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▲calm adj. 平静的,镇静的,沉着的

eg. Keep calm. After the storm, it became calm again.

▲adj. calm, quiet, still, silent辨析:

calm 平静的,沉着的(指无风浪或者人的心情不激动)

quiet 安静的,宁静的(指没有声音,不吵闹或者心里没有烦恼,忧虑)

still 静止的,不动的(指没有运动或者动作的状态)

silent 沉默的,不出声的(指没有声音或者不讲话)

【一言辨异】When facing danger, you should keep calm; when taken photos of, you should keep still;

when someone else is asleep, you should keep quiet;

in class, you shouldn’t keep silent about the teacher’s questions.

1.have got to 不得不,必须= have to

eg. I have got to go to a meeting.

Have you got to go now?

He hasn’t got to come tomorrow.


have got to 很少用于过去时态。

have to 可用于各种时态,而且可与情态动词,助动


have to 强调客观需要“不得不”; must 强调主观愿望“必须”

5. concern

(1)vt. (使)担忧,涉及,关系到

eg. She concerns herself about her son’s future.

The news concerns your brother.

▲concern 做动词时,更多情况下用过去分词做表语。


①be concerned about/for sth. 为… 担心,关心,


② be concerned with sth. 与…有关,涉及

③ as/so far as sb. be concerned 就某人而言

Eg. The family are all concerned about her safety.

He was concerned with the matter.

As far as I am concerned, I don’t agree with you.

(2) n. [u]/[c] 担心,挂念,关注,利害关系;关心的事

Eg. show/express/feel/have concern about/for… 关心…

with concern 关心地

At that time, one of his concerns was to go to college.

6.get loose 变松(“get + adj.”构成系表结构,意为“变


Eg. It is getting darker and darker outside.

▲“get + 过去分词”构成系表结构:

①表示被动。Eg. get burnt被烫伤get hurt

受伤get killed被杀get caught被抓

②表示自身发出的动作。Eg. get changed换衣

服get dressed穿衣服get married结婚

get washed洗脸

▲“get + v-ing” 构成系表结构:(意为“某人/某物开始做…”, 表示主动)

Eg. get moving/working

③ get sth. done 使某事被做( get做使役动词,


eg. When are you going to get your hair cut?

I must get my homework finished first

before going out to play.

He got his foot hurt while playing football.

▲ get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事eg. I will get him to do the work.

▲ get sb./sth. doing…使某人或者某物开始…起来eg. Let me try now. I will get the car going.

▲ get + n. + adj. 使… 成为某种状态eg. Get

everything ready.

★联想:have sth. done 使某事被做have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

“让某人做某事”的表达方法let /make/have sb. do sth. get sb. to do sth.

7. get through 和go through区别

get through

1. (工作)完成

When you get through with your work, let's go out.


2. (测验)合格

Tom got through.


3. 接通电话

I rang you several times but couldn't get through.


go through

1. 经历

The country has gone through too many wars.


2. 被通过

The new law did not go through.

