
















Respect for the leadership of the unit:


I sincerely thank you, in the busy taking the time to read my cover letter.

I am a Civil Engineering Hohai University, Nanjing Institute of Engineering Mechanics Graduate Professional 2007 session will be graduating in June 2007 and would like to become South Africa Institute of survey and design one, would like to recommend their own.

Four years in undergraduate and graduate students

sent a three-year period, the spirit of hard work and plain living, seek truth from facts and strict requirements, the courage to explore the motto of the strict demands on themselves, study hard, work conscientiously, outstanding performance, year after year scholarship, and actively participate in social practice. Systematic study of a wide range of expertise to engage in a lot of books, continually expand the knowledge and social experience and actively participate in production and research.

Myputer and a good standard of English.puter through theputer two countries can be skilled to use VB, VC, Fortran programming language, and the preparation of students and their many practical procedures; can skilled use of AutoCAD, ANSYS, Flac, Abaqus and other specialized software. English through the College English Test 4, the reading proficiency can bepared to industry data.

While studying at the school learning and life, so I know how to truth-seeking, innovation, unity, and is a career ahead of the first prerequisite. If fortunate enough to become a member of your organization, I will work diligently, get down to work, continuous learning in practice, give full play to their initiative and creativity to

make every effort for the development.

Again, thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your early reply, thank you!

Business unitsthriving achievements!










Dear Mr. Smith,

Ms. Maria Mayor of your company has told me that your department needs a managerial assistant, and I want to apply for the position. I graduated from the University of Business and Economy last year. My major was Human

Resource. I have some business experience that I believe qualifies me for the position. .

I am really interested in learning business practices. I am a diligent worker and a fast learner. If given a chance, I am sure I can prove my worth in your company.

I am available during the weekdays in the morning for an interview. Please find my resume enclosed. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Betty Scavo







Dear Sir,

I will graduate from the University of Kansas with a Masters degree in June of this year。My major is Pharmacy and I am very interested in securing a position before I graduate,if possible。

I am a Hong Kong Chinese and my bachelors degree is from Hong Kong University。

I am long been hopeful of working for you after I graduate,because I consider you the finest hospital in this region。I am sure that if I have the privilege of serving in your pharmacy,I will greatly increase my education and my experience。

Needless to say,I will have completed a standard course in pharmacy before I graduate in June。In addition,I have chosen to elect all the courses available at my school in Hospital Pharmacy。I did this because I have always wanted to be a hospital pharmacy。My professors,Dr,John Harkin,Dr。Mildred Carter,and Dr。Iriny Schultz have given me permission to use their names as reference。

If you have a position available after I graduate,I would appreciate it。If not,please keep my name on your file,because I consider your Pharmacy the best in this region。

Sincerely yours










Dear Sir,

I take liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you 。I feel that I am qualified

as an administrator。

I am currently a student at college,I have over a month more to complete before I graduate。My major is business administration。

I have excellent grades in all my subjects。If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later。

I have worked at a trading company as a secretary,but I hope to seek more responsible employment。

I am 25 years old and very honest and dependable。If you need someone with my qualifications,please let me know。

Thank you very much for your kind attention。

Sincerely yours






Dear Sir,

I am writing to inquire whether you will have any vacancies for a senior clerk in the near future。I have heard that you hire senior clerk from time to time and I hope you will consider my application。Please favour me with an interview if you think I might be acceptable。

I have been working in the library at Shue Yan College for two years。I believe that my English is good enough for your needs。My typing speed is about 75 words。I am enclosing a resume for your reference。

