求权力和财富,是我们这个民族的核心价值观。从孔子的“学而优则仕”,到当今的“一切向钱看”,无不始终贯穿着权力和金钱占有欲,而丝

American Dream and Chinese Dream 中国梦和美国梦

II. What American values does the movie The Pursuit of Happiness reflect? And what is your understanding about the American Dream and Chinese Dream? Answer: Through the movie, The Pursuit of Happiness expressed the main American cultural values, and the core value--individualism--it proposals self-hardworking and diligence to change one’s life letting them become the protagonists of their own life. The individualism has emphasized the American as a self-reliant, self-dependent individual, controlling his own life, and being responsible for anything he does. And the orientation to action which is the key point of Americans, effort, optimism, motivation and measurable achievement are also presented in the movie. As far as I am concerned, American Dream means "Life should be better, richer and fuller, with opportunity for each one". And it varies with the change of epoch. Nowadays, people are looking toward a new American Dream with less focus on financial gains and more emphasis on living a simple and fulfilling life. In a word, the American Dream is the pursuit of democracy, liberty, equality and happiness. Chinese people used to pursue their dreams in US years ago, of course, it is still going on--travel across Pacific Ocean and come to US. But now, most people from other countries begin to pursue their dreams in China.The common people’s Chinese dreams may includes a big house, an expensive car, a big fortune, a happy marriage, a harmonious family and traveling around the world while the big Chinese dreams perhaps refers to super power, a stable society and continuous development in economy. It is obvious that the important reasons why American and Chinese Dreams are induced is triggered by social changes and economic factors. Whether you refer to the phenomenon as an American Dream or Chinese Dream, its meaning is enriched by social, political, and economic developments. From the initial pursuit of freedom, to the pursuit of material satisfaction, resulting in being successful in the eyes of others, the American Dream and the Chinese Dream are essentially different means that achieve the same end.


