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Unit 1

误 会


一天早晨,一位生活在美国的韩国妇女到上班地点时,她的老板问她:“你拿到盘子了吗?” “没有……”她回答说,心里却在纳闷,不知道他到底是什么意思。她在办公室工作。老板为什么问她盘子的事呢?一整天她都对老板的怪问题感到纳闷,但又不好意思开口问他。到了5点,当她准备回家时,她的老板说:“明天请准时上班。你今天早晨迟到了15分钟” “对不起,”她说。“我的车发动不起来,而且……” 突然她停止了讲话并开始微笑起来。她这时才明白老板并没有问她“你拿到盘子了吗?”他问的是“你是不是起来晚了?”
Auckland 和Oakland。“一个盘子”和“起晚”。当发音相似的单词引起误会时,也许

最好的处理方式就是一笑了之并从错误中吸取教训。当然,有时候很难笑得出来。那个没到Oakland却去了Auckland的人是不会想笑的。但即使是那场误会,最终的结局也还不错。那家航空公司支付了那人在新西兰的旅馆住房和用餐的费用,还支付了他飞回加利福尼亚的费用。“ 哦,还好,”那人后来说,“我一直就想要看看新西兰的。”


1. passengers 2. immediately 3. similar 4. wonder 5. continent
6. traffic 7. misunderstandings 8. embarrassed 9. flights 10. common
11. serious 12. searched

1. got on 2. head for 3. tapped on the shoulder
4. pull over 5. resulted in 6. feel like 7. By the time
8. turn out all right 9. in the end 10. instead of

1. By the time I got home, I was too tired to do anything active.
2. The two girls look too similar for people outside the family to tell them apart from each other.
3. What in the world does mm stand for? The abbreviations that people use on the BBS are too confusing for me to understand.
4. Because of TV, most people have become too lazy to make the effort to go to the cinema.
5. Anne made a serious mistake yesterday because the test gave her too little time to decide on the correct choice.

1. until I have really learnt the basics of the language.
2. until the end of the book
3. until they have finished their speeches
4. until my teacher explained them in class with several examples
5. until I saw Sam Ward leave the building
6. until he got on a city bus

1. Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped.
2. Twenty minutes after the train started, the two boys found that they had got on a train heading for Hangzhou instead of their hometown, Suzhoul.
3. Similar-sounding English words often result in misunderstandings among English-speaking people.
4. The driver heard an unusual sound from the car engine, so he pulled over immediately to check, but it turned out all right in the end.
5. Mr. Lee felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very common mistake among speakers of English as a second language.
6. Mary felt like learning English and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time.

1. giving us heat and light
2. ranging in age from 4 to 16
3. Being invited to speak here
4. your encouraging words
5. sitting between Mary and Tom
6. leaving today’s work for Tomorrow
7. playing in the playground
8. taking a break
9. leaving me alone
10. taking mechanical things apart

如: way(路)— weigh (称…的重量),
hear(听见) — here (这里),

ir(梯级) — stare(凝视),
do(做)— dew(露水),
red(红的)— read(读过),
ate(吃过)— eight(八)。

1. 比利将把自己的礼物赠送给汤姆。
2. 我反对把那样东西留在这里。
3. 我估计这一估计数会太高。
4. 那只鸽子很快地从空中俯冲而下。
5. 法官今天将宣判那名囚犯有罪。
6. 既然你靠得那么近,那就请你关上门吧。

1. 我走过那块跳板登上船。
2. 我试图用我的球拍把那只蝙蝠赶走。
3. 我因为天气寒冷而感冒了。
4. 这一只虫子真的开始烦扰我了。
5. 一些城镇实际上跟边界接界。
dough(生面团), cough (咳嗽), hiccough (打嗝儿),
plough (犁), through (通过), rough (不平滑的),
thorough (彻底的)。

1. “corned beef”(咸牛肉)中的“corn”( “玉米”) 在哪里?
2. “eggplant”(“茄子”)中的“egg” (“蛋”) 在哪里?
3. 为什么“grapefruit”(“柚子”)不是“fruit from the grape”(“葡萄的果实”)?
4. 为什么“boxing ring”(“拳击台”)是“square”(“方的”)?
5. 某人怎么会“beside himself”(“神志失常”)?

