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Something that is as small as a worm…
3.定语从句的替代结构既可作前置定语又可作 后置定语的用法
在替代定语从句的结构中,单个动词的过去分词很特殊, 其同样具有形容词的性质,可以代替定语从句修饰限定,但 它既可以作前置定语,也可以作后置定语。 单个过去分词主要表示被动含义(即与其相关的名词接 受该动作),有时还可表示动作的完成,与被修饰词构成逻
The Dowling and Staelin model is compatible with the conflict theory model of decision making, the information-processing paradigm of consumer choice , and economically based search models. …the paradigm of consumer choice which/that relates to process
常见的这种复合结构还有“a rubber-producing country (= a country which
produces rubber 生产橡胶的国家), velocity-retarding forces (=forces which retard velocity减速力), sound-absorbing materials (= materials which absorb sound 吸音材料), a fast-growing industry (= an industry which grows fast 迅 速发展的工业), a deep diving submarine (= a submarine which can dive deeply 深潜水艇) …”等。
brand name.
…smart phone more favorably which/that has a new than an existing brand name
2.2 动词的分词短语只作后置定语代替定语从句
As a consequence, consumers are more uncertain about the potential

单个现在分词单独使用 单个现在分词与名词连用构成复合结构

单个现在分词可单独使用作前置定语,修饰限定其后中心词, 从而代替定语从句。 Regarding product-specific risk, new FMCC products usually involve less
科技英语中定语从句的 替代用法
引言 定语从句的替代用法 小结
学思维,因此科技英语常会出现中心词不只有一个定语对其进行修 饰限定的复杂长句。 为避免反复使用定语从句致使的句子冗长,科技英语中常会使 用起相同修饰限定作用的现在分词、过去分词、动名词、介词短语、
flaws involved in such an immature technology, which are often corrected only in later versions. …the potential flaws which involved in such an immature technology…
A mobile system must be adaptive to these changing conditions.
…to these conditions which/that are changing
这种结构中常见的单个现在分词有“existing, naming, opposing, reducing, consuming, leading, working, following, branding, operating, changing, supporting, conflicting, varying, profiling, pricing, selling, underlying,
…2600 posts which/that were supplied by 393 individuals…the total number of posts which/that were made by each group…
The characteristics were defined with the help of a group of 11 marketing managers working for a large mobile technology company.
On the other hand, branding theory advocates using established brand names to reduce the perceived risk of a new product purchase. …advocates using brand that has been established…to reduce the risk of a new product purchase that can be perceived
innovation, often modifying an existing product feature such as fewer calories,
newer flavor, more recyclable packaging, and so forth.
…modifying a product feature which/that has existed …
… 11 marketing managers who worked for a large mobile
technology company
2.3 形容词短语只作后置定语代替定语从句
There are many stars larger than the sun. There are many stars which/that are larger than the sun. An example of this is motion parallel to the earth's surface. …motion which/that is parallel to the earth's surface. Something as small as a worm may be composed of millions of cells.
Applications with ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ard real-time constraints are more difficult to
Applications which/that are set with hard real-time constraints… This significant difference indicates that these individuals evaluated the incremental smart phone more favorably with a new than an existing

替代结构只作前置定语 替代结构只作后置定语

1. 定语从句的替代结构只作前置定语的用法

单个现在分词 单个动名词

1.1 动词的单个现在分词只作前置定语可代替定语从句
In total, 2600 posts supplied by 393 individuals were downloaded from
the two online discussion forums; the total number of posts made by each group was approximately equal.
饰限定的作用。 doing(主动形式)
单个现在分词 一般式 主要表示“主动”含义,有时还可以表示动作 正在进行,可代替谓语为现在时态的定语从句 being done(被动形式) 主要强调动作现在或当时正在进行,可代替谓语 为一般现在进行时被动形式的定语从句
As mentioned, Klink and Athaide (2010) find that while later adopters favor known brands, earlier adopters favor new brand
an instrument which is used for writing
a driving-mirror
a mirror which/that is used for driving a receiving set 接收机
a set which/that is used for receiving signals
using, computing…”等。

单个现在分词除了单独作前置定语外,还可与名词连用构成复 合结构,作前置定语,修饰限定其后中心词。 By determining the response of earlier adopters, this research helps inform brand-naming decisions for HT innovations. …helps inform decisions which/that relate to name brand… Consumers deal with unacceptable levels of risk by engaging in risk-reducing strategies. …by engaging in strategies which/that can reduce risk
the freezing point 冰点
he point at which it freezes
2. 定语从句的替代结构只作后置定语的用法

介词短语 动词的分词短语 形容词短语

2.1 介词短语只作后置定语代替定语从句
Accordingly, a new product with a new brand name will likely carry more uncertainty and risk than a brand extension, assuming a fit between the brand and the new product. …a new product which/that has a new brand name…
辑上被动的主谓关系,因此可以代替谓语为被动或完成的定 语从句。
3.1 单个过去分词可作前置定语代替定语从从句


① 单个过去分词单独使用作前置定语代替定语从句
1.2 单个动名词只作前置定语代替定语从句
单个动名词的一般式同样有两种形式,主动形式doing和被 动形式being done,与单个现在分词的两种形式一样。 但单个动名词作定语时只是表示一种目的或用途,它所修饰 的中心词并不能发出它所表示的动作。
a writing instrument