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a prevailing trend______________, to begin with, enable______________,

is attributed to______________, indicate, nevertheless______________, consequently______________, meanwhile______________,

view as______________, appeal to______________, cater to______________,

tend to do______________, phenomenon______________, despite______________, additionally______________, moreover______________,

recommend______________, urge______________, advocate______________, appropriate______________, adequate______________, essential______________, contributing factor______________, beneficial______________,

rather than______________, put at risk______________,

result in______________, contribute to

1. Adolescent peer culture is a prevailing trend and American adolescents spend more time with peers than others. To begin with, changes in workplaces enable youngsters to spend less time with their parents. Moreover, less time spent with younger children is attributed to school reforms. Additionally, the increase in adolescent population is another contributing factor. A research indicates adolescents’ gradual separation from adults starts in their early teens when they tend to escape adult supervision.

2.Progress can be beneficial to people only with their acceptance of technology and pursuit of efficiency. Nevertheless, advanced communication devices are viewed as a contributing factor to fewer personal visits. Moreover, these products lack personal touch and uniqueness despite their efficiency. Actually, technological progress enables old products to be restored. Consequently, different applications of technology can be attributed to people's attitudes.

3.Advertising is essential to enterprises, as it is viewed as an instrument to appeal to customers. Advertising tempting customers into buying products tends to promote the sales. To begin with, advertising enables people to make acquaintance with the commodities. Moreover, people now make decisions more rationally by contrast, which can also be attributed to the use of advertising.

4. Absent-mindedness is attributed to distracting your attention from something. If you can't encode information in an appropriate way, your memory system tends to miss the information needed, which results in absent-mindedness. Moreover, lack of interest is also a contributing factor. Nevertheless, to avoid this phenomenon, you are recommended to offer clear and noticeable reminders, or return to where you start.

5. A new research indicates that students' pressure is associated with teacher exhaustion. Some students find their needs are not catered to in class and feel worn out, which is attributed to the teachers' poor management. Meanwhile, challenges from students are a contributing factor for the teachers' stress. Consequently, it's recommended that teachers should be provided with appropriate resources and support, or students tend to be ruined.

6.Psychological researchers are urged to follow rules, so that animals' sufferings are lessened in experiments. The reason why psychological research employs animals is that it enables psychologists to make acquaintance with human behavior more effectively, simply and practically. Moreover, they provide the information that are beneficial for humans. Nevertheless, the use of animals in these experiments has resulted in much controversy among the public.

7.Many Chinese students tend to speak poor English after ten years' learning,which is attributed to their fear and way of learning.(要点1)Consequently, we are recommended to learn to speak English by listening and repeating, as a child does.(要点2)Moreover, teachers are supposed to motivate and give credit to youngsters rather than criticize them.(要点3)Lastly, a good self-esteem is viewed as beneficial for learning English.(要点4)

8.Studies have indicated that screen time tend to be beneficial to kids under certain circumstances. To begin with, video chatting with grandparents enables them to strengthen family bonds. Viewing educational kid shows with parents is another contributing factor in that it enhances children's emotional development. Consequently, kids are entertained and parents can liberate themselves for a while.

9.The majority of people view daydreaming as a waste of time and energy. Nevertheless, medical studies indicate that daydreaming is of great benefit. To begin with, daydreaming can improve your mood to get you energetic. In the meanwhile, it
