2019版高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Tomorrow

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Unit 3 Tomorrow's world



1.accuse vt.控诉,控告;谴责

2.function vi.起作用,正常运转


3.escape vi.&vt. 逃跑;被遗忘


4.master n.主宰;主人;大师


5.hire vt.聘用,雇用;租用,租借

6.chief adj.最重要的,首要的


7.fade vi.逐渐消失;(使)变淡;走下坡路,衰落8.exit n.出口;离去,退场

vi.& vt.出去,离去,退场

9.float vi.(水中)漂浮,漂流;(空中)飘移10.monitor n.显示器;监视器;班长

vt.& vi.监视


1.amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊诧

→amazing adj.令人惊奇的

→amazed adj.大为惊奇

→amazement n.惊奇,惊愕,惊诧

2.confident adj.自信的

→confidently adv. 自信地

→confidence n.信心,信任

3.disappoint vt.使失望

→disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的

→disappointing adj.令人失望的

→disappointment n.失望

4.impress vt.给……以深刻印象,使铭记→impression n.印象,感想

→impressive adj.印象深刻的

5.present v. 颁发;展示;赠送;呈献→presentation n.展示,介绍;颁发6.disable vt.使残疾

→disabled adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的

→disability n.残疾

7.advantage n.优势

→disadvantage n.缺点;不利因素,障碍8.secure adj.安全的;有把握的


→security n.安全

9.real adj.真的,真实的

→really adv. 真地,真实地

→reality n.现实,事实

10.injure vt.伤害,损害

→injury n.伤害,损害;负伤11.social adj.社交的;社会的

→society n.社会

→socialism n.社会主义

→socialist adj.社会主义的

→socialize v. 交往,交际

12.terror n.惊恐;恐惧

→terrify vt.使恐惧

→terrified adj.惊恐的

→terrifying adj.令人惊恐的

13.constant adj.连续发生的;恒定的

→constantly adv. 连续发生地,不断地


1.passive adj.被动的

2.neighbourhood n.街区;邻近的地方

3.sightseeing n.观光,游览

4.urban adj.城市的,城镇的

5.mushroom n.蘑菇;伞菌

6.dinosaur n.恐龙

7.frost n.霜;霜冻

8.network n.(互联)网络


1.His friendliness and kindness gave us a strong .In other words,we were all by his friendliness and kindness.(impress)

2.Jack his leg when he was playing basketball yesterday.The doctor said that his was very serious.(injure)

3.He is quite that he will pass the exam.He works very hard and we all have in him.(confident)

4.To fit in well,we should obtain some social skills and learn to with people from different backgrounds.(social)

5.He has made progress in his study as he can polish up his learning skills and seek advice from others.(constant)

【答案】 1.impression;impressed 2.injured;injury 3.confident;confidence

4.society;socialize 5.constant;constantly


1.add to 使增加,使增强,使扩大

2.connect with/to 与……连接

3.give out/off 放出(声、光、气等);公布

4.put forward 提出,提议

5.in the long term/run 从长远来看

6.compared with 与……比较起来

7.as to 至于,关于

8.set up 设立,建立