Sincerely yours


英文求职信范文带翻译3篇 英文求职信范文带翻译3篇 英文求职信范文带翻译篇一: Dear Sir, In repl to our advertisement in toda s nespaper regarding a vXXn in our offie, I ish to appl for the position of senior lerk, hih ou have speified. I feel onfident that I an meet our speial requirements indiating that the andidate must have a high mand of English, for I graduated from the English Language Department of _____ Universit three ears ago. In addition to m stud of English hile in the Universit, I have orked for three ears as seretar in the firm of ABC Trading Co. Ltd. The main reason for hanging m emploment is to gain more experiene ith a superior trading pan like ours. I believe that m eduation and experiene ill prove useful for ork in our offie. I am enlosing m personal histor, ertifiate of graduation and letter of remendation from the president of the Universit, I shall be obliged if ou ill give me a personal intervie at our onveniene. Ver trul ours,


英语求职信范文20篇(汉英对照) Letter 1 敬启者: 贵公司十二月二十五日在《北京青年报》刊登招聘广告,本人特备此函应征该职位。 我今年32岁,毕业于北京外国语大学,曾在NCC公司担任推销员历五年之久。由于任职的公司宣布解散,只好去职。 兹随函附履历表及照片一份,希望阁下能够满意。至于月薪一事,希望能从五千港币起薪,加上佣金。倘若阁下愿意接见本人以了 解我的能力,我将随时侯教。 XX启 Dear Sir, In reply to your advertisement in Beijing Youth Daily of December 25, I respectfully offer my services for the situation. I am thirty-two years old and a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University, My experience in this line of work includes five years as a salesman with the NCC Company. The reason for leaving my present employment is because they're closing their office. I am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and I believe that they may be found satisfactory. As regards salary, I would be glad to start with HK$ 5,000 per month plus commission. If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you. Letter 2 敬启者: 就以我过去的推销背景而言,本人自信可以胜任贵公司星期四在XX报招聘的职务,敬请给予考虑。 我于1993年从北京商学院毕业,曾在当代公司男装部担任推销员两年,后在世都百货公司男装店三年,目前仍在此工作。 之所以离职,是因目前似无晋升机会,就我的工作能力和所受训练及我对工作的热情,我认为我应该获得晋升和较高待遇。 我乐于奉告阁下,如阁下要求提供查询人,以便了解我的工作情况和性格,我可以满足阁下要求。 XX启 Gentlemen,


英语求职信范文带翻译 全球化的趋势也使得外企或异国企业的求职者越来越多,那么在求职时就要投递对方语言的求职信。小编精心收集了英语求职信范文带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 英语求职信范文带翻译篇1 Dear Mr. Director, I am currently working on Master Degree in International Commercial law at Fu Dan University. My supervisor Mr. Liu Mingyu, a well-know professor of law, tells me that SFSC specializes in recommending qualified personnel to muti-national companies and suggests that I contact you for recommendation. During the two years of studies at Fu Dan University, I have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law, but learned two foreign languages as well -English and Japanese. Moreover, I have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after China's entry to WTO. And they have been favorably accepted. I am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and Professor Liu's letter of recommendation. I sincerely hope you wil introduce me to a famous multi-national company, to which I will dedicate myself. Truly yours, Fu Jialin 亲爱的迪雷克托先生, 我目前正在丹大学国际商法硕士学位。我的导师刘明宇先生,一个著名的法学教授,告诉我,外服专业推荐人才,穆蒂的民族企业和建议我与您联系的建议。 在两年的研究在复旦大学,我不仅学到了很多国际商法的知识,


优选英语求职信中英范文5篇 求职自荐信在应聘时显得非常重要,可是求职自荐信中的英文求职信又该怎么写呢,在这之中应该有许多外文系专业的同学们要头疼了吧。相对于中文求职信的要求,英文求职信,怎么样的格式、开头才算礼貌呢,这其中有涉及到西方交流文化了。。英语求职信(一):尊敬的先生女士:你是否正在寻找一位在项目管理和团队领导方面有专长的远程通信经理?我擅长制定和实施直接影响大型远程通信公司增长和盈利能力的高性能战略。除了我对业务流程的了解外,我还精通远程软件开发和尖端技术我将迁往深圳,对贵公司的发展机会感兴趣。目前,我担任比特公司信息产业部经理。简而言之,我的一些工作包括:开发了一个跟踪和预测价格、数量和收入的工具,使客户能够监视业务性能实现了一个定制的端到端测试过程和SQL数据库我的商业头脑、技术专长和领导能力为许多成功的项目做出了贡献。随函附上的简历更详细地概述了我的资历和能力。我很高兴有机会与你面谈真诚的顾斌Dear SirMadam:Are you searching for a telemunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telemunications panies。In addition to my knowledge of business processes,I also offer proficiency