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd8414612.html, 美国文学的“美国梦”情结 作者:杨君 来源:《消费导刊》2009年第22期 [摘要]本文就“美国梦”产生的历史背景和发展历程及在不同历史时期文学作品中所展现的“美国梦”进行初步探讨,旨在从历史与文学角度对“美国梦”的演变过程作一番追溯与总结。 [关键词]美国梦美国文学情结 每个具有独特文化传统的国家和民族的文学都有自己的情结。对于美国文学来说,这个情 结就是“美国梦”。本文就“美国梦”产生的历史背景和发展历程及在不同历史时期文学作品中所展现的“美国梦”进行初步探讨,旨在从历史与文学角度对“美国梦”的演变过程作一番追溯与总结。 一、金色“伊甸园”中玫瑰盛开 “美国梦”是一个被众多美国人普遍信仰的理想主义信念,是对机会均等、人人都有成功希望和创造奇迹可能性的乐观自信。它像是神圣的伊甸园中盛开的绚丽的玫瑰花,令人们无限向 往。300多年前,一群饱受宗教迫害的清教徒离开了世袭制度盛行的欧洲大陆,将自己放逐到了 美利坚,想要在这块美丽的“新大陆”上建立一个完美的“伊甸园”。18世纪末、19世纪初美国西部“淘金潮”的出现,也为“美国梦”抹上了浓厚的金黄色彩。人们越发相信:只要靠自己的努力奋斗,人人都可以获取成功。 其中最具代表性的就是著名的政治家、科学家、外交家和文学家----本杰明富兰克林。他用自己的怀揣一元钱独闯天下艰苦创业的成功经历完美的阐释了美国文学中“从破衣烂衫到腰缠万贯”的“美国梦”的实现。富兰克林在《自传》中强调的自力更生、自我完善和自我实现的现代精神,构建了美国人自我奋斗的传统。这种精神恰好符合当时美洲新大陆的需要,它驱使一代又一代美国人,凭借个人奋斗的魔力去创建美洲土地上的“伊甸园”。19世纪中后期,以惠特曼为代表的浪漫主义文学,以粗犷的豪情和热烈的梦想歌唱美国。其代表作《自我之歌》全篇歌 颂的“自我”既是诗人又大于诗人,是具有美国民族特征和民主理想的巨人形象。这些作品向世人宣告:只要勤奋、乐观、有志向、有信心,任何人都可以在美国获得成功。 二、“镀金”时代里的玫瑰“褪色”


论美国梦与美国文化 美国梦(American dream ),对全世界来说,都是一个奇迹。然而这也是美国的一种独特的社会现象。美国梦的由来与发展跟美国特有的社会文化及美国精神是分不开的。正是在种种美国特色下,美国梦才能绽放其魅力。美国梦是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获致更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须透过自己的工作勤奋、勇气、创意、和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。[1] 他不在乎你曾经是如何的身居高位还是地位卑微,也不在乎你曾经是如何的腰缠万贯还是一贫如洗,只要你有梦想,只要你愿意为此努力付出,你终可以获得你想要的幸福生活。许多美国人的确认为,这种获致成功的机会在世界上其他国家是找不到也并不存在的。正是这一点,吸引了许多欧洲人踏上美国这片处女地,实践自己的美国梦。“ 美国梦” 包含几个要素:美国提供了人人都能成功的机会;成功取决于自己的才能和努力,而不是家世和背景;人人都拥有平等的权利;人人都有信仰的自由。美国梦的源起自1620 年11 月11 日在科德角集体签署的《五月花号公约》,美利坚民族的起点就此开始。他们为了上帝的荣耀,为了增强基督教的信仰,为了提高他们国王与国家的荣誉,漂洋过海,在弗吉尼亚的北部开发第一个殖民地。并在上帝面前共同立誓签约,自愿结为一个民众自治团体。[2] 踏上美洲大陆的,多为英国受压迫的清教徒以及欧洲大陆的弱势者诸如德国破产的小农。他们所在原来的欧洲国家大多社会等级森严、财富分配不公、宗教歧视严重,而他们正是第一批抱有“美国梦”的,并移民到美洲新大陆将其付诸实践的人。在新大陆,他们可以不再忍受原先的不公与压迫,可以奉行新教教义,勤劳节俭,节制欲望,即抱有这些最原始的资本主义精神,开始融入这片新土地,并同时把这种精神也灌输进来。同时,他们又具有强烈的使命意识,自认为是“上帝选中的人们”,上帝让他们在这片新土地上生根发芽壮大,让他们来管理整个世界,维持世界秩序。他们的如此之浓厚的宗教色彩又为美国人的文化信仰有了坚实的积淀。对他们来说,这里是上帝让他们来实现他们的“美国梦”的土地。孟德斯鸠、笛卡尔等启蒙运动的先驱,开始对美国这块神奇的土地赞颂不已,这也燃起了这些曾经在欧洲式弱势群体的“美国梦”。在精神上,这些宗教的力量足以让人产生动力,这些文化信仰足以让他们为之奋斗,取得成功。从美国独立直至19 世纪末期,土地广袤而人口稀少,移民都能获取大片肥沃的土地。当时的美国还是农业经济为主,不言而喻,“土地就意味着财富,意味着成功”。随着18 世纪末、19 世纪初美国西部发现多处金矿,有些幸运儿开始因掘金而一夜暴富,这波“淘金潮”的传奇,推动了移民西进的浪潮,也为“美国梦”抹上了浓厚的金黄色彩。[3] 由此可见,美国特殊的地理环境也对美国梦的发展奠定了有利基础。而在地理环境以及文化信仰的双重作用下,美国的政治制度也给美国梦提供了肥沃的土壤。18 世纪来到美国的移民都是欧洲的弱势者,最典型的是英格兰的清教徒和德国的破产小农民,当他们来到还是殖民地的美国时,政治平等的要求就格外强烈,也自发地落实了民主。于是,“平等权利”成了“美国梦”的一个内涵,从《五月花号公约》中不难发现这一点。而启蒙运动带来的孟德斯鸠的“三权分立”的思想又在这片土地上成功得以发展。理性的光环也笼罩了美国这片土地。因此,美国的土地上很难找到专制集权的身影。良好的社会环境也促使美国梦可以更为顺利地发展。美国梦与美国多元文化在喷射机时代来临前,数百万乘船至美国的移民者对美国第一眼印象,便是纽约港前自由女神像。美国给人以自由的感觉,即无论做什么事,只要不扰乱社会秩序,只要不威胁国家统治,那么便是合理合法的。因此,美国社会也成为多元社会,白种人、黑种人、黄种人、混血人种,亚裔、非裔、拉美裔,几乎每一类人都可以在美国找到栖身之地。他们崇尚自由,崇尚民主。与其他大多数国家不同的是,在美国拥有的经济自由相当多,政府扮演的角色相当有限,这使得美国的社会流动性极大,任何人都有可能透过自己的努力迈向巅峰。早期建国时期美国西部广大的土地都无人居住和拥有,任何有心人都可以加以占据并投资和开垦。