1. mysteries 2. mysterious 3. meanings 4. stared 5. estimate 6. imagined
7. figured 8. board 9. pronounce 10. weighed 11. presented 12. object

1. Take a look 2. get right 3. objected to 4. at least 5. makes no sense
6. beside himself 7. dawn on 8. think of

Unit 2





1. bother, bother 2. companion 3. Shame 4. officials 5. notice
6. recognized 7. vacant 8. scene 9. politely 10. describe

1. cut short 2. at their disposal 3. at the same time 4. in … face
5. turn your back on 6. a couple of 7. turned … inside out 8. Look around

1. must have seen the tickets for tonight’s play
2. must have been here many times
3. may have gone bad
4. may not have received the present

1. Nancy was glad to have quit her part-time job before her final exams.
2. Aren’t you ashamed to have eaten all the fruit in the basket?
3. We are really grateful to have received so much care during our visits here.
4. Henry was foolish to have trusted such a liar.

1. The public noticed that since that local official left, his position had been vacant for a couple of months.
2. Seeing the girl looking around helplessly on the platform, the young porter asked politely if she needed any help.
3. I recognized your companion the minute he appeared at the door. He looked just as you had described.
4. We didn’t bother to find a hotel, for my good friend invited us to stay in her house and put a luxurious car at our disposal.
5. While the professor was turning the suitcases inside out to find his glasses, his wife was sitting comfortably in an armchair watching the whole scene.
6. I turned my back on her because she expected me to treat her like a queen.

1. seeing a doctor as soon as possible
2. working for another hour
3. buying a new car
4. going to the cinema
5. having been to New York
6. quitting my job
7. speaking it
8. being recognized
9. spending all that money
10. losing my job

但 愿
我在一家7-11商店里已经工作了两年,自以为很善于处理我们经理所说的“与顾客的关系”了。我坚信,一个友好的微笑和脱口而出的“先生”、“女士”和“谢谢”就足以让我应付任何可能出现的情况,无论是安慰缺乏耐心或难缠的顾客, 还是为找错零钱而道歉。但是几天前的那个晚上,一位老妇人却动摇了我的信念: 乖巧的回答并不能消除与他人打交道时遇到的磕磕绊绊。


1. automatic 2. apologize 3. situation 4. sort 5. arises
6. impatient 7. response 8. rushed 9. customers 10. relations

1. for free 2. get the best of 3. see through 4. in sight 5. be dealt with
6. in reply to 7. flooded into 8. give away

Unit 3

世界著名篮球明星迈克尔? 乔丹在选择和实现个人目标和职业目标方面显然都是成功的。他在他的书中写到他如何应对他所面临的挑战。在你阅读这篇节选时,考虑一下该书书名《我不能接受不努力》在多大程度上与他的经历是一致的。



1. salesman 2. mental 3. taste 4. failure 5. challenge
6. puzzle 7. reasonable 8. otherwise 9. realistic 10. level

1. step by step 2. have … in mind 3. app

ly to 4. move on to
5. had come through 6. built up 7. concentrate on 8. leading to

1. That’s how he became a world-famous basketball star.
2. that’s why you couldn’t sing a song.
3. that’s when the trouble really began.
4. That’s where I studied in my childhood.
5. That’s what he should d now.

1. If you ran as fast as you could, you would come first in the 100-meter dash.
2. If she worked as hard as she could, she would catch up with her classmates.
3. If you tried as hard as you could, you would overcome the difficulties.

1. He has given up running in order to focus on the long jump.
2. In his book I Can’t Accept Not Trying, Michael Jordan looks back on how he approached the challenges he faced.
3. If you had tried as hard as you could, you would have long achieved your goal of becoming a starter on the varsity.
4. Even if you fail the final examination, don’t get down on yourself, because you can take the examination again at the beginning of next term.
5. If you ultimate goal is to become an English teacher, then the first thing you have to do is to learn English well.
6. Not everyone is going to be world-famous. But if you have done your best, you can still be considered a success.

