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七年级下英语知识点总结Unit 5 Topic1


1.在学校大门口at the school gate

2.来学校come to school

3.去学校go to school

4.上课have class / have classes

5.步行on foot

6.骑自行车ride a bike/ ride bikes/ by bike /

on a bike

7.坐公交by bus / take a bus

8.坐地铁by subway / take the subway / on

the subway

9.坐飞机by plane/ take the plane / on the


10.坐小汽车by car / in a car/ take a car/ drive a


11.坐轮船by ship

12.坐小船by boat

13.坐火车by train / on the train

14.在我们组in our group

15.一群学生 a group of students

16.我们中的三个人three of us 17.在平日on weekdays

18.在周末on the weekends / at weekends

19.起床get up

20.睡觉go to bed

21.早起get up early

22.回家go home

23.到家get home

24.去动物园go to the zoo

25.去公园go to the park

26.看电影see a movie / film

27.看电视watch TV

28.在晚上in the evening / at night

29.帮助父母help parents

30.做某人的家庭作业do one’s ( my/ her/ his/

your/ their)homework

31.在学校at school

32.知道,了解know about / learn about

33.校园生活school life

34.一个美国学生an American student

35.在美国in America / in the U.S.A.

36.许多学生many students/ a lot of students/ lots

of students

37.很少very few

38.吃午饭have lunch

39.出去吃饭eat out

40.在校期间on school days

41.休息一会have a short rest/ break

42.午饭后after lunch

43.在某人的业余时间in one’s ( my/ his/ her/

their…)free/ spare time

44.打篮球play basketball

45.踢足球play soccer / football

46.弹钢琴play the piano

47.弹吉他play the guitar

48.拉二胡play erhu

49.去游泳go swimming / go for a swim

50.去划船go boating 51.球赛a ball game / ball games

52.一年四次four times a year

53.听音乐listen to music

54.读书read books

55.看报read newspapers

56.看医生see a doctor

57.去图书馆go to the library

58.一周两次twice a week

59.见朋友meet friends

60.每天every day

61.在七点半at half past seven

62.一小会for a little while / for a short time

63.晚饭后after supper

64.吃饭have dinner

65.吃早饭have breakfast


1.I usually come to school by subway.

同义句: I usually take the subway to school.

对划线部分提问: How do you usually come to school?


go to school by bike=go to school

on a bike= ride a bike to school=ride to school

go home by bus=go home on a bus=take a bus home

2.How do you usually/ often…?你通常/经常怎


3.It’s time for class.=It’s time to have class.

=It’s time for having class.

4.What about you? =How about you?

5.How often …? 询问频率,回答可以用频率副

词:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never, every day ,every +其他时间名词或表示频率的短语回答


e.g. : once a day / twice a week / three times a month

6. The early bird catches the work. (谚语) 笨鸟先飞

7. Work / Study must come first. 工作/ 学习必须放在第一位!

8. Classes begin at eight. =Class begins at eight.

提问:What time does the class begin? / What time do the classes begin?


1.look (感官动词) 看起来,后面加形容词

His mother looks very young.

They look very cute.

Her dress looks very nice.

You look very cool in this coat.

2.by 介词

by 后面直接加表示交通工具的名词,中间不用任何词修饰,如:by bike

by +动词ing形式,表示通过某种方式

People show love to their mothers by giving cards.

You can be a good student by working hard.

3.over (形容词)

School / Class is over.


现在分词: beginning 过去式: began

begin to do sth , begin doing sth

He begins to write a letter. =He begins writing a letter.

如果begin本身为分词,只能用begin to do sth He is beginning to run.

5.listen to 听(动作),hear 听见(结果)

6.always 反义词never




1.You new watch ______ (look) very nice!

2.Here ______(be) some news.

3.Oh, come on! It’s time_____ going to school.

4.They usually go to school on ________(feet).
