


Nowadays, the blind-date show is definitely popular. This kind of show has hooked many pretty, outstanding and young people to take part in finding his princess or her Mr.right Whats more, the blind-date show has been the enthusiastic topic in our free time.

Why is this kind of show so attractive? On one hand, young people are so busy in working that have no time to meet new friends and develop further relationships. On top of that ,maybe someone is quiet strick with the lover ,so he or she will have more chances to meat different kind of people then choose the best one 。On the other hand ,some youth has the arm of becoming a pop star to join the show instead of dating sincerely 。

In my opinion ,the blind -date show provides a new kind of enthusiasm for audience to choose ,it can make our life more colorful and to some degree ,it truly gives some singles a new way to date. However, i hope that the show can be pure and innocent 。Fewer lies ,more truths.


Write down your final exam#39;s Resolution.

since i keep on procrastinating, i must get myself adhere to some sort of schedule to force myself committed to it.

sleeping hours, let#39;s make it less than six. anw i dun need that much of sleep to stay awake in the day. i will be working from eight to two in the morning everyday. if i dun have to wake up early for lesson, i should sleep at nine. i prefer to sleep more in the morning.after my tuition is done, i should be able to commit fully to prepare for my exam.i really hope my student will get A for his maths!!

then i should only clear one subject at a time. four more weeks left to my exam. but five modules to clear!!marketing have serious problems. my tx bk is totally new. erm, for stats, better start to practise. biz law, starts to draw mindmap. for macro, have to be very familiar to all the concepts and graphs.


Originally known as the Imperial University ofPeking,Peking University was established in1898.The establishment of the University markedthe beginning of higher education in China‘s modernhistory.In modern history of China,it was a center forprogressive thought and was influential in the birth of China’s New Culture Movement,theMay Fourth Movement and many other significant ,Peking University was placed bymany domestic university rankings amongst the top universities in China.

The university laysemphasis on both teaching,and scientific research.It has made great efforts to improve theundergraduate and graduate education,and maintain its role as a leading research institution.In addition,the University is especially renowned for its campus environment and the beauty ofits traditional Chinese architecture.


In modern society, the decline in morals isbecoming more and more severe. For

example,there have been a few cases in which a senior woman pretended to have fallen over and thenblackmailed the person who tried to help her. There was also another case where a little girl washit by a car and no passers-by gave her a hand.

To solve this problem, we need first to find out the reasons. For one, the fast pace ofmodern society is driving people apart from each other, thus people are losing the patience tocare for others. For another, with technology developing, it’s much easier for people to knowwhat is happening in the world today. In order to draw people’s attention, some media wouldlay stress on negative news and overemphasize the negative effects.

To reestablish social morals, we must work together. People should learn to care for theothers, while the media should treat negative news more properly.










Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on

the topic Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? The First sentence has already been written for you. You should write at least 120 words, and you should base your composition on the outline below:

1. 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是。

2. 也有人持不同意见,......

3. 我的看法和打算

(二) 解决问题型

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled Reduce Waste on Campus. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:



What I know is to help others, but also to use my own life to risk saving a person I don#39;t know, but there is another kind of moving that comes from my real heart.


Today, Mr. Hu showed us a public service advertisement: there is a very beautiful little girl with a white face, dark blue eyes like a dark blue gem, a small face like a full moon, which makes

her more lovely and charming. She has a golden hair to add spring like brightness to her.


But she used a pair of scissors to cut her long hair into short hair and gave it to a child with leukemia.


It is this naive little girl who wakes up my heart with her childish actions.


Yes, moving may be a kind of beauty from the heart.


Moving people to tears must be from their real heart and body.


Now the income gap is getting wider and wider. In some privately owned firms, joint-ventures, or foreign-funded companies ,an executive’s yearly income is ten times or even a hundred times as much as an ordinary worker’s

Faced with this situation, people will undoubtedly have different opinions. Some believe that it benefits the social and economic development since driving force is often derived from the gap. In other words ,the gap inspires people and gives a push to advancement. Other speak of its side effect: income gap is often the root of social unrest and also contrary to our country’s principle.

From my point of view, while it is true that the income may stimulate the social development to some extent, it causes trouble as well. An income gap that is too wide for most people to bear can neither contribute to the stability of a country nor promote its economic development. Therefore ,while we are advocating the rapid development of our country ,we should tolerate the narrow income gap but narrow the wide one.


