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第1页 (共4页) 第2页 (共4页)

学校: 201 级 专业 班 姓名: 考号




英 语

本试卷满分:100分;时间:60分钟; 总成绩___________


一. 写出下列单词的英语或汉语意思。(1*20=20) 1点餐 ______________ 2. 菜______________ 3鸡肉 _____________ 4穿过_____________ 5 音乐 _____________ 6 吃_____________ 7 tennis _____________ 8. message_________ 9 foreign_____________ 10 steak_____________ 11 waiter___________ 12 cheap_____________ 13 expensive _____________ 14 salad_____________ 15 果汁 _____________ 16 海报_____________ 17 咖啡 _____________ 18银行_____________ 19 转弯 _____________ 20 地铁_____________ 二.写出下列短语的意思(1*15=15)

1 eat out ____________

2 look forward to____________

3 put up____________

4 more and more____________

5 hand out ____________

6 table tennis____________

7 take a message ____________

8 hold on____________

9 go across ____________ 10 turn left____________ 11 turn right ____________ 12 by bus____________ 13by subway___________ 14play basketball__________ 15 play football___________

三.写出下列单词的比较级和最高级 (2*10=20) 1. small _______ ________2. wide ______ ________ 3. hot _____ _______4. happy _____ _______ 5. interesting __________ _____________ 6. expensive __________ _____________

7. good _____ ______8. many _____ ______

9. far _____ _____ 10.old_____ ______

四.选出每组中更适合用于打电话的语句(1*5=5) (1) ( ) A. Hello!

( ) B.How do you do?

(2)( ) A. Can I speak to Ben Bush?

( ) B. I want to talk to Ben Bush. (3) ( ) A. Who are you?

( ) B.Who is that? (4)( ) A. I am Ben Bush?

( ) B. This is Ben Bush.speaking (5)( ) A. Is that Ben Bush?

( ) B. Are you Ben Bush? 五.选择恰当的选项在下列横线上(1*5=5) Wang yang:Hi,sara,____________________ Sara: Yes.______________________ Wang yang:____________________ Sara: .______________________

Wang yang:Well,I think Meiwei Western Restaurant is better.________________________ Sara: OK,let’s go.

A. It’s father away than Yueguang, but the food is more delicious.

B. Do you want to eat out?

第3页,(共4页) 第4页 (共4页)

……………密 …………封 ……………线 ……………内 ……………不 ……………要 ……………答 ……………题 ……………

C . What about Yueguang Restaurant? D. Do you like Chinese food or Western food? E. I’d like some western food.

六.给下面的句子选择恰当的翻译(2*10=20) 1. ( )你要不要分开付账。 2.( )请问可以点餐了吗? 3.( )欢迎来到美味餐厅。

4.( )直走,在第三个红绿灯处左转。 5.( )我怎样去最近的银行? 6 ( ) 你好!我是Sally. 7.( ) 他不在,请问要留言吗?

8.( ) 你能告诉我到最近的车站怎么走吗? 9.( ) 餐厅的特色菜是什么? 10.( )你想外出吃饭吗? A. How can I get to the nearest bank? B. Do you want to separate check?. C.Do you want to eat out?

D. Go along the road and turn left at the third traffic light.

E. Welcome to Meiwei Restaurant

F. Can I take your order?

G . What’s the specialty of the house?

H. Can you tell me the way to the nearest bus stop? I. Hello, This is Sally Speaking.


A.I went to Chengdu for Zhangjie’s concert

B.What did you do last Sunday?

C.It was great. Zhangjie is my favourite singers.He sings very well

D.What do you think of it?

E.Oh,really? I want to see it,too

1 2 3 4 5


A cat goes to a river every day. He wants to go fishing. But he can't catch any fish. One day, he goes to the river as usual(像往常).Suddenly(突然) a fish comes out. He catches(捉到) the fish. He is very happy. He forgets to put the fish in the basket. He dances and sings. He shouts, "I have a fish! I have a fish!" All his friends come to see him." Where is your fish? L et us have a look at it." his friends say." It’s there, near the bank(河岸附近)." the cat answers. But he can't find the fish. When he sings and dances, the fish jumps back into the river. All his friends laugh at(嘲笑) him because they don’t see any fish there.

1.What does the cat do every day? He_______. A. fishes B. dances C. sings D. laugh

2.Where does he put the fish when he catches it one day? _________. A. Near the bank B. In the basket C. In the river D. at his home

3.Which one is NOT right(不正确)? _________. A. The cat feels happy when he catches a fish B. The cat’s friends want to see the fish C. The fish is in the river at last

D. The cat sings and dances with his friends

4.How does he feel at last(最终)? He feels ______. A. happy. B. sad.

C. excited(感到激动的)

D. afraid(害怕的) 5.What does the word forget mean in the passage (单词forget 在文中是什么意思)? It means_______.

A. 记得

B. 知道 B. 忘记 D. 放弃
