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Unit 5 Great scientists


1.conclude vt. & vi. 推断出;结束;缔结

(1)conclude sth (from sth ) (从某事)推断出某事

conclude ……with/ by doing ……以(做)……结束

(2)come to / draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论

in conclusion 最后,总之

2.attend vt. 照顾;出席;护理;上(学等)

(1)attend to 处理;注意倾听;照料,照顾

(2)attend a lecture / movie / meeting 听演讲/看电影/参加会议

attend school / classes 上课

attend church 做礼拜

attend on/upon sb. 伺候/照顾某人


1.The coach asked his staff to _________ to the large group of journalists waiting for him to

announce his training plan.

A. adapt

B. attend

C. refer

D. appeal

2. We’re prepared to join with the president Obama , his adminstration , and both parties in Congress whenever we can to these goals.湖北省襄阳市四校2012—2013学年上学期高二期中考试英语试题

A. attract




3. I always have so many things to _____ when I come back to the company after a

trip abroad.湖北省宜城市三中2012-2013学年高二上学期期中考试

A. add to

B. contribute to

C. attend to

D. appeal to

4. Thousands of foreigners were______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.长阳一中2010—2011学年度第一学期期末考试高二英语试卷

A. attended

B. attempted

C. attracted

D. attached

5. The President ordered that no time should be lost , and directed one of his high officials to ______the matter in person .

A. respond to

B. appeal to

C. contribute to

D. attend to

3. expose v. 暴露;揭露;使曝光

expose sth . 揭露;显露出某事物

expose sth ./ sb. /oneself (to sth.) 使某事/某人/自己暴露/显露

be exposed to 暴露于……


1.I think it is almost a crime to __________ children to violence and sex on TV.

A. show

B. disclose

C. uncover

D. expose

2.Sometimes we need to__________ our weaknesses in order to learn from them and grow as a result.2012秋黄冈高中期中考试

A. expose

B. challenge

C. conclude

D. threat

3. .With the pace of life getting faster and faster ,we are all to stress at varieties of stages of our lives these days . It’s become a fact of life.湖北省襄阳市四校2012—2013学年上学期高二期中考试英语试题

A. attached

B. devoted

C. exposed

D. preferred

4. _______________ the classics contributes to children's reading comprehension.


答案:Being exposed to

5. The reason why people carry umbrellas in hot summer days is that _______________________the hot sun may be harmful to the skin. (expose)


答案:being exposed to

6.for too long does harm to our health. (expose) 在太阳下晒太久对我们的健康有害。(湖北省荆州中学12-13学年高二上学期期中试题) 答案:Being exposed to the sun

4. absorb v. 吸收;吸引;使专心`

absorb …..into 把……吸收进

absorb …..from 从……中吸收/取

be absorbed in (doing) sth. 专心(做)某事

absorb one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力

absorb oneself in = be absorbed in 全神贯注于……

be absorbed by 被……吞并;为……所吸收


Be absorbed in (专心于),主语往往是人,并不表示被动,类似的短语有:be buried in 专心于;be lost in 陷入……;be caught in 被困于……;be devoted to 致力于……


1._________ his thoughts , the scientist didn’t notice what had happened before him .

A. Absorbed in

B. Caught in

C. Used in

D. Interested in

2. .Fully ________ in preparing for the coming exam,she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in her neighborhood.. 洪湖二中2013—2014高二上学期期中考试英语试卷A.devoted B.contributed C.attended D.absorbed

3. ____________________ the novel, he didn’t notice that the teacher was approaching.(absorb)


答案; Absorbed in (reading)/ As /Since/Because he was absorbed in (reading)

5. blame v. 责备;谴责;把……归咎于n. 过失;责备

(1) blame sb. for …..因……而责备某人;把……归咎于

blame sth. on sb 把某事归咎于某人

be to blame (for) 应承担责任;该受责备

(2)accept / bear / take the blame for …. 对某事负责;承担责任

put / lay the blame for sth. on sb. 把责任推到……身上

be to blame 该怨……(主动形式表被动意义,不能再在to 后加be 动词)