英语求职信范文带翻译 求职信是求职人向用人单位介绍自己情况以求录用的专用性文书。小编收集了英语求职信范文带翻译,欢迎阅读。 英语求职信范文带翻译【一】 Hello. I am a graduating undergraduate course graduate. I am honored to have the opportunity presented to you my personal information. In society, in order to better play to their talents, would like to make a few self-Leaders recommend. Good university life, cultivate my rigorous scientific thinking method, I also created a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and pioneering spirit of innovation consciousness. Basic knowledge of both inside and outside the classroom to expand the vast social practice, a solid and broad perspective,so I understand the society; to develop a continuous learning and work. Excellent quality is rigorous,the steadfast work style and the unity cooperation, so I am sure they are completely in the positions in setting,dedication,more business! I believe that my skills and knowledge required by your organization is,I sincerely


英文的求职信范文带翻译 求职信在应聘工作时非常重要,你的求职信是你给未来的雇主留下第一印象。接下来小编搜集了英文的求职信范文带翻译,仅供大家参考,希望帮助到大家。 英文的求职信范文带翻译1 Dear sir, In reply to your advertisement in beijing youth daily of december 25, i respectfully offer my services for the situation. I am just over twenty-four years of age and was graduated from college about three months ago, during which time I have been striving to make myself proficient in shorthand and typewriting, and have attained a speed of ninety and seventy words a minute respectively. I would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is possible. Thank you very much for your kind attention. please send me an answer at your earliest convenience sincerely yours, X 贵公司十二月二十五日在《北京青年报》刊登招聘广告,本人特备此函应征该职位。 我今年刚满24岁,三个月前毕业于xx学院。求学期间还曾努力训练速记与打字,现在速记及打字各为每分钟90字和70字。 我相信我可以担任贵公司的任何工作,如蒙录用,愿意随时接受阁下指派。承蒙阁下的关怀和礼遇,至此表示感谢。 英文的求职信范文带翻译2 Dear Sir, I am securing a job. Not any job with any company, but a particular job with your company only. Your organization is more


英语求职信中英翻译范文5篇 求职自荐信在应聘时显得非常重要,可是求职自荐信中的英文求职信又该怎么写呢,在这之中应该有许多外文系专业的同学们要头疼了吧。相对于中文求职信的要求,英文求职信,怎么样的格式、开头才算礼貌呢,这其中有涉及到西方交流文化了。求职1号站给大家带来英文求职信,求职信英文,英语求职信范文,求职简历英文,求职信格式英文,英语求职信格式等给大家 应聘管理职位英文求职信1 尊敬的V olitip女士: 您是否需要一名能够及时向管理层提供关键决策(如公司产品的销售、新分支机构的开设、公司经营的多样化、新税法的效果审查、经济预测的编制等)信息的员工? 我拥有经济学和运筹学的硕士学位,正在寻找一个能够充分挑战我的研究能力以实现公司目标的成长型组织的职位。 随函附上的简历反映了我在课堂和短暂的职业生涯中取得的扎实成就。无论是在教室还是在工作场所,我始终能够实现近期目标,同时开发工具来成功地解决未来的需求。 谢谢你抽出时间。我期待你的回音。如有要求,将提供参考资料。真诚的 Dear Ms. V olitip: Do you have need for an employee who can provide management with

timely information on which crucial decisions (e.g., marketing of company products, the opening of new branches, diversification of company operations, examination of the effects of new tax laws, preparation of economic forecasts, etc.) are made? I hold an M.S. degree in Economics and Operations Research and am seeking a position with a growing organization that can fully challenge my research capabilities in pursuit of the firm's objectives. The enclosed resume reflects solid achievement in both the classroom and during my brief professional career. Whether in the classroom or at the workplace, I have been consistently able to meet near-term objectives while developing the tools to successfully tackle future requirements. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you. References will be furnished upon request. Sincerely 外国网络管护工程师英文求职信2