Along with the improvement of living standards, people are no longer content with being fed and clothed adequately. They are more concerned about how to enhance their sense of happiness.

To a large extent, happiness depends on individuals’ understanding about it. For some people, happiness relies on material basis, without which they can’t live comfortably and decently. For others, they believe that happiness has nothing to do with money. Thus to enhance happiness is not equal to improving one’s material living standards. Instead, people are supposed to confront their life with right attitude, to be active and grateful in order to have a happy life.

For my part, money does buy happiness, but only up to the point where it enables one to live comfortably. To boost one’s happiness not only needs the material but also the spiritual enrichment. It encompasses living a meaningful life, utilizing your gifts and your time, living with reflection and objective.


about nine o'clock one evening in may, my roommate li ming was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough.his head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning. his forehead felt very hot. we took his temperature. it was 38.5℃.

without hesitation, i dialed “120”。it wasn't long before an ambulance arrived. one roommate brought a blanket for him. another supported him in the ambulance. our teacher insisted on giving him some money.

is he a suspedted sars patient? who can tell ? but we did't retreat. when the savage sars was spreading, people showed fearless spirit regardless of dangers to their own health.this kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice.and it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.




寒暄句+主题句(注:寒暄句和主题句可以是同一个句子) 第三段、根据提纲扩展主体段落:

主题句+扩展句1+扩展句2+扩展句3 第四段、表明自己的观点,并结束书信主体段落在最后要他谈自己的看法第五段、寒暄句+落款


directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic a letter to the university president about the canteen service campus. you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:



dear mr. president,


主题句:this letter comes to you from ____.

扩展句:in it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon


主题句:as you know, _____ . but unfortunately, ______. 扩展句:1、___. (举例) as a result, _____. 2、besides, ______.

3、and what's more, _____.


主题句:some people may argue that ____. 扩展句:1、for instance, ____ and ____. 2、but in my opinon, ______.


结尾句:to be belief, though a bit dissatisfied with _____.

扩展句:i do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there. thanks. li ming


Nowadays some people like to compare university study to mountain climbing-an activity that requires painstaking, persistent efforts and strong will if one expects to make it a success. In my opinion, university study and mountain climbing indeed have some similarities.

Firstly, both university study and mountain climbing require painstaking efforts. A student has many things to learn and will sure encounter lots of difficulties in the road of study; while a mountaineer will also face many difficulties before he or she reaches the peak of a mountain.

Secondly, university study and mountain climbing require persistence. A university student should learn to accumulate knowledge for his or her ultimate exam, while a mountaineer should also learn to preserve energy for the ultimate challenge. Thirdly, a sustainable willpower is needed in both university study and mountain climbing. With many difficulties and frustrations around, a student or a mountaineer should face them with strong will.

Generally speaking, mountain climbing is not an easy thing, nor is university study. Though university study and mountain climbing are quite different, they actually have many things in common. Through the above analysis, we could conclude that dreams can only be achieved by painstaking efforts and strong will.


Topic1 On making mistakes ”The onl y man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything。” Obsolete as it may sound,the saying is quite sensible. It indicates that to err is human, as was remarked centuries ago by Alexander Pope, the renowned British poet。Strangely enough,people exert great efforts to avoid making mistakes,which actually are part of our life。Let’s name but a few。First,we may take the wrong steps when we first learn to toddle,and fall over. However,we learn how to walk and run from it。Second,we may make friends with someone who is a hypocrite,and get hurt. Topic2 On manner of dealing with people Confucius once said,"Do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you”, which is an important principle in deal ing with the interpersonal relationship。It tells us that we should put ourselves in others' shoes when we get along with others. However,in reality, chances are good that people do things in their own way and fail to take others' feelings into consideration。There may be no better example than living in the dormitory。For example, in the same dormitory some like playing video games with a loudspeaker,but others like quietness and enjoy reading. Some like to stay up late with the light on, but others get used to sleep early。As a result,all may dislike each other and the dormitory life may become chaotic. In short, mutual understanding is indeed vital in dealing with others. That's why the first thing I will do in social interaction is to be more considerate,thinking of others' feelings more。What's more, I will try to be as polite as possible and show my sincerity all the time,always treating others as I'd like to be treated myself. Topic3 Dare to be different Coco Chanel, founder of the world famous French brand Chanel, remarked:”In order to be irreplaceable,one must always be different." The quote not only summarizes the secret of Chanel,but also reveals the jungle law of our society: it gains the competitive edge to be different. If you are different from others, you are


