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1、Preparation at the construction site


1.1 Determine construction areas according to construction drawings and make preparation of construction in teams.

1.1 确定建筑面积按施工图纸,并在团队中的施工准备。

1.2 Determine material stacking and blanking locations.


1.3 Check construction tools and safety measures, such as ladder safety etc.

1.3 检查施工机具和安全的措施,如梯子安全等,

1.4 Further make preparation for protection and prevention.

1.4 进一步做好保护和预防的准备

2、Construction methods


2.1 Glass cleaning

2.1 清洁窗户

Check whether there are any dirty marks such as soil dust, paints or

silicone glue on glasses before spraying and wetting glasses. Use

scouring pad to remove the dirt as necessary and clear away the dust

with brushes. Spray washing and installation liquid on the whole glass,

and use the cleaning scouring pad to clean the whole window glass. Use the clean dish cloth to clean the window frames.



2.2 Window film preparation

2.2 准备窗膜

Currently three common methods are used to prepare window film.


2.2.1 Method 1: Use other glass as the backer.

2.2.1 方法1:以其他窗户为垫板,

Use a piece of glass that has been cleaned initially as the backer, sprinkle water on the window and place the window film to be installed on it. The protective film of the window film shall be placed towards yourself.


2.2.2 Method 2: Reversal roll method

2.2.2 方法2:反转卷轴法

Roll the window film reversedly towards the box side carefully, with the

protective film facing upwards. The rolling diameter of window film shall

be about 2.5cm. While about 8cm long window film is left after rolling,

cut the film along the box edge. Grip the rolled window film at hands,

and then start to tear protective film. Tear the film carefully, and roll the protective fill towards the roll core. Spray installation liquid to glue it and prepare for installation.

细心地将窗膜以保护膜向上的方式反卷至盒边,窗膜卷径应约为2.5cm。当窗膜卷剩8cm 时,在窗膜的前后喷清洗安装液。把卷好的窗膜握在手中,然后开始撕下保护膜。小心地撕,让保护层卷向卷轴。在撕下保护膜的8cm范围,将清洗安装液喷洒在安装胶上,接着把窗膜卷暂时放置于一干净之处。

2.2.3 Method 3: Double-person installation method

2.2.3 方法3;双人安装法

One person will clean the window, and the other person will measure windows and prepare window films. When one person stretches the window films out of the box to appropriate length, the other person can cut the window film. After having separating the protective film of the window film a little form the top of window films, staff A grips two top corner of the window film and staff B tear the protective film slowly and spray the washing and cleaning liquid on the installation glue at the same time. Staff B can continue spray washing and spraying liquid on the glass window and then staff A can install the window film on to the window glass.

