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Part One Manuscript Form

【Teaching Objectives】

Help students to realize the importance of the second year study;

Help students to realize the importance of writing;

Help students to understand what is a good manuscript form.

【Teaching Points】

Arrangement; Capitalization; Word division; Punctuation.

【Teaching difficulties】


Ⅰ. Arrangement

1. Title

Write the title in the middle of the first line.

2. Margin

3. Indent

Ⅱ. Capitalization

Capitals are used mainly at three places: the first words of sentences, key words in titles, and proper names. A sentence fragment treated as a sentence, should begin with a capital letter. The first word of quoted speech is capitalized.

Ⅲ. Word Division

The general principle is to divide a word according to its syllables and never put the hyphen at the beginning of a line.

Ⅳ . Punctuation

How to use different punctuation marks will be discussed in details in Part Ten. This part teaches us how to use period, comma, question mark, exclamation mark, quotation mark.

Ⅴ Handwriting

Write carefully so that your handwriting can be read easily. There are two common ways of writing the letters: one is to form loops and the other is to print.

Part Two Diction

【Teaching Objectives】

Help students to know the importance of diction in writing;

Help students to know how to vary the use of words according to specific context;

Help students to use figures of speech in writing;

Help students to use dictionary accordingly.

【Important Points】

Instruct the usage of diction;

Instruct the usage of figures of speech;

Instruct the usage of dictionary in writing.

【Difficult Points】

Deal with the choice of different words in different literary forms;

Do exercises on figures of speech.

Ⅰ. Level of Words

1. Standard Words

1.1. Formal Words

1.2 Common Words

1.3 Informal Word

2. Substandard Words

2.1 Slangs

2.2 Taboos

2.2.1 Taboos in profanity: Jehovah, Jesus, Christ, God, Mose

2.2.2 Taboos in obscenity: fuck, tits, bitch, piss, shit

2.2.3 Taboos in calamity: die, death, doom, ill, sick, go, go to heaven, troubles be over,

be with God.

2.2.4 Taboos in discrimination: Negro, Nigger, Chinks, Polacks ,Kikes, Japs, Dagos.

2.3 Dialects

Ⅱ.The Meaning of Words

1. Denotative Meaning

A word’s denotation is what it literally means, as defined by the dictionary.

2. Connotative Meaning

The word’s connotation is the feeling or idea suggested by it.

3. Synonymous Words with Difference

3.1 Words Meaning Different in Stylistic Level

3.2Words Meaning Different in the Degree of Emphasis

3.3 Words Meaning Different in Emotional Coloring

3.4 Words Meaning different in Tone

3.5 Words Meaning different in Collocation

Ⅲ. General and Specific Words

1. Main Features of General Words

2. Main Features of Specific Words

Ⅵ. Idioms

1. The Definition of Idioms

An idiom is a fixed group of words with a special meaning which is different from the meanings of the words that form it.

2. Common Types of Idioms

3. Main Features of Idioms

Ⅴ. Figures of Speech

1. The Definition of Figures of Speech

Words used in their original meanings are used literally, while words used in extended meanings for the purpose of making comparisons or cal ling up pictures in the reader’s or listener’s