英语六级作文范文28篇精选 一Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled Asking for Leave of Absence. You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines: Your name and role : Sam , a sophomore in English Class Two Your Foreign Teacher’s name : Ms.Riddle Incident: you cannot come to her class for some reason Task: write her a note , asking for leave of absence Asking for Leave of Absence To: Ms.Riddle , my dear Oral English teacher From: Sam , a respectful sophomore student of yours in Oral English Class Two Date : January 8,2005 Subject: Asking for Leave of Absence Dear Ms.Riddle, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from your Oral English class this Wednesday morning.


大学英语六级作文优秀10篇 (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作资料、求职资料、报告大全、方案大全、合同协议、条据文书、教学资料、教案设计、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic model essays, such as work materials, job search materials, report encyclopedia, scheme encyclopedia, contract agreements, documents, teaching materials, teaching plan design, composition encyclopedia, other model essays, etc. if you want to understand different model essay formats and writing methods, please pay attention! 大学英语六级作文优秀10篇 在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是人见人爱的本店铺分享的大学英语六级作文优秀10篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 大学英语六级作文篇一


英语六级写作满分作文(精选9篇) 英语六级作文篇一 As a general rule, people like to help others, but there are occasions when you should say no to requests for favors. For instance, it is better to refuse when a child pesters you for sweet food and drinks or for too many toys. Another example is when a relative asks you to use yours influence to get him or her a bank loan or work promotion. However, we cannot ignore the fact that many people are reluctant to say no. They feel that if they turn down a request from a relative or friend, they will cause ill-feeling within the family or become unpopular with their acquaintances. A notable case in point is when the boss asks them to do something which they feel is unreasonable. It is important to keep in mind that not saying no when you should say no can sometimes have harmful consequences. If children are giver everything they ask for, not only may their health be damaged, but they may grow up selfish and spoilt. Again, in the long run it is kinder to re fuse to lend money to a person who has a gambling or alcoholism problem. 英语六级作文篇二 In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread widely among the public, especially among youngsters. From Olympic Games to urban communities, many people are seen to offer free help. Volunteering is of tremendous benefit to those in need. For example, hundreds of thousands of volunteers played an active role in the recent quake-hit Yushu area: they offered medical and psychological aid to the victims in the relief work. On the other hand, volunteering is beneficial to the volunteers themselves too. Involved in volunteering activities, people are exposed to new circumstancesj and they can learn how to work well in a team and how to improve their interpersonal skills, all of which are critical for their career development. In my view, we should all join in volunteering work as long as we have spare time. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we all volunteer in regions struck by natural disasters. There are many people eise who need our help, i.e. the old or the sick in the near nursing home. Little by EittJe, we are sure to help make the world better. 英语六级写作满分作文篇三 Eleven The Significance of Challenge. We are faced with more and, more challenges in a world that is developing rapidly. Challenge means not only hardship but also opportunity. Challenge, by nature is an inspiration to our creative power and an opportunity to achieve success. We should adopt a proper attitude toward challenge. First, we must be well prepared for challenge at any time, because we can never, in most cases, predict when it will come. Second, when it really comes, we should be courageous enough to seize it. No pains, no gains. Only through hard work can we achieve success. Finally, adequate knowledge is called for to meet challenges. Science and technology are developing at a tremendous rate and those who cannot keep up with the times are bound to fail. Challenge is almost inevitable in the modern society. We are obliged to prepare ourselves for challenges by accumulating enough knowledge and


大学英语六级作文(25篇) 在学习、工作乃至生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题.你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编为大家收集的大学英语六级作文(精选25篇),欢迎大家分享. There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today how college graduates should choose their careers. Some time ago, it was reported that some college graduates chose to work as village officials. To this peoples attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. As far as I am concerned, I believe that it is a wise choice. On the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. First, they can apply their professional knowledge there. Secondly, they can introduce new concepts to the countryside and speed the development of rural culture. As a result, the gap between the city and the countryside can well be bridged. On the other hand, these graduates can benefit a lot from working as village officials. While too many college graduates are fighting for the handful of positions in big cities, these graduates can find themselves a wider stage of development and realize their value. Therefore, college graduates working as village officials is a win-win choice and more graduates should be encouraged to work in the countryside. Is Becoming Rich the Only Goal of Life? As the saying goes, Money makes the mare go. Living in the contemporary society, more and more people are becoming money-oriented whether voluntarily or reluctantly. Sometimes, they should be reminded that becoming rich is not the only purpose of life. If one spends all his life pursuing nothing but money, he might live in a big house and drive a luxury car when he gets old. However, a persons