而到了工业革命时期,美国庞大的自然资源和先进的工业技术则使得快速的社会流动变的可能,而且这种趋势仍在一天一天的增加中。传统意义上的历史一直是各个国家的历史。但在美国,自罗马帝国以来,首次出现了创建一个文化的历史的可能。现在第一次有了这样一个机遇,在新的基础上用新技术创建一个有着前所未有的开放性的多元文化。一个有着多种精神中心的文化。一个永远抛弃种族中心主义心态、部落心态的文化。那是一种破坏性的心态。依据历史学家的说法,美国快速的经济发展和工业扩张并非只是因为美国的自然资源丰富,更是因为所有人都有机会借由自己的奋斗获取财富。美国梦成为了吸引世界各地人民移民美国的主要原因—无论过去或现在。在今天,每年有超过一百万的人成为美国公民,是世界上最受欢迎的移民地点之一。在美国,你可以发现这里有开放精神。这里有希望,有前途。这里是一个多元文化的群体,但没有冲突,而是进行合作,进行和平竞争,进行建设。在非


【摘要】菲茨杰拉德的小说《夜色温柔》集中体现了他的创作中心主题:“注定要破灭的美国梦”。小说的主人公迪克是悲剧性的人物,其悲剧的实质是理想主义陷入道德堕落,物欲横流的现实世界的矛盾,他的理想破灭和个人失败是“美国梦”破灭的戏剧化表现。本文旨在通过对小说主人公迪克命运变迁的探讨,表达对残酷社会现实的控诉和对在这个现实社会中为了理想而生却无法摆脱理想破灭的人类命运的悲恸的感悟,从而揭示小说的主题——“美国梦”的破灭。 【关键词】迪克;美国梦;破灭 “美国梦”是美国文学中有一个反复出现的主题。它作为美国价值观的重要组成部分,为大多数美国人所推崇。它使人们相信:在美国这块土地上,机会均等,只要努力奋斗,就会获得成功。在《夜色温柔》中菲茨杰拉德表达了他对人类注定失败的深思,对个人堕落的深深痛楚,对“美国梦”破灭的极度绝望。从小说主人公迪克的身上我们能够解读作者菲茨杰拉德对于这样一个混乱世界的看法。迪克从拥有美好前程的年轻心理医生开始,经历了为了理想而不断努力付出的过程,直到他最后的崩溃及梦想的破灭。 一、美好前程 当迪克初到苏黎世时他26岁,对于一个男人来讲这是生命的黄金时期。更为重要的是他有着光明的前途。迪克拥有反应敏捷的头脑,超乎寻常的灵敏性,以及适当的理性和行为准则。即使是在混乱的战争时期,迪克就像一名隐士一样远离摧毁人们生活、世界观及道德规范的这场灾难。他似乎以坚定的信念作为支撑,在自己平静的世界里攀登学术的高峰,追求成功。 迪克被塑造成了典型的美国人,作为美国早期殖民者的后代,迪克继承了他们的气质和拼搏进取的精神。像早期的美国人一样,迪克也有着在他出生的这片新大陆上依靠坚定的信念和不断的努力实现成功和追求幸福的美好梦想。作为一个理想主义者,他坚信信念的力量,尤其是植根于美国人心中的追寻梦想的信念的力量最终能够超越外部混乱的庸俗和局限。 迪克的理想主义不仅表现在他对于成功的追求上,而且表现在他对于人类的信心上—人类永恒的高尚道德情操,战胜邪恶的不可征服的力量,无私的爱的奉献等。作为一个牧师的儿子,迪克的这种理想主义深受父亲的影响—他自己的父亲抑或是数世纪前的“父亲们”。事实上,真正存在于他父亲身上的是被传承下来的美国精神,是前人在这片土地上为他们的幸福、自由和爱奋斗的精神。 与价值观念和道德准则已经荡然无存的充满了狂暴的外部世界不同,迪克在萝丝玛丽的心目中还是完美无缺的。对于她来讲,迪克拥有高尚的道德情操和坚定的性格。作为一个有雄心的男人,他坚定地追求成功。另一方面,他也对其他人表现出他的友善及绅士风度。透过迪克我们触摸到了一个既刚毅又温柔的男人。 也正是因为对于自己理想的坚持使得他在早期的学习中取得了诸多的成就。毋庸置疑,此时我们从迪克身上看到的是他的朝气蓬勃、自信以及他事业上看上去无需置疑的好运。像他这样一个充满活力的理想主义者,他拥有很多与生俱来的才能,他继承了美国人的天性—实现远大理想的雄心壮志。 二、梦想破灭 当尼科尔爱上他的时候,迪克就不得不在成为伟大的心理医生和做一个普通的男人之间进行选择。对于迪克,一个理想主义者来讲,他“要做一个善良的人,要做一个勇敢的人和一个聪明的人,但这一切做起来相当难。他也想着要被人爱,如果他值得为人爱的话。”[1]所以他接受了被尼科尔所爱要承担的责任,并且逐渐地被这个残酷的世界带给他的曾遭受过极大打击的、格格不入的人们所洗脑。他给这些人温暖,为这些破碎的灵魂做一切他能够做的事情。在这个残酷的世界,在这些令人愉快而又冰冷的夜里,他渐渐地用尽了他的能量和


徐佩岚2012213068 Since I took the English literature course last semester, I realize that to have a deep understanding of a work, one should know about the writer; and to understand the writer, one should look to a larger background--the history. Therefore, literature is to some extent connected with the history. In other words, literature reflects and sometimes reviews history. America is a country established after struggling for independence. At that time, they value private judgement on religious and political issues, and self-knowledge and self-expression. They want to get rid of Britain's governance, and they began to propaganda