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Economic globalization's development makes the various countries economy connect closely, the liberalization of trade call to surge upward. The traditional tariff barrier and must speaks on another's behalf the barrier to fade out gradually the international trade stage, the technical trade protectionism does not have the barrier limit which by it compares to affect into the trade protectionism person with newly acquired wealth. Some developed country take protect country security, the safeguard life, the protection life health as well as maintains the ecological environment is exempt from the pollution and so on to build a technical barrier as the shop sign to the foreign commodity, establishes take the technical laws and regulations and the standard, the qualified evaluation procedure, the green barrier and so on as the manifestation technical trade protectionism. The mechanical and electrical products the unmatchable product which exports as our country, receives the technical trade protectionism seriously the limit. Facing the new situation, we urgent need to understand that our country mechanical and electrical products export the present situation, the analysis overseas technical trade protectionism's manifestation, analyzes the reason which our country mechanical and electrical products export is blocked, seeks for the effective countermeasure, guides and helps our country mechanical and electrical products to realize to the overseas technical trade protectionism spanning.

key word: Technical trade protectionism; Mechanical and electrical products export; Influence and countermeasure


中文摘要 (1)

英文摘要 (2)

引言 (4)

1技术性贸易壁垒的基本概念 (5)

1.1技术性贸易壁垒的定义及特征 (5)

1.2 技术性贸易壁垒的主要内容 (6)

2我国机电产品出口面临的技术性贸易壁垒 (9)

2.1 欧盟CE认证 (9)

2.2 美国UL认证 (10)

2.3 日本JIS标准 (10)

3技术性贸易壁垒对我国机电产业出口的影响 (12)

3.1 正面影响 (12)

3.2 负面影响 (12)

4对策及建议 (14)

4.1政府应对技术性贸易壁垒的措施 (14)

4.1.1完善技术法规体系 (14)

4.1.2完善预警机制 (14)

4.1.3实施标准化战略 (14)

4.2企业应对技术性贸易壁垒的措施 (15)

4.2.1努力提升技术水平,提高产品技术含量 (15)

4.2.2不断提高管理水平,积极参与国际认证 (15)

4.2.3实施市场多元化战略,努力开拓新市场 (15)

4.2.4通过对外直接投资,绕过技术性贸易壁垒 (15)

结语 (16)

参考文献 (16)

后记 (17)