1. smoking 2. to stay 3. to think 4. to bring 5. bursting
6. buying 7. to stay 8. trying 9. traveling 10. meeting, seeing

成功来自热情 / 热情导致成功
任何大事的成功都离不开热情。— 拉尔夫 ? 沃尔多 ? 爱默生

什么是真正的热情? 在你追求成功的过程中,热情意味着你对公司所做的一切深信不疑。你还相信你的工作是重要的,并且有助于公司的事业。这意味着你愿意拼命地工作以实现公司的目标。
热情帮助你获得成功 对工作或对项目的热情通常能转化为积极的能量。也就是说

提高你的热情 大多数人并非生来就伟大——他们是后天变得伟大的。同样,并非每个人都是那种迷恋工作的热情一族。但是,不要绝望,要变得更有激情还是有办法的。

1. willing 2. anxious 3. definitely 4. detail 5. Furthermore
6. partly 7. type 8. perform

1. carried out 2. looking forward to 3. In most cases 4. fell in love with
5. Getting ahead 6. contributed to 7. stand out 8. dedicated … to




Honesty is the best policy.
John and Mary are merely friends, not lovers.
It’s not merely a matter of cost, but whether she’s old enough to be on holiday alone.
Sooner or later the truth will come out.
God’s truth天经地义的事
a scientific truth科学真理
We were met with a hearty welcome.
Let’s give a hearty cheer to the winner.
She pretended to be reading when I passed her.
I faked interest in the boring lecture.
The baby hasn’t learned to fake a smile.
“The party begins at 8:00 pm.” Then she added, “You can come earlier if you like.”
If you abuse your power, you get it taken away.
The center provides service to abused women and children.
The river has been heavily polluted.
The hikers breathed the fresh mountain air.
a mass of ice/letters
mass media
mass education
Many countries are working together to stop the destruction of the environment.
He didn’t take the advice; pride led to his own destruction.
He likes tea, particularly green/black tea.
Bob smiled in a particularly friendly way.
a species of fish
several species of birds
They were arguing over t

he prices.
He argued with his wife about whether they should buy the car.
When I laughed at her, she countered me by pointing out my own foolishness.
He countered the decision but lost.
How can I exterminate the ants without harming the plant?
Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews.
I feel that some ways of managing stress are just counter-productive.
Instead of telling us what to do, the police officer just screamed at us all the time.
She screamed a warning not to come closer.
Ann was sad at her failure but too much was happening for her to dwell on it.
The teacher dwelled on the importance of honesty.
They should have acted long ago. Moreover, they should have asked you to join them.
an anti-war activist
a human rights activist
a political activist
Four people were killed in the accident, but police have not yet named the victims.
Is that strange creature human or animal?
She’s a pretty creature.
He has a prejudice against all foreigners.
Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book.
The dictionary should enable you to understand English better.
His job as a journalist enabled him to know a lot of people.
The company exploited its workers with long hours and low pay.
exploit a mine
exploit natural resources
scientific research
scientific mind
scientific management
a cruel ruler
a cruel fact
Tigers are cruel by nature.
I know I have to get on the airplane despite my fear.
Despite the rain we enjoyed our holiday.
Did he make any comment on the movie?
“What do you think of the change?” “ No comment.”
I don’t know the answer. Please give me a hint.
There was a hint of anger in his statement.
intelligence test
high/average/low intelligence
intelligence quotient
He’s innocent. He didn’t kill the boy.
She is a very innocent kind of person.
My innocence will be proved in court.
The writer wrote about the innocence of childhood.
He’s an occasional visitor to our house.
The weather was good except for an occasional shower.
The president can’t be here today, so I’m going to speak on his behalf.
On behalf of everyone here, I’d like to thank you very much for coming.

1. enables 2. arguing 3. comments 4. despite 5. planet
6. pretending 7. cruel 8. polluted 9. particularly 10. freedom

1. have no use for 2. playing with 3. dwell on
4. get together 5. on behalf of 6. on earth

1. What do you guess has made him change his mind?
2. Who do you guess is the winner of the speech contest?
3. When do you suppose the results of the exam will come out?
4. Where do you imagine they spent their vacation?

1. I don’t think he will agree with us.
2. I don’t think Alice can understand such a difficult question.
3. I don’t think you are taller than your brother
4. I don’t think they have made up their minds.

