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Unit 8


One friend of mine has decided to quit his highly -paid but demanding position in his company re cently.

2、她以烹饪美食为乐。(take delight (in) doing sth.) She takes delight (in ) cooking lovely meals.

3、她要查寻是否给她预定了房间。(reserve for) She wanted to check if there was a room reserve

d for her.

4、当你打开立体图书,你肯定会打吃一惊。(be in for)

When you open the pop-up book, you’re in for a big surprise.


His two great interests in life are music and pain ting.


After the wedding we’ll be returning to China, where we work and pla n to live.


They were all hungry and the food smelt good.


The higher the tree, the stronger the wind.

9、他的妻子开玩笑说跟他结婚的是他的工作。(marry)workaholic 工作狂

His wife joked that he was married to his work.

10、这本书还到图书馆时,缺了12页。(missing) When the book was returned to the library, it ha

d 12 pages missing.

(1)As I left in a big hurry, I forgot to bring the textbook with me.

(2)If you can keep the room clean and tidy, we will let you use it.

(3)She accepted the invitation even though she didn’t really want to attend the party.

(4)So long as we don’t lose heart, we will be able to find the way to solve the problem.

(5)I don’t know what decisions were made at

the conference because our representative hasn’t reported to me yet.

Unit 9

1. 很可能她把这事全忘了。(more likely than not)

More likely than not, she’s forgotten all about it.

2. 这意味着我们实际上没有可能按时完成。(effectively)

This means that effectively we have no chance of finishing it on time.

3. 他的第一部小说不算太好也不算太糟,就是一般水平

His first was not particularly good or bad, just a verage.

4. 谈到现代爵士乐,没几个人比汤姆知道得更多。

(when it comes to) When it comes to modern jaz z, very few people know more than Tom.

5.这项研究的重要性在于它证实了A与B之间存在联系。(in that)

The research is important in that it confirms the

existence of a relationship between A and B. 6.尽管以前我们失败过,但仍要坚持下去。(regardless of)

7.We will persevere regardless of past failures.

7. 考试不能促使学生去追求更多的知识。(motivate)

Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.


Successful leaders dominate events rather than r eact to them.

9、他必须将重担从一肩移至另一肩。(shift)He had to shift the vast burden from one should er to the other.


The superiority in science and technology helps t his company defeat all its rivals.

(1)we appreciate the confidence you have placed in our company.

(2)A government is to execute the decisions of
