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Happiness and Income


Everything that rises must converge


Emerging markets are catching up with the West inthe happiness stakes


POETS, songwriters and left-wing politicians hate theidea, but for decades opinion-poll evidence has been clear: money buys happiness and thericher you are, the more likely you are to express satisfaction with your life. Until now. Asurvey of 43 countries published on October 30th by the Pew Research Centre of Washington,DC, shows that people in emerging markets are within a whisker of expressing the same levelof satisfaction as people in rich countries. It is the biggest qualification to the standard viewof happiness and income seen so far.


The Pew poll asks respondents to measure, on a scale from zero to ten, how good their livesare. (Those who say between seven and ten are counted as happy.) In 2007, 57% ofrespondents in rich countries put themselves in the top four tiers; in emerging markets theshare was 33%; in poor countries only 16%—a classic expression of the standard view.


But in 2014, 54% of rich-country respondents counted themselves as happy, whereas inemerging markets the percentage jumped to 51%. This was happening just at a time whenemerging markets' chances of converging economically with the West seemed to be receding.


Rich countries did not experience steep declines in happiness. The decreases in America andBritain were tiny (a single percentage point), while the share of happy Germans rose 13 points.A large drop in formerly joyful Spain ensured a modest overall decline for the rich. But theconvergence happened thanks to huge improvements in countries such as Indonesia (+35) andPakistan (+22). In 12 of the 24 emerging markets, half or more people rate their lifesatisfaction

in the top tiers of the ladder.


This is not to say the link between income and satisfaction has been snapped. Poor countriesstill lag behind: only a quarter of the people there are in the happy tiers—half the level of theother two groups. There is also a clear link between happiness and income growth (as opposedto income levels). China's GDP rose at an annual average rate of 10% in 2007-14 and itshappiness level rose 26 points.


Within countries, richer people express more satisfaction than their poorer neighbours. Thestudy divided respondents into categories with higher and lower incomes and fewer and morehousehold goods. In every country in every group, richer folk with more goods expressedhigher levels of happiness. So at a personal (as opposed to national) level, money does buyhappiness. And if you ask people about different aspects of their lives—health, family life,religion, standard of living—it turns out that satisfaction with living standards still has thebiggest influence on happiness.


But the secret of happiness has been scattered around. Women tend to be happier than men.Married people are happier than unmarried ones. Latin Americans are more satisfied than peoplein other emerging markets. Asians are the most optimistic; Middle Easterners the least.Income still matters. But it has been dethroned.








