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Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes

一,本话题常见的命题形式主要有两种:一是根据自己的实际情况讲述身边的规则,有时要求谈论个人观点;二是根据内容提示写谈论规则的短文, 这种文体通常是夹叙夹议。写作本话题常用的结构除了课本上的含有情态动词的被动语态结构should(not) be allowed to 之外,have to,must,can’t,should,shouldn’t,you’d better 等也很实用,大家应根据需要灵活应用。

Our School Rules

I study in a strict school, and there are many rules in our school. I agree with some of them, but disagree with others. We have to wear school uniforms every day. I disagree with it. The quality of the uniforms is bad and they make us feel uncomfortable. I think students should be allowed to wear their own clothes. We want to be different. At our school, even girls are not allowed to have long hair. That is really strange. Long hair makes girls look more beautiful, and in Chinese culture girls should have long hair.

Of course, there are some rules I agree with. Younger students are not allowed to ride bikes. It is dangerous for them to ride bikes during the rush hours. We aren't allowed to eat snacks at school. I think most snacks are bad for our health . The students shouldn’t be allowed to get their ears pierced .

二,俗话说:“国有国法,家有家规。”为了使子女身心健康、顺利成长,使家庭成员之间的关系更融洽、更和谐,每个家庭都会有这样或那样的家庭规矩。比如:必须按时回家,不准打电子游戏等。请你结合家庭的实际情况,根据下面的提示和要求,以“My Family Rules”为题,写一篇短文。



My family Rules

My parents are strict with me. There are many rules in my family. Let me tell you some of them. I am not allowed to spend too much time watching TV or surfing the Internet on schooldays, and I must go to bed before 23:00, because I have to do my homework and get up early the next morning. I have to clean my room every morning. My parents think it is a very good habit to do so. But I don’t agree with them, because my room is not always dirty. Even I don’t agree with some of the rules, I will follow them. I think my parents won’t do anything that is bad for me.

Unit8 It must belong to Carla


•请以Jack的身份根据下面提示帮他给他的老师Mr. Black 发一封电子邮件。词数在80词左右。

•提示:1. 当Jack到家时,他发现自错拿了英语书,他认为肯定是Tracy 的,因为书上有Tracy的名字。

2. Jack的书可能在Mr. Black 家的书桌上。如果在,请老师帮忙保存起来,如果不在,麻烦Mr. Black 告诉他Tracy家的电话号码。

Dear Mr. Black,

I am sorry to trouble you. I want your help. After I got home, I found that my English book wasn’t in my backpack and I took a wrong book. I think it must be Tracy’s ①book, because her name is on it. I think my English book might be on your desk. If it is there, please help me keep it. If it isn’t on the desk, please tell me Tracy’s telephone number. She might take my book. I am looking forward to your e-mail. Thank you very much.