大学英语六级考试满分作文范例十篇 1. 话题:社会压力 In today's society, people are facing increasing levels of stress and pressure. The pressure to succeed in our careers, relationships, and personal lives can be overwhelming. However, it is important to find ways to manage stress and maintain our mental and physical health. One way to reduce stress is to prioritize self-care. This can include taking breaks when needed, practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga, and making time for hobbies and activities we enjoy. Additionally, seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can also be helpful in managing stress. In conclusion, while society can be stressful and demanding, it is essential to prioritize our mental and physical health. By taking care of ourselves, we can better manage stress and lead fulfilling lives. 2. 话题:校园网络安全 With the increasing prevalence of technology in our lives, cybersecurity


2022年6月英语六级作文范文(实用11篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


六级英语作文范文10篇 英语六级作文是大家头疼的问题,今天橙子就为大家带来十篇六级英语作文范文,希望能帮到大家。 多吃水果的好处 The Advasdfsntasdfsge of Easdfsting Fruit It is well-known thasdfst fruit is good for our heasdfslth asdfsnd we should hasdfsve more. Do you reasdfslly understasdfsnd whasdfst benefit it brings to us? Let me show you some. 众所周知,水果对我们的健康有好处,我们应该多吃一点,你真的了解水果具体对我们有什么益处吗?我来告诉你其中一些吧。 First of asdfsll, fruit is good for our skin. Fruit hasdfss rich trasdfsce elements asdfsnd vitasdfsmin, which casdfsn nourish the skin. The masdfskeup is hasdfsrd to reasdfsch its effect. Besides, some fruit hasdfsve the effect of delasdfsying senescence for the elements their contasdfsin. So, easdfsting more fruit casdfsn masdfske skin better asdfsnd look more beasdfsutiful. 首先,水果有益于我们的皮肤。水果具有丰富的微量元素和维生素这些可以滋养皮肤的东西。这是化妆品也无法达到的效果。除此之外,有些水果因其含有的成分可以起到延缓衰老的作用。因此,多吃水果可以让皮肤更好,也可以让人看起来更漂亮。 Secondly, fruit is good for our heasdfslth. It helps to


英语六级作文优秀8篇 大学英语六级作文篇一 why do i take college english test band 6 ?directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic why do i take college english test band 6 ?you should write at least 120 words and your composition should include the following two points (given in chinese):1.有人认为没有必要参加大学英语六级考试(简称cet—6);2.我参加cet—6考试的理由。why do i take college english test band 6 ?more and more students enter for college english test band 6 this year. some students, however, think it unnecessary to do so. when asked, some say that the test is so difficult that they are afraid that they will not pass it. others say that this test is not as useful as such tests as toefl or gre. so they'd like to take the more useful.i think it both useful and necessary to take this test. the many comprehensive and objective items in the test will enable me to know whether i have made any progress in my english study after i took the cet 4 a year ago. in this way, i can find my strengths and weakness in my english study. besides, i regard the certificate of this test valuable. i will be in an advantageous position when i am looking for a job after graduation armed with this certificate. furthermore, if i can pass this test, i will be more confident when i take such tests as toefl or gre. that's why i am here today, sitting in the classroom, taking this test seriously. 大学英语六级作文篇二 1、对于北京限制购车,有人赞成 2、也有人表示反对 3、你的看法 Limiting tbe Buying of Cars or Not? Beijing has placed strict restriction on the number of newly purchased car in the city and the policy bas sparked heated discussion. Some people support the policy, saying it,s a powerful method to cope with the severe traffic congestion in the capital. With cars increasing drastically in the past few years, severe traffic jams occur not only in rush hours but at any time of the day now. Others, however, aie strongly against the limitations. They argue that the great number of official cars,which are frequently used, is a big factor causing traffic congestion. But the policy mainly aims at private cars and has no dear restrictions on the use of official cars. Besides, car purchase limitation would hinder the development of China's automobile industry,and more people would lose their jobs as a result. Personally, I think the restriction of buying and use of cars, official cars incladed, is inevitable and just a matter of time for Beijing. If the number of cars is not limited, there will be a huge disaster for the environment, road resources, the travel demands of normal people and the improvement of living standards. 20xx年12月大学英语六级作文必背范文:Never Give Up Never Give Up “Never give up” can be very encouraging words, but the majority of youngsters are likelyto give up regardless when dealing with the ordinary difficulties of life. As one example, manyyoung people are reluctant to continue their English study when they feel difficulty learningnew words. But if one takes “never give up” as a motto, possibilities and opportunities areexpanded。


