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ⅠMatch the expressions in column A with those in column B(20%)


( )1 as to a separately or in return

( ) 2 in reply to b in agreement with

( )3 respectively c make an amendment

( )4 prior to d with respect to

( )5 amend e become effective

( )6 extend f ahead of

( )7 transfer g hand over the possession of

( )8 comply with h conform to

( )9 in line with I in answer to

( )10 come into force j make sth larger or longer

ⅡChoose the suitable expression for each blank (30%)

( )1 We are very much _________ in your bamboo products ________ the recent Guangzhou Trade Fair

A interested ; at

B interesting ; of

C interests ; on

D interest ;in

( )2 We are looking __________ your __________

A forward to ; immediate reply

B to forward ; early reply

C to forward ; prompt reply

D forward to ; reply favourable

( )3 We are sure that there is a ready market __________ the goods at your end

A of

B for

C about

D with

( )4 We have decided to make a further concession __________ 3% per box in order to help you to increase the business with us

A to

B of

C about

D on

( )5 We would be ________ if you would send the goods as soon as possible

A appreciate you

B grateful

C thank you

D pleasing

( )6 Your suggestion is quite ________ us

A satisfy

B satisfied with

C satisfactory to

D of satisfaction

( )7 Please _________ that the L/C stipulations are in accordance with those of the Sales


A seeing

B see

C see to it

D to see

( )8 For the goods under our Contract No. 80, we have booked space on s.s “East Wind ”

_________ arrive in London around May 19

A due

B which due to

C due to

D is due to

( )9 We _________ herewith two copies of our illustrated catalogue for your consideration

A include

B inquire

C enclose

D exclude

( )10 We were satisfied with the products _________ s/s Wanjie when your shipment reached us

A per

B onto

C nearby

D from

Ⅲ Fill in the blanks with word or words from the list in proper form(15%)

1 We desire to establish ________ beneficial business relations

2 As to our standing ,.please _____________ Bank of China ,Beijing

3 If one side fails to fulfill the contract , the other side _____________________ cancel it

4 Before trading with each other , the two parties must __________________ a contract

5 The late delivery of goods by the exporter _________________ a great loss to the importer

Ⅳ Read through this letter and write down the suitable English information from the letter matching with the given statements in Chinese (10%)

Dear Madam,

Thank your for your letter of May 14 proposing that payment for the Order should be made on the D/A

In reply, we have to make clear that our usual terms of payments by confirmed ,irrevocable L/C remain uncharged in all ordinary cases .So we regret we are unable to accept D/A terms in any transactions with our overseas clients for the time being . To encourage our business we find the best we can do is to make payment by D/P at sight . Later when your business is firmly established , you shall be welcomed as our credit customer . If you accept our suggestion , you may telephone or fax us . We ’ll send you an relative sight draft.

Your full coorperation in this respect will be highly appreciated.

Yours truly,

1 暂时不能用承税交单的方式与海外客户做生意___________________________________________ 2你们在这方面的全力合作___________________________________________________

3 以后你们的业务稳健了________________________________________________

4 在常规下保持不变___________________________________________________


Ⅴ Complete the following sentences in English(10%)

1 As to our credit and financial standing, _______________________________(请咨询中国银行

