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1. If all points in a linkage move in parallel planes the system u ndergoes planar motion and the linkage may be described as a _____ _ .

A. planar motion

B. planar linkage

C. joints

D. slide

2. Though frame material and design should handle damping,

_____ are sometimes built into frame sections to handle specific prob lems.

A .beams B. holes C. dampers

D. screw

3. The maximum allowable deflection of a shaft ______ determined by critical speed, gear, or bearing requirements.

A. often

B. must

C. was

D. is usually

4. We will have to _____ to better and better solutions as we ge nerate more information.

A. repeat many times

B. iterating

C. iterate

D. try ways

5. If a product configuration is _______ specified and then examine

d to determin

e whether the performance requirements are met.

A. finally

B. tentatively

C. temporary

D. have been

6. Manufacturing can be defined as the _____ of raw materials into useful products through the use of the easiest and lest-expensive m ethods.

A. transformation

B. processing

C. process

D. transforming

7. The planer and knee types of milling machine is _____ because of its flexibility.

A. used most commonly

B. most popular

C. the most commo nly used

D. most powerful

8. As a result, the system will vibrate at the frequency of the _____ force regardless of the initial conditions or natural frequency of the system.

A. action

B. excitation

C. out

D. act

9. Before two components are assembled together, the relationship betw een the dimensions of the mating surfaces_______.

A. must be giving out

B. should printed clearly

C. must be specified

D. should be clearly noted

10. The main practical advantage of lower pairs is their better abil ity to trap lubricant between their ______ surfaces.

A. enveloping

B. mating

C. outer

D. outside

11. The word______ itself usually refers to the deterioration of meta ls and ceramics, while similar phenomena in plastics generally called


A. recrystallization….corrosion

B. recrystallization…degradation

C. degradation…corrosion

D. corrosion…degradation

12. Most frames _______ cast iron, weld steel, composition, or concre te.

A. are made from

B. are made up of

C. was produced by

D. was consist of

13. Rotating shafts particularly those that run at high speeds, must be designed to avoid operation at ______ speeds.

A . low

B .overload C. critical

D. hollow

14. Although cast iron is a fairly cheap material, each casting requ ires a ______ 。

A. pattern

B. model

C. mold

D. patent

15. The term ______ is used to describe joints with surface contac t, as with a pin surrounded by a hole.

A. high pair

B. low pair

C. surfac e pair

D. rotary pair

1-5:BCDCB 6-10:ACBCA 11-15 DACAB


ssie was a big dog. She was very clever. She was always helping someone.

Once some bad men took some money from an old man. They tied him up with a rope and left hi m on the floor. They kept Lassie in another room. Lassie tried to open the door of the room. But sh e couldn’t. There was a large window in the room, but it was too high for Lassie to reach. She pull ed a chair over to window and stood on it. She pushed and pulled and pulled at the window and at last got it open. With a great jump, she got out.

Lassie came back into the house and found the room where the old man was left. She untied the ro pe round the old man’s arms and legs. Then she helped him out of the house and down the road to the nearest house.

( )1. Lassie was ______.

A. a baby

B. a cat

C. a dog

D. a girl

( )2. Once some bad men tool some money from ______.

A. a young man

B. a young woman

C. an old woman

D. an old man

( )3. Lassie ______ the door of the room.

A. didn’t open

B. opened

C. shut

D. didn’t shut

( )4 .______ untied the old man.

A.A girl

B. A cat

C. A woman

D. Lassie

( )5. ______ caught the bad men.

A. The dog

B. Lassie

C. The policemen

D. The girl

2.Mr. George works at the school lost and found. He works very carefully. Every day, when he get