the value of freedom and individuality. In this way, an essential part of American Dream--individualism has been deeply rooted in their mind when the county was born. In American literature, one can always catch a swift of American dream, sometimes a bunch of. As American Dream changes from time to time, it has been reflected on American literary works. And of course, different writers have different understandings and attitudes towards American Dream. Here, I will primarily focus on three writters—Washington Irving, Walt Whitman, and Francis Scott Fitzgerald. In Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle, one can feel the embryo of American Dream and how it changed Americans. From the contrast of the village before and after the Independent War, the power of struggling for freedom and individuality is evident. "Instead of the great trees that used to shelter the quiet little Dutch inn of yore, there now was a naked pole, with something on the top that looked like a red night-cap, and from it was fluttering a flag, on which was a singular assemblage of stars and stripes- all this was strange and incomprehensible.”“‘What brought him to the election with a gun on his shoulder, and a mob at his heels, and whether he meant to breed a riot in the village?’- ‘Alas! Gentlemen,’ cried Rip,somewhat dismayed, ‘I am a poor quiet man, a native of the place, and a loyal subject of the king, God blesses him!’ Here a general shout burst from the bystanders- ‘A tory! A tory! A spy! A refugee! Hustle him! Away with him!’" what’s more, they regard General Washington as a kind of hero (this might be the starting point of their heroism). From those descriptions of the changed appearance of the hotel, the people in front of the hotel inspecting and talking austerely to Rip Van Winkle, and the beautiful picturesque village and tranquil life before the War, I feel that aspiration for freedom and individuality drove the establishment of America, and consequently, the establishment of America convinced them that their pursuit of freedom and individuality is the right path to go. American poet Walt Whitman is apparently a supporter of the American Dream. In the poem “I Hear America Singing”, he described the harmonious atmosphere in America—the carpenter singing, the mason singing… The theme of the poem is a eulogy to the thriving American nation, to the proud and strong love for country contribution, the laboring people and the poet’s optimistic attitude towards the world