1. This report dwells on how some species were exterminated because of the polluted environment.
2. T

o tell the truth, I think a snide comment made out of prejudice is better than faked praise given by a hypocrite.
3. Mary countered the manager on behalf of all the employees by arguing that it is cruel to limit the employees freedom and it will eventually affect the company’s reputation.
4. What on earth has enabled some people, particularly certain high officials, to abuse their powers despite the law?
5. I don’t think success is merely related to intelligence. In fact, many good qualities, such as innocence, honesty, humor and loyalty, can help us succeed, too.
6. Strangely enough, the joke did not bring about hearty laughter, not even a hint of any. Could it be that the audience was pretending to be serious?

1. John is not here. Try phoning his home number to see if he’s there?
2. Walking along the street, he stopped to take a picture.
3. I forgot to ask him for his address.
4. We regret to inform you the model you want is out of stock.
5. They tried to pass the exam.
6. I remember turning the lights off before we came out.
7. I’ll never forget hearing this piece of music when I was lonely.
8. I regret giving up the job.
9. I stopped eating chocolate last year.
10. She first told us her plan and then went on to tell us how she would carry it out.




1. amazing 2. disappoint 3. suspicious 4. scientists 5. reasoning
6. replaced 7. signal 8. suspect 9. was divided 10. intelligent

1. lost interest 2. tell time 3. disagree with 4. before long
5. lined up 6. No doubt 7. make sure 8. why not

Unit 5


Love is more precious than money.
He was left a legacy by his aunt.
inherit a legacy
They had not realized the depth of their feelings for one another.
a press/news conference
The conference will be held in New York.
insurance company
She received £2,000 insurance.
Have you bought insurance on your house?
It is the policy of the government to improve education.
American foreign policy
an insurance policy
am going to attend my brother’s wedding.
a wedding ring
stock exchange
There are several kinds of gas in the air.
a gas cooker
I can smell a gas leak.
electric power
electric generating plant
electric fan
electric iron
electric stove
military service
military operation
military age
military base
military discipline
The mayor presented a silver cup to the winner.
The mayor presented the winner with a silver cup.
Don’t forget to put a stamp on the envelope.
engagement ring
My brother has just told me about his engagement to Anne.
It brought me back to memories of my schooldays.
The diamond ring is said to be a priceless treasure.
Children should respect their parents.
In spite of his different opinion, he respected his son’s point of view.
This fellow never shows respect for anyone.
What is the distance between Shanghai and Beijing?
There has been a great distance between the two close friends since their quarrel.
You are a mature man now; you are no longer a boy.
The human brain isn’t fully mature until about age 25.
The two boys formed a deep and lasting friendship.
Our marriage is based on friendship, love, and trust.
I was fortunate to catch today’s last bus to the county at the last minute.
We gazed in wonderment at the sunset on the small island.
I always thought it would be romanti

c to get red roses on my birthday.
A person’s character is more important than past experience.
He has a strong but gentle character.
a packet of letters
a packet of cigarettes
Love of art will enrich your life.
The goal of the course is to enrich our understanding of other cultures.

1. fortunate 2. respected 3. forever 4. character 5. military
6. friendship 7. memories 8. soul 9. precious 10. lawyer

1. as well as 2. made use of 3. keep their distance from
4. took out 5. as for 6. stared at

1. While the car is old, it still runs well.
2. While we are a small company, we produce over 10000 machines a year.
3. While I quite understand why he refused to help her, I can not agree that he was right not to do so.
4. While no more than twenty-two, she was already a highly successful businesswoman.
5. While in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties.

1. even worse
2. even less
3. even more interesting
4. even more exciting

1. At the soldier’s funeral, the general presented his wife with a medal as well as an American flag.
2. These old stamps are even more valuable than all the rest of my estate. As for the diamond ring, it is priceless.
3. While his love is now a memory, each time I stare at his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love.
4. Mother often tells me to make good use of my precious time and keep my distance from those I mistrust.
5. I did not understand that mature friendship could enrich our lives until I read his letter.

