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导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《钢铁侠的英文怎么说》的内容,具体内容:钢铁侠相信大家都很熟悉,是漫威出品的英雄人物。那么你知道吗?下面跟我一起来学习关于钢铁侠的英语知识吧!钢铁侠的英文Iron Man英[ai...



Iron Man英 [ain mn]美 [an mn]


1. Student C: He is really the iron man of the sea!

学生丙: 真是个海上"铁人"!

2. The Hollywood premiere of Iron Man last year was a glittering affair.

《钢铁侠IronMan)去年在好莱坞(Hollywood) 的首映式是一场耀眼的盛会.

3. There is no turning back. That much, Iron Man knows.

自己面前的是一条不归路. 这点, 铁人心里很清楚.

4. Rocket into the action as Iron Man in the official movie game.


5. That much, Iron Man knows.

这点, 铁人心里很清楚.

6. The centrepiece of the modern city of Daqing is the Iron Man museum.


7. I would almost blasphemous by saying its better than Iron Man but

I dont know.


8. Run a school with the Daqing spirit, educate people with the iron - man spirit.

20用大庆精神办学, 用铁人精神育人.

9. He was a tall, lanky man with iron-grey hair.


10. As rust is to iron, so is laziness to man.


11. Perhaps I could employ someone to iron his shirts, but I wanted to spoil him. He was my man.


12. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars.


13. He is a man of iron self - control.


14. Tom is a man of iron.


15. The strong man curved the iron bar.



The suits have taken over the franchise. Not the corporate suits, though Iron Man 3 is soincoherent that it might have been written by a particularly quarrelsome committee, but therobotic suits. The movie is obsessed by them. Tony Stark, the supersmart industrialist playedonce again by Robert Downey Jr., has his Mark 42 suit, which comes when he calls it, piece bypiece, anywhere in the world. Tonys friend Col. James Rhodey Rhodes (Don Cheadle) has hisIron Patriot suit, which is a War Machine suit with upgrades and fresh paint. Theres a point tothis sartorial tech. Tony himself is obsessed by the suits, so he keeps building new ones. Theygive him a sense of security, and promise relief from the anxiety attacks he has been havingsince his

near-disaster at the end of The Avengers last year. But the third iteration of afranchise that began so well becomes a hollow hymn to martial gadgetry. The suits and storyclank in unison.

在《钢铁侠3》(Iron Man 3)中,战甲成为了影片的主角。尽管这部看起来极不连贯的影片可能就是由一个特别爱争执的编剧委员会编的,但我们在