英文求职信及译文3篇 求职信是自我表白,其目的和作用要是让人事主管看,因人事主管有太多的求职信函要看,因此要简明扼要 英文求职信范文及译文篇一 Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position. My name is XXX. I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and officesoftwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten years.In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. What's more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the job.If I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully XXX 翻译: 亲爱的先生或女士: 我从一则广告上得知你们公司需要秘书。我希望您考虑一下我。 我叫XXX,23岁,现在在厦门大学学习经济管理,今年夏季即将毕业。我精通计算机操作及办公软件的使用,这可以帮助我做好办公室工作。我学了十年英语。在过去的两年里我一直担任本系英语报的一名编辑。我的成绩在系里名列前茅。另外,我非常喜欢办公室工作并且我也认为我能胜任这个工作。如果我能有机会得到这份工作,我会非常感激。 谢谢您的考虑。我盼望着您的回信。 您忠实的朋友 XXX 英文求职信范文及译文篇二


英语求职信及翻译 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《英语求职信及翻译》的内容,具体内容:求职信在求职过程中所起的作用是不可忽视的,它是求职者和用人单位实现良好沟通和加深进一步了解的有效方式。我整理了,欢迎阅读!篇一Dear Sir or Madam, ... 求职信在求职过程中所起的作用是不可忽视的,它是求职者和用人单位实现良好沟通和加深进一步了解的有效方式。我整理了,欢迎阅读! 篇一 Dear Sir or Madam, 亲爱的先生或女士, I am senior from the Department of Business Administration of Beijing University. I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed institution/your recently advertised position for a staff member. 我从北京工业大学工商管理系高级。我写这封信的目的,申请入读贵机构/广告位置的一名工作人员。考研英语作文 I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous academic qualifications and work experience. Second, not only do my qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate


英语求职信带翻译 有关英语求职信范文带翻译 时间就如同白驹过隙般的流逝,我们找工作的时间越来越近,此时此刻需要开始写求职信了哦。求职信怎样写才能让人满意呢?以下是小编为大家收集的有关英语求职信范文带翻译,欢迎阅读与收藏。有关英语求职信范文带翻译1 Dear BLOCKED 亲爱的XX: My name is (BLOCKED) and I am an undergraduate finance student at (BLOCKED). I met you the summer before last at Smith & Wollensky’s in New York when I was touring the east coast with my uncle, (BLOCKED). I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk with me that night. 我是XX,是一名XX大学金融专业的本科毕业生。前年夏天我在纽约的Smith & Wollensky餐厅见过您一面,当时我正和我叔叔XX 在东海岸旅游。我想感谢您那晚抽出时间和我交谈。 I am writing to inquire about a possible summer internship in your office. I am aware it is highly unusual for undergraduates from average universities like (BLOCKED) to intern at (BLOCKED), but nevertheless I was hoping you might make an exception. I am extremely interested in investment banking and would love nothing more than to learn under your tutelage. I have no qualms about fetching coffee, shining shoes or picking up laundry, and will work for next to nothing. In all honesty, I just want to be around professionals in the industry and gain as much knowledge as I can. 我写这封信是想求得贵行一次暑期实习的机会。我知道对于像XX 大学这样的普通大学的本科毕业生,想在贵行实习是很困难的。然而我希望您能为我破例一次。我对投资银行特别感兴趣,无比渴望在您