and life. In another poem “There Was a Child Singing”, the “child” in the title represents a young and growing America. “And the ?rst object he look’d upon, that object he became, And that object became part of him for the day or a certain part of the day, Or for many years or stretching cycles of years.” In my opinion, this means that America is aa young and progressive country that actively learn things from the outside world. His admiration for American is most distinct in the poem “Song of Myself”. “I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”This is a strong declaration of the value of individualism and democracy. He went through the Civil War, and experienced the nation hero Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. With the unity of the north and the south, and the liberation of the black convinced him “An individuality is as superb


中国梦与美国梦的差别 读到一篇解释中国梦与美国梦不同的文章,其中提到,二者的不同是“是价值观上的差别”,“要中华民族复兴,中国梦就必然奉行集体价值,以集体主义为哲学基础,追求的是集体的整体利益;相反,美国梦奉行个人价值,以个人主义为哲学基础,追求的是个人的物质利益。也就是说,中国梦有着家国情怀的特征,而美国梦则更多个人奋斗的色彩。”这种看法似乎正在成为理解眼下“中国梦”的基调。 德国神学家,被称为德国教会良知的反纳粹宗教人士潘霍华(Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945)说过,“人们在比较自己与从别人那里学到的东西时,特别容易高估自己的成就。”美国梦真的只是追求个人的物质利益吗?真的就没有与共同体有关的“情怀”? “美国梦”最早由历史学家亚当斯(James Truslow Adams)在《美国史诗》(The Epic of America,1931)中提出,成为一个流行的说法。他写道,“上个世纪,那个将千百万人从别的国家吸引到我们国家来的美国梦,并不仅仅是由于物质的丰富(尽管这也非常重要),而是要远远超过这个。这是一个让每个人都能充分得到发展的梦,这个梦要摧毁的是那些在老旧世界中竖起的壁垒,……要颠覆的是那些只是为某些阶级自私利益服务的社会秩序。”美国是一个移民的国家,千千万万人从“老旧世界”到美国这个“新世界”来追寻他们在自己“祖国”不能实现的希望。每个国家都有可能的梦想机会,但只有美国才是给外来者提供梦想机会的国家,在这个意义上说,美国梦是很难在其他国家复制的。 美国吸引许多别的国家人们来寻梦和圆梦,首先是因为它拥有许多人向往的民主制度和自由、平等价值观。例如,德意志1848年革命在军事镇压下失败,数千名中产阶级的自由主义者被迫逃走,大多去了美国。对这个没有贵族特权等级,没有专制政府权力的国家,其中一位如此写道,“德国移民来到一个新的国家,那里没有专制权力,没有建立在垄断、苛捐杂税上的特权秩序,没有对信仰和良心的钳制。每个人都可以自由地到处旅行、定居。不需要身份证,没有警察来干涉他的私事或监视他的行踪。……任何人只要尽职和能干,就能得到荣誉。穷人和富人都是平等的,学者一点也不比最贫寒的工匠身份高。随便干哪一行都不用觉得丢人。……拥有财富和房产的人,一点也不比最穷的公民拥有更多的政治权利。没有贵族,没有特权阶级,没有军队在肉体和精神上镇压人民,没有大批不干事的官僚吮吸人民的血汗。更重要的是,没有君主和腐败的法庭,……在这样的国家里,一个人只要有才能,精力旺盛,坚韧不拔,就能得到远远超过在君主制国家里的机会”。 并非每一个到美国来寻梦和圆梦的人都能成功地如愿以偿,但美国梦却一直还是一种有力的召唤力量,为什么是这样呢?亚当斯解释说,那是因为美国梦代表的是一种关于社会秩序的公正理想,“一直就有这样一个美国梦:在这片土地上,每个人的生活都可以变得更好,更富足,每个人都能以他的努力和成就找到自己的机会。欧洲的上层阶级很难恰当地理解这个梦,而我们当中也有很多人厌倦了或不再信任这个梦。这不只是一个关于汽车、房子或高工资的梦,而且是一个关于社会秩序的梦。在这个社会秩序里,每个男人和女人都凭借自己的内在能力得到最大的尊重,不论出身是贫贱还是富贵,可以一样受到他人的承认。”


