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1.--- Mary, what do you think of the soup I cooked especially for you?

---______, but it tastes too oily.

A.My fault B.Forget it C.Excuse me D.No offence




考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:---玛丽,你觉得我特别为你做的汤怎么样? ---没有冒犯您的意思,但它的味道太油腻了。A. My fault我的错;B. Forget it没关系;C. Excuse me打扰了;D. No offence没有冒犯您的意思。No offence“没有冒犯你的意思”符合语境。故选D 项。

2.-Could you be so kind as to close the window?


A.With pleasure B.My pleasure

C.Yes, please D.Go ahead




考查情景交际。A. With pleasure愿意效劳;B. My pleasure不用谢;C. Yes, please好的,请; D. Go ahead干吧。句意:——请把窗户关上,好么?——愿意效劳。With pleasure是对could/would you的回答,结合句意,故A项正确。


很多同学分不清With pleasure和My pleasure的区别,注意:With pleasure表示“愿意效劳”,是对could/would you的回答,My pleasure表示“不用谢”,是对than you的回答。

3.-When he is invited to a party, he is always making trouble or upsetting others.

-Just as people who know him say,______.

A.he is really the top dog B.he is always pulling our leg

C.he is always a wet blanket D.he really has green fingers




考查情景对话。句意:——当他被邀请参加聚会的时候,他总是惹麻烦或者让人心烦。——就像认识他的人说的那样,他总是一个令人扫兴的人。 a wet blanket令人扫兴的人或物; the top dog领袖人物; pull our leg同我们开玩笑; green fingers园艺技能,根据句意,


4.-- What about the two of us going downtown?

-- ___________ . I hate spending time hanging around.

A.That suits me fine B.Why not

C.It depends on the weather D.Well, that's the last thing I will do




考查情景对话。句意:——我们俩去市中心怎么样?——那是我最不愿意做的事。我讨厌浪费时间闲逛。根据下文I hate spending time hanging around.可知这里意思是“不愿意做这件事”。A. That suits me fine那对我很合适;B. Why not为何不…;C. It depends on the weather 这要看天气而定;D. Well, that’s the last thing I will do那是我最不愿意做的事,根据题意,故选D。

5.--- Aren’t you cold? --- ____. I’m boiling.

A.Take it easy. B.That’s all right.

C.Not a little. D.Far from it.



考查交际用语。Take it easy放松,别紧张;That’s all right不用谢;Not a little很,十分;Far from it远非如此,正相反。句意:难道你不冷吗?正相反,我很热。所以选D。

6.The young man is very excellent. Now he is the ______ of a big company.

A.top dog B.cold fish

C.white elephant D.black sheep




考查习惯用语辨析。句意:这个年轻人非常优秀。现在他是一家大公司的总裁。A. top dog 头领; 有权势的人;B. cold fish态度冷冰冰的人;C. white elephant华而不实的东西;D. black sheep害群之马。由“excellent”可知,top dog“头领; 有权势的人”符合句意。故A选项正确。

7.– The traffic jam is driving me mad.

-- ____ Such is often the case on Monday mornings.

A.Well done B.No way

C.Keep cool D.Sounds good


