仁爱英语 九年级上册Unit 6 Topic 2 课文翻译

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Unit 6 Topic 2 课文翻译

S ection A

Kangkang, who is your favorite character in literature?


The Monkey King is my favorite character in Chinese literature.


He is a hero in the novel called Journey to the West, which is one of the four classic novels of Chinese literature.

他是中国文学四大名著之一《西游记》里面的英雄。Oh,but I like Harry Potter better.


I think he is the bravest character I've ever known.


Maybe you are right, but I prefer the Monkey King. He is funny and clever.

或许你说得对,不过我更喜欢美猴王。他有趣又聪明。They are certainly heroes. And I think friends are helpful in both stories.

他们肯定都是英雄。我觉得在两个故事中朋友都很有用。In order to help Harry, his friends read many books and discovered the best way to defeat their enemies.


Yes, his friends are wise and helpful just like Sandy and Pigsy.


In fact, it was Sandy and Pigsy who helped the Monkey King win every battle.

其实,是沙僧和猪八戒帮助美猴王赢得了每一场战役。In my view,neither the Monkey King nor Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends.


That's true! One tree can't make a forest.


Section B

(Steve and his Chinese teacher,Miss Yang, are now visiting a literary society.)


Look, Miss Yang! A picture of Li Bai. I read his poem Still Night Thoughts last night.看,王老师!那是李白的照片。我昨天晚上读了他的《静夜思》。

It was easy to understand and very moving.


Do you know anything about his life and poetry?


Yes, Li Bai lived during the Tang dynasty. He is considered to be one of the best romantic poets in China.


In his lifetime, he wrote a lot of poetry. More than 900 of his poems are still read today.


The passage I read about him said that he was as great as the British poet William Shakespeare.


Look, there is his picture!


I agree. Li Bai and Shakespeare were both very important poets.


You know that Shakespeare was also a famous playwright.


Many of his plays were about British history while others were comedies and tragedies.

他的很多剧作都是关于英国历史的,还有喜剧和悲剧。His most famous dramas were about the dark side of human nature.


Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet are examples of this kind of plays.

《哈姆雷特》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》就属于这类戏剧。Yes. Romeo and Juliet is very popular around the world, and one of the saddest scenes in this play is when Juliet kisses Romeo and then dies.

嗯,《罗密欧与朱丽叶》在全世界很受欢迎,这部戏剧中最悲伤的一幕就是朱丽叶亲吻罗密欧以后就死去了。Section C

William Wordsworth was one of the leading British poets