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 从《在路上》解读“垮掉的一代”时代背景与主题 2 安娜与伊丽莎白个性完整性与分裂性的比较研究 3 高中英语词汇教学策略 4 欧?亨利短篇小说人物形象分析之善良特性 5 A Brief Study of Rhetorical Devices Employed in President Obama’s Inaugural Address--from the Perspective of Syntactic Structure 6 英语委婉语:礼貌视角下的有意不合作 7 Enhance Listening Aptitude through Music 8 An Interpretation of Feminism in Byatt’s Possession 9 论跨文化交际中的中西文化冲突 10 两个反叛的女人——姚木兰和斯佳丽之对比分析 11 爱米丽的挣扎与终结——论《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中爱米丽毁灭的间接和直接原因 12 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 799 75 79 38 13 跨文化交际中的体态语 14 从《红楼梦》及其译本看中英非赞同表达的异同 15 旅游广告资料翻译探讨 16 浅谈中学英语教学中的情感教学方法 17 An Analysis of Gilmore’s American Existentialism in The Executioner’s Song 18 关联理论关照下文化缺省现象及其翻译应对策略 19 对比分析嘉莉妹妹与简爱的女性形象 20 论《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的幻灭与重生 21 现代汉语量词英译研究 22 海丝特白兰—清教时代的新女性 23 从《简爱》看夏洛蒂?勃朗特的女性意识 24 困境下的回归--从生态角度看乞力马扎罗的雪 25 简爱和林黛玉不同命运的文化透析 26 《还乡》中哈代的自然观 27 论中西旅游文化的差异性 28 《麦琪的礼物》看语境在中英翻译中的影响 29 从希斯克利夫的悲剧人生看“如何被逼出邪恶的人性” 30 高中学生英语词汇学习现状研究综述 31 《红楼梦》中文化词的翻译 32 臻于完美的人物魅力——对简?奥斯丁《劝导》中的女主人公的分析 33 从目的论看《红楼梦》中“狗”习语的翻译 34 英语委婉语的语用功能 35 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 36 从餐桌礼仪看中美饮食文化差异 37 A Comparative Study on Metaphors of FIRE between English and Chinese from a Cognitive Perspective 38 论华兹华斯的自然观 39 跨文化交际中的中西友谊观对比


American dreams and Chinese dreams Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.I am honored to stand here and represent my group to show my presentation .First,Let's think about a question:What is dream? Dream is our goal to avoid getting lost in the pursuit of our life.Dream is our beacon when we have a long and lonely voyage at sea. Dream is a word showing the strongest desire of someone’s inner heart . Today,our theme is based on the discussion of American dreams and Chinese dreams .Now, let’s start with the American dreams first. The term American dream was first mentioned by James Truslow Adams in his book 《The Epic of American》which was written in 1931.He states in his book :“the American Dream is a dream of land,each person has a better, richer and more fulfilling life,and those who have the ability or achievement are always full of opportunities.” So what is the real meaning of American dreams? I think most of you have your own conception. Is it FREEDOM,or EQUALITY.Is it INDINVDUALISM or MOBILITY,and what about DEMOCRACY? Yeah,we can conclude six basic beliefs from American dreams: individual freedom self-reliance equality of opportunity competition material wealth hard work The American Dream is the dream of a land where all people can succeed through hard work. It is also an idea that suggests that all people have the potential to live happy, successful lives.


