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1. Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who ________ evening dress.

A. wear

B. wears

C. has worn

D. have worn

解析:B。首先the only one of …为先行词时,定语从句修饰的是one,即one是主语,而非后面的复数women,根据主谓一致的原则,谓语动词应该用复数,排除A,D。另外,从“is”可以看出句子是要表示一种习惯,因此要用一般现在时,排除C,故选A

2. The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________ rising steadily since1990.

A. is

B. are

C. has been

D. have been

解析:C。主语是the number故谓语动词用单数,又因时间状语是since 1997所以用完成时态。

3. According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer _________ a woman.

A. than

B. such

C. so

D. as

解析:D。本题考查比较级的结构,as ….. as , 注意句中的more than 只是修饰twice。

4. P eter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it cost his.

A. as much twice as

B. twice as much as

C. much as twice as

D. as twice much as


5. Either you or one of your students ______ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.

A. are

B. is

C. have

D. be

解析:B。Either …or…. 连接两个主语,按就近原则来确定谓语的单复数。One of your students 谓语应用单数形式。

6.—Did you go to the show last night?

—Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area invited.

A. were

B. have been

C. has been

D. was

解析:D。主语是every boy and girl,表示单数概念,故谓语动词用单数,且询问昨晚的情况,有明确的过去时间,所以应选择was。

7. hundreds/thousands/millions/billions/dozens/scores of。

She went to the bookstore and bought .

A. dozen books

B. dozens books

C. dozen of books

D. dozens of books



8. A survey of the opinions of experts that three hours of outdoor exercise a week good for one’s health.

A. show; are

B. shows; is

C. show; is

D. shows; are

解析:B。由a survey可知第一个空用shows,首先排除A、C两项;第二个空前的时间three hours of outdoor exercise a week表示抽象概念,看作单数,故其谓语动词用单数形式。

9. As a result of the serious flood,two-thirds of the buildings in the area .

A. need repairing

B. needs to repair

C. needs repairing

D. need to repair

解析:A。分数、百分数修饰名词,谓语动词的单复数取决于名词,此处two-thirds修饰buildings,故谓语动词取决于名词复数buildings ,排除B、C两项,need doing=need to be done 意为“需要被做”。

10. It is reported that the floods have left about people homeless.

A. two thousand

B. two-thousands

C. two thousands

D. two thousands of

解析:A。hundred,thousand,million,billion,dozen,score等指具体数字时,不用复数形式, 如one hundred,two thousand,three million;指大约数字时,常用复数形式,如tens of,millions of,scores of等。








1. 与of 短语连用,表示概数,不能与具体数目连用,如thousands of / millions of / hundreds and hundreds of / hundreds of thousands of / thousands upon thousands of, scores of...

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the park.

2. 在一些表示“一排”或“一组”的词组里,如“in twos and threes 三三两两”。

They came home from church by twos and threes.

3. at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟

His wife was away and the house was at sixes and sevens.