1. equipments – equipment
2. advices – advice
3. informations – information
4. are – is
5. works – work
6. grasses – grass
7. progresses – progress
8. are – is
9. treasure – treasures
10. wealths – wealth


“先生,”孩子说,“请把橱窗里那串蓝珠子项链拿给我看一下好吗?” 皮特撩开帘子,取出一串项链。他把宝石展现给她看时,蓝中透绿的宝石在他的掌中闪闪发光。“太完美了,”孩子说,“你能帮我包装得漂漂亮亮的吗?”
“你有多少钱?” 皮特问。她一直在手忙脚乱地解着手绢上打的结,这

皮特若有所思地望着小女孩,然后小心翼翼地把项链收回来。价格标签只有他看得到,小女孩却看不到。他怎么能告诉她呢?“稍等一下,”他一边说,一边向店堂后面走去。 “你叫什么名字?” 他回头问。“琼?格雷斯。”


1. earnest 2. quality 3. lonely 4. relief 5. old-fashioned
6. satisfy 7. handkerchief 8. spread 9. stirred 10. package

1. lifting out 2. straighten up 3. are in love with 4. poured out
5. has come down to 6. drew back 7. wrapped up 8. Once upon a time

Unit 6

比 利



Your success today may be significant to your whole future.
October 1, 1949 is a significant day in modern Chinese history.
The city is waging a campaign against drunk driving.
multinational corporation
Microsoft Corporation
British Broadcasting Corporation
I put a portion of my salary in a savings account each month.
Seat belts are now standard on all new cars.
The events that led to the war were complex and numerous.
The program reviewed the most important events of the year.
Teachers find gratification in the success of their students.
a nursing school
She’s going to take three nursing courses next semester.
The hotel has a staff of about 100.
The teaching staff of the school is excellent.
Some rights have been restricted by the new law.
You must restrict your smoking.
I can’t find my wallet anywhere.
You can go anywhere you want.
The company had to fire half of its personnel to save money.
express a view on political issues
What issue are Linda and her husband arguing about?
The office has been transferred to Room 1618.
She’s been transferred to our Paris branch.
The students were asked to print out their essays.
Fix a hook on the wall.
Hook the rope to the boat and pull hard.
medical examination
medical college
medical equipment
There is a grave risk of flooding.
Once he played a trick on his teacher, something none of the other students dared to do.
A feeling of despair ran through him.
An idea ran through my mind.
I suggest we should go to see a movie.
grant a favor / request
The minister granted the journalist an interview.
a logical conclusion
I demand a logical explanation for your behavior.

1. waging 2. standard 3. community 4. issues 5. project
6. transferred 7. significant 8. experiences 9. personnel 10. medical

1. hooked up 2. right now 3. torn apart 4. ran through
5. along with 6. stepped back 7. walked into 8. stayed with

1. I love Yao Ming for his modesty and so does my girlfriend.
2. Frank quickened his steps and so did Henry.
3. Jane bought a copy of Love Story and so did all the other girls.
4. I am confident that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be a great success. So am I.
5. If your brother Adam can do it, so can I.
6. I’d love to go to Shanghai to see the World Expo in the year 2010. So would I.

1. Instead of ordering an advance, the general commanded that the soldiers retreat immediately.
2. We propose that Louis be appointed ch

airman and chief executive of IBM Corp.
3. The patient has requested that the doctor discontinue treatment, but the doctor has ignored his request.
4. The police chief ordered that parking be prohibited on Main Street during rush hours.
5. David demanded that he be told the truth about what had happened to his beloved son.

1. Xiao Zhang was knocked off his bicycle by a taxi on his way home from school.
2. Katharine is very proud of her husband’s achievements in medical research.
3. When I asked Billy if there was anything else I could do for him, he again asked me to hold him.
4. I fully understood why they had these two restrictions placed on me, but I really didn’t like them.
5. I am sorry I can not grant your request right now. I have to talk it over with our manager.
6. Since she lost her job a number of years ago, Helen has been looking forward to being employed again by the MacDonald’s Corporation.

1. The criminal was punished.
2. Special attention must be paid to this important issue.
3. She was made fun of at the party.
4. Is the house cleaned regularly?
5. Lost time must be made up for.
6. He was found innocent of all charges.
7. You have been told the truth.
8. My report will be sent to you by Tom.
9. English is spoken almost all over the world.
10. A fine has to be paid if the books are not returned to the library on time or renewed before they are due.

我是否有足够的自信,如果真的丢掉饭碗,我能振作起来重新开始呢?回答是一个响亮、勇敢、坚定的“是”, 我能振作起来重新开始。


1. response 2. informed 3. risk 4. value 5. limit
6. permitting 7. involved 8. bold 9. perceive 10. retain

1. to be honest with you 2. shortly after 3. searching for 4. pick up
5. come up with 6. find out 7. regardless of 8. Given the circumstances