浅析破碎的美国梦 ——以《美国悲剧》为例 2008212859 中文0806 罗莹 摘要:美国梦源于英国对美国的殖民时期, 发展于19 世纪。它认为每一个人, 不管他的出身如何, 只要努力奋斗, 就一定会获得成功。然而现实是残酷的, 许多人并不能实现他们的/美国梦,有的人甚至以死亡结局。德莱塞在《美国悲剧》这一作品中,大胆真实地揭开了美国资本主义制度的丑恶面纱,指出它就是酿成克莱德悲剧的根源,并指出了美国悲剧的普遍性。 关键词:美国梦美国悲剧德莱塞克莱德 美国文学仅仅经历了200多年的历史,而在这短短200多年的历史中,美国梦主题一直作为一个常见的主题贯穿其中。所谓的“美国梦”即为憧憬着一个新的世界,有着无限的机遇,希望“机会均等”,希望获得成功;甚至在物质追求和理想追求之间划上等号,将财富和成功作为人生目标。在美国的很多文学作品中,主人公都是怀揣着五光十色的梦想踏上追梦之旅,最终却以梦想的幻灭收场。斯蒂芬·克雷恩的《妓女麦基》、菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》和德塞莱的《嘉莉妹妹》等代表性作品,进一步揭露了美国梦的实质,,促使人们意识到美国并不是梦境中的天堂。这些小说的主人公都以死亡告终, 小说同时从不同的历史时期和角度揭示了美国梦的腐朽和破灭。美国梦这个主题在小说中也是不断发展变化的, 但是最终都脱离不了灭亡的结局。本文以德莱塞的《美国悲剧》为例,解读美国梦的形成、扭曲、破灭及其实质。 一、美国梦的缘起 美国思想家富兰克林以自己怀揣一元钱,独闯天下艰苦创业的成功经历阐释了美国文学中从破衣烂衫到腰缠万贯的美国梦的实现。美国梦的实现也是富兰克林《自传》中一贯的主题,表现了美国建国初期发愤图强, 是乐观向上的美国人的象征。而美国梦也一直被视为美国人的精神支柱之一,它的形成也有其独特的历史背景。 1776 年, 托马斯·杰弗逊就在《独立宣言》中写到:人生来是平等的, 造物主赋予他们不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生活、自由和追求幸福的权利, 为美国梦的实现奠定了理论依据。1789 年, 美国人摆脱了英国, 赢得了独立。对于移民来说当时的美国是一个繁荣似锦的自由国度, 生机勃勃, 充满幻想。1848年加州的淘金热, 引发了大规模的西进运动, 对开发美国西部起到了巨大的作用。美国梦进一步发展, 而且非常流行, 每个人都梦想着发财, 相信只要努力工作, 每个人都有机会成功, 甚至一个连鞋子也没有的穷光蛋也可能成为一个百万富翁。 正是受这样思想的驱使,《美国悲剧》中的主人公克莱德试图挖掘通往富贵之路的每一条途径。借助自己漂亮的外表,和几分巴结逢迎的本领,他费尽心机的巴结素未蒙面的有钱伯父,向富家小姐献媚,幻想能借助和资本家女儿桑特拉的婚姻使自己拥有金钱地位,进而跻身上流社会。 二、美国梦的扭曲 然而,美国梦的道路并没有想期待中的那样顺利。 南北战争前后,美国开始了工业化,大量的农村人口涌入城市,希望凭借自己的勤奋和