大学英语六级作文(精选10篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如总结报告、合同协议、规章制度、条据文书、策划方案、心得体会、演讲致辞、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays, such as summary reports, contract agreements, rules and regulations, doctrinal documents, planning plans, insights, speeches, teaching materials, complete essays, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please pay attention!


六级作文范文10篇 英语六级是有很多优秀文章,值得每个人借鉴阅读的。要写好英语六级作文,首先要学会模仿优秀作文,然后再尝试自己创作。下面给大家分享一些六级作文范文,希望对大家有帮助。 六级作文范文1 No one has the exclusive way to success. Some say money. Some say love. Others say a house, a car, a child, a degree from a top university—but all are of these are only outward ways to show others that we’re successful. People think that they must have these things before they can be happy, but Scott Achor in “The Happiness Advantage” says that the opposite is true. Achor, who is a professor at Harvard University and who has been teaching the “Happiness Course” for fifteen years, recently wrote this book to show that happiness breeds success, not the other way around. When I read it, it struck a chord with me and I realized that truly positive, happy people always seem to love what they do and who they are with. Even if times get tough, they don’t knuckle under. They persevere and overcome all obstacles. To me, the way to success is to figure out what you truly believe in and love in life. You should write up a mission statement about how you can contribute to the world by doing what is meaningful to you. Then, you should go after your dream—no matter what it is or if it fits society’s versio n of a successful reality. Set goals, divide them into specific tasks, learn what you need to learn, do what you need to do and always keep the prize in mind. The way to success is to have a clear vision of your future and know what will make you happy. If you are doing what you love, with people that you care about, and making a meaningful contribution to the world, you will not only be happy,


Topic 1:Is It Better to Buy or Rent? The price of housing has kept increasing in recent years, which causes a big headache for people living in cities. A lot of people cannot afford to own a real estate property, so they choose to rent instead of buying an apartment. This group of people does not want to bear burden of mortgage so that they opt for a practical solution. Renting an apartment makes them have a place to stay and thus they can focus on work as well as personal life.Some other people, however, believe that an apartment owned by themselves makes them feel safe and relieved, so they are willing to sacrifice some other aspects of life to borrow money from the bank to buy an apartment. As far as I am concerned, to buy or to rent is all about people's personal choice. But when the price of housing is standing too high, it will be better to rent first and wait for the good timing when the price is going down to buy. Topic 2: On Job Hopping It seems that nowadays, very few young people are willing to stay in a job position for long, let alone for the whole life. They change jobs constantly. This results from several factors. Firstly, young people like fresh things, and it is easy for them to be fed up with old routine work. So when they stay in a position for a while,the excitement will fade out. Secondly, young people are still looking for the best suitable job for themselves. They are quite realistic and not willing to waste time in a job they are not interested in. Thirdly, some young people are not satisfied with current salary, believing they deserve better pay. In my opinion, constant job hopping will not benefit young people in their career development. Every job has its own merits and young people can certainly learn something from it as long as they are patient and wise enough. Every job experience is valuable down the career path and young people shall be able to make the most of it. Topic 3: Online Social Network Modern people will be no stranger to online social network. Facebook, Renren and Kaixin001 are probably the most populous networks among Chinese netizen. In these networks, people interact with each other, be it a stranger or a friend, and have a lot of fun in the virtual world. This phenomenon could be a result of the fast development of the Internet and people's great interest of the virtual world. I think it is a very good new platform for people to keep in touch. But it should not be overused. Firstly, some people are addicted to it, which makes them want to get online 24 hours a day. When people spend too much time on one thing, they will naturally have not enough time for study and for work. Secondly, online social network change people's behavior of interacting with others.
