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7. Some people like different friends. Others like similar friends. Compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer? Explain why.

Similar friends may be able to offer more clear advice in times of need, but it is only with different friends that we prosper and grow as individuals.

Similar friends are useful of course because of their similar qualities. A friend who is very similar to you can offer advice that is easy to understand and relate to, because you would likely offer them the same advice at a different place and time. People will often feel very comfortable around a similar friend to, and so it makes speaking about sensitive topics a little easier. Sometimes when we are merely looking for reassurance, a similar friend will be very good at providing the background support we need.

On the other hand, different friends are the type that we learn the most from. Tolerance and understanding are two of the most difficult traits to learn as we grow in society, but having people near us with very different opinions, beliefs, and backgrounds can help push us towards these goals. If we like to live exciting lives, our different friends can remind us that it is often beneficial to be calm and reflect on a situation before making too rash a decision. If we are more timid, our different friends can remind us to seize opportunity and to remain assertive, possibly while trying new and exciting experiences. Different friends will never be boring, simply because they are different and are a radical departure from what we are used to.

Different friends might be a burden to deal with sometimes. We are not accustomed to their methods of speech and their way of giving advice. Similarly, an overly daring friend might make us feel uncomfortable and apprehensive. Still, the people that push us beyond our safety zones

are the ones who truly help us develop. No one type of person is perfect, and only through continued renewal of ourselves can we improve our happiness and well-being. Having a diverse group of friends means more opinions and more opportunities for us to try, so we should not shy away from those different from us. With time, patience, and an open mind, perhaps we will find ourselves calling the “different friends” of today our “similar friends” of tomorrow.