英语作文求职信范文带翻译 作为当代求职的必要手段,简历已经越来越引起人们的重视。以下是整理的英语作文求职信范文带翻译,以供大家参考。 英语作文求职信范文带翻译一:Dear Sir or Madam I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the position advertised on the newspaper;part-time English reporter. I am a student from Xinhua Middle School, aged 17.I think I\m qualified for the job .First of all, as a student, I\ve read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. I\m enthusiastic about English and do well not only in speaking but also in writing. Besides, I\m easy to get along with an enjoy working together with others. Last but not least, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So I\m sure I can do the job well if I get the position. I would appreciate it if you could allow me an interview.I\m looking forward to your reply. Chinese is one of the world\s major language. It is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, more than 1 billion, most of whom live in China. there are about 50,000


英语求职信范文20篇 (汉英对照) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

英语求职信范文20篇(汉英对照) Letter 1 敬启者: 贵公司十二月二十五日在《北京青年报》刊登招聘广告,本人特备此函应征该职位。 我今年32岁,毕业于北京外国语大学,曾在NCC公司担任推销员历五年之久。由于任职的公司宣布解散,只好去职。 兹随函附履历表及照片一份,希望阁下能够满意。至于月薪一事,希望能从五千港币起薪,加上佣 金。倘若阁下愿意接见本人以了 解我的能力,我将随时侯教。 XX启 Dear Sir, In reply to your advertisement in Beijing Youth Daily of December 25, I respectfully offer my services for the situation. I am thirty-two years old and a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University, My experience in this line of work includes five years as a salesman with the NCC Company. The reason for leaving my present employment is because they're closing their office. I am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and I believe that they may be found satisfactory. As regards salary, I would be glad to start with HK$ 5,000 per month plus commission. If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you. Letter 2 敬启者: 就以我过去的推销背景而言,本人自信可以胜任贵公司星期四在XX报招聘的职务,敬请给予考虑。 我于1993年从北京商学院毕业,曾在当代公司男装部担任推销员两年,后在世都百货公司男装店三年,目前仍在此工作。 之所以离职,是因目前似无晋升机会,就我的工作能力和所受训练及我对工作的热情,我认为我应该获得晋升和较高待遇。 我乐于奉告阁下,如阁下要求提供查询人,以便了解我的工作情况和性格,我可以满足阁下要求。 XX启 Gentlemen, Because I believe that my sales background fits me for the position you advertised in Thursday's newspaper, I ask that you consider my qualification.


英文求职信范文带翻译精选 英语求职信在求职过程中所起到的作用是不可忽视的,因为它是求职者和用人单位实现良好沟通和加深进一步了解的有效方式。小编精心收集了英文求职信范文带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 英文求职信范文带翻译篇1 Dear Sir, I take the liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you. I feel that I am qualified as an administrator. I am currently a student at college, I have over a month more to complete before I graduate. My major is business administration. I have excellent grades in all my subjects. If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later. I have worked at a trading company as a secretary, but I hope to seek more responsible employment. I am 25 years old and very honest and dependable. If you need someone with my qualifications, please let me know. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Sincerely yours, 敬启者: 向阁下写信,希望填补贵公司适合的空缺,至感冒昧。我可担任行政人员工作。 我现就读大学,尚有月余毕业,主修行政管理。我所有课程,成绩均佳。倘若阁下有意审阅,当可稍后寄上。我曾在某贸易公司担任过秘书,希望找个有发展的工作。我现年25岁,诚实可靠,若阁下需要这种条件者,请惠函赐知。 承蒙阁下惠赐厚意,至为感激。 xx启


英语求职信范文及翻译 Dear Hiring Manager,。 I am writing to express my interest in the [Position Name] at [Company Name]. With a strong background in [relevant field or industry], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team. As a recent graduate with a degree in [relevant field], I have developed a solid foundation in [specific skills or knowledge]. During my time at university, I completed internships at [Company Name] and [Company Name], where I gained valuable experience in [relevant tasks or responsibilities]. These experiences have equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in a professional setting. In addition to my academic and professional experience, I am a highly motivated and driven individual with a passion for [specific industry or field]. I am dedicated to continuous learning and self-improvement, and I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth. I believe that my strong work ethic and positive attitude make me a valuable asset to any team. I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] because of your commitment to [specific values or initiatives]. I am impressed by your dedication to [specific aspect of company culture or mission], and I am eager to contribute to such a dynamic and forward-thinking organization. In closing, I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to the continued success of [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this exciting opportunity with you. Sincerely,。 [Your Name] 亲爱的招聘经理,。


