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I. Filling blanks (20%, 1’×20=20’)

Directions: In this section there are 11 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill each blank with appropriate word/words.

1.The (1) _______ view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of

various subsystems. The (2) _______ view not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things.

2.Hedge discusses five main components of communicative competence. Namely,

linguistic competence, (3) ____ competence, discourse competence, (4) ____ competence, and fluency.

3. A task has four main components: a purpose, a (5) ________, a process and a (6) ____.

4.The teacher should play as a (7) ____ when students are not sure how to start an

activity, or what to do next, or what to say next.

5. A good lesson planning should be guided by the principle of (8) ________, which

means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students.

6.In real language use we use all skills, including the (9) ____ skills of listening and

reading, and the (10) ____ skills of speaking and writing.

7.The most common student groupings are whole class work, (11) ____ work, (12) ____

work, and individual study.

8.Pre-listening activities should aim to motivate students, to activate their prior

knowledge, and to teach key words or key structures to the students before listening begins so that students are affectively, (13) ________ and (14) _________ prepared for the listening task.

9.(15) ________ means reading quickly to get the gist; (16) __________ means to read to

locate specific information.

10.Grammar practice is usually divided into two categories, (17) ________ practice and

(18) ________ practice.

11.The main procedures of process writing include creating a motivation to write,

brainstorming, mapping, free writing, (19) __________, drafting, editing, (20) _________, proofreading and conferencing.

II. True or false (10%, 1’×10=10’)

( ) 1. The development of professional competence for a language teacher involves language training, learning, practice and reflection.

( ) 2. Making errors will lead to bad habit formation, so we should correct them whenever they occur.

( ) 3. Students have to grasp the relationships between communicative functions and sentences structures so as to communicate properly in real life.

( ) 4. Any tasks for practicing speaking should reflect the special characteristics of spoken language.

( ) 5. If you first identify the topic, purpose and structure of the text and then make guesses, predictions during reading, you are using the “bottom-up” approach.

( ) 6. If students get enough chance to practice using a foreign language, they do not need to learn grammar.

( ) 7. Micro planning involves obtaining knowledge about the students, the institution and other features of the teaching context. Macro planning involves deciding what and how to teach in the classroom.

( ) 8. Effective readers read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word.

( ) 9. The ultimate goal of discipline is to make more effective learning possible, but discipline does not guarantee learning.

( ) 10. In order to foster competent language users, teachers should require their students to achieve native-like pronunciation.

III. Choose the best answer (10%, 1’×10=10’)

1. What role does the teacher play in the deductive presentation of grammar?
