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1.Three different language view are (structural view) (functional view)

(interactional view)

2.the Behaviourist theory of language learning was initiated by

behavioural psychologist(Skinner). Cognitive theory…by(Chomsky).

Constructivist theory…by(John Dewey). Socio-constructivist theory…by(V ygotsky).

3.the role of the teacher are(controller) (assessor) (organiser) (prompter)

(participant)(resource-provider)(teacher’s new roles)

4.the most common student groupings are(whole class work)(pair

work)(group work)(individual study).


1.the class is under the teacher’s control(T)

2.the classroom is quiet(F)

3.the teacher and students are cooperating smoothly(T)

4.the teacher and students show respect to each other(T)

5.undisciplined students are punished(F)

6.the lesson is proceeding according to plan(T)

7.the teacher appears to be the authority(F)

8.students need to be able to read International Phonetic Alphabets(IPA) (T)

9. students need to be able to write International Phonetic Alphabets(IPA)


10.students need to know phonetics in order to learn English(T)

11.poor pronunciation may cause problems for the learning of other skills.(F)

12.adult learners need to focus on pronunciation,but young learners don't(F)

13.both consistency and accuracy in pronunciation are very important(T)

14.stress and intonation are not important for beginning learners(F)

15.students should learn Received Pronunciation(RP)(F)

16.strees in pronunciation is sometimes as important as grammar.(T)

17.bad intonation can lead to important misunderstandings.(T)

18students need to be given detailed grammer rules if they are to learn a foreign language successfully(T)

19.children do not need to learn grammar rules when they acquire their first language,so they do not need them either when learning a foreign language(F)

20.if students get enough chance to practise using a foreign language,the do not need to learn grammar(F)

21.making students aware of grammatical information is one of the teaching objectives,allowing students opportunities for using the language is just as important(T)

22.grammar should be taught to help students analyse difficult structures in texts(T)

23.teaching and learning grammer should focus on practice rather than the study of grammar itself(T)

24.grammar should be taught and practised in context(T)

25.knowing grammar is not enough for real communication(T)

26.an inadequate knowlede of grammar would severely constrain one’s capacity for effective communcation(T)

27.grammar is always the most boring bit of language learning(T)

28a vocabulary item can be more than one word(T)

nguage consist of words with equivalents from one language to another(F)

30.vocabulary cannot be taught,it must be learned by the individuals(F)

31.the best way to explain vocabulary is to translate(F)

32.English-English explanations are the best way for vocabulary teaching(F)

33.an English-English dictionary is an important aid for students.(T)

34.words must be learned in language contexts(T)

35.if we do not use the words we learned,we will soon forget them(T)

36.reading has only one purpose,i.e. to get information(F)

37.reading is a silent activity.reading aloud does not help much with comprehension(F)

38.reading with a purpose is more effective than reading without a purpose(T)

39.reading is an individual activity(T)

40.we need to know all the words in order to understand a text(F)

41.we read everything with the same speed(F)


1.what’s are the principles of teaching listening?

<1>focus on process <2>combine listening with other skills<3>focus on the Comprehension of meaning<4>grade difficulty level appropriately. 2.what’s are the principles of teaching reading?

<1>the selected text and attached tasks should be accessible to the students.<2>task should be clearly given in advance.Preferably,tasks should motivate students.<3>task should be designed to encourage selective and intelligent reading for the main meaning rather than test the student’s understanding of trivial details.<4>tasks should help develop student’s reading skills rather than test their reading comprehension.<5>the teacher should help students not merely to cope with one particular text in class but to develop their reading ability reading strategies .<6>the teacher should provide enough guidance and assistance at the beginning to help students read and develop reading strategies but gradually withdraw his/her guidance as students progress so