求职信英语作文带翻译6篇 大学毕业了,大家就要踏上求职之路,英语的求职信要怎么写才更有说服力呢?以下是小编为大家整理推荐求职信英语作文带翻译6篇_求职信英语作文范文,希望对大家有所帮助。 求职信英语作文带翻译篇一:老师的英语求职信 Dear sir / madam: My name is Wang Ying, I am xi an University graduates. I am of the Department of education of English majors. I am very glad to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. With the increasingly fierce social competition,the personnel requirements are increasingly high, I try to learn all kinds of knowledge in the University for four years,and the measure of my old Teacher is hard work and I myself; I have mastered English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. In order to better adapt to society after graduation,I learned the computer technology during the summer, and as a English tutor work, counseling A high school student is foreign language courses,was highly praised by parents in the education practice, improve their ability to work. Because as In a number of candidates, I may not be the best, but I am still very confident, I will do my best to become an excellent primary and secondary school teachers, sincerely hope that I can make I can in the future in the school a hard gardener. Finally, wide Na xiancai wish expensive unit. Sincere candidates: Wang Ying 老师的英语求职信译文: 亲爱的先生/女士:


英语作文求职信范文10篇 在找工作中,求职信是必不可少的求职简历,那么英语求职信怎么写呢? 快来看看小编的介绍的英语作文求职信范文吧!希望对你有帮助。 英语求职信范文带翻译 Dear Sir or Madam, 亲爱的先生或女士, I am senior from the Department of Business Administration of Beijing University. I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed institution/your recently advertised position for a staff member. 我从北京工业大学工商管理系高级。我写这封信的目的,申请入读贵机构/广告位置的一名工作人员。考研英语作文 I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous academic qualifications and work experience. Second, not only do my qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate for it, my cheerful personality is well suited to studying in your prestigious university/working as a staff member. Last, my hobbies include sports and music. 我相信我有能力胜任它。首先,随信附上我的简历,这进一步详述了我以前的学历和工作经验。其次,不仅我的资历和经验使我一个完美的候选人,我开朗的性格非常适合在贵校学习/工作的一名工作人员。最后,我的业余爱好包括体育和音乐。 Words fail me when I try to express my heartfelt gratitude to the help you rendered me. Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated. 我无法用言语当我尝试你渲染我的帮助表示衷心的感谢。你的提示和良好的关注我的询问将高度赞赏。


英语求职信范文带翻译 篇一 name: xxx sex: female ethnic: chinese political features: members academic qualifications (degree): undergraduate: english contact tel: mobile: contact address: xx street, dongcheng district, beijing on the 10th zip: 100007 email address: pager : educational background graduate institutions: hunan university 2022.9 - 2022.7 technology trade undergraduate english majors other: other training minor in japanese and guides certified public accountant examination is being work experience * sino-us joint venture has 2022.4 ---狄姆armstrong technology co., ltd.

translation / general manager of the secretary of to deal with all day-to-day affairs, general manager / executive director of the united states at the scene of translation of the technical training and business development / technical support to the united states, acpanied by work-site guidance / management arrangements for the meeting and the organization for translation business * 2022.4 --- 2022.10 beijing sino-swiss joint venture zhongan fire electronics co., ltd. assistant manager of foreign production responsible for switzerland, germany and hong kongs international sourcing operations / translation of various production techniques, business contract documents / assist in the implementation of the work of home-made electronic ponents / to organize and coordinate the production of the departmental meetings, and undertake translation work profile i am adaptable, responsible and diligent work, and has a good team spirit. engaged in translation and
