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1. We could in vite Joh n and Barbara to the Friday ni ght party. Yes, _______ I 'II give them a call right now

A. why not

B. what for

C. why

D. what

2. Are you going to Tom 's birthday party

__________ . I might have to work.

A. It depe nds

B. Thank you

3. I always wan ted to do the job which


A. on

B. for

C. Sound great

D. Don t mention it 'd

been trained __________

C. by

D. of

D. ambiti


A. made

B. havi ng made

C. mak ing

D. to make

13. The train ________ arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late.

A. was about to

B. was likely to

C. was supposed to

14. Don 't leave for tomorrow _________ you can do today.

A. if

B. what

C. that

D. was certa in to D. uni ess

15. Five minu tes earlier ________ we could have caught the last train.

A. or

B. but

C. and

D. so

16. Do you have anything more _________ ,sir

No, You can have a rest or do someth ing else.

A . typing B. to be typed C. typed D. to type

17. The heavy rain _________ for several days and all the roads were flooded.

A. held on

B. kept on

C. fell dow n

D. kept up

18. It is such a good place the world. everybody wants to visit ______ it is well-k nown all over

4. good service, the restaura nt offers differe nt kinds of traditi onal Fujia n


A. Far from

B. Apart from

C. i nstead of

D. Regardless of

5. Giving up my job to go back to full time caudati on was a big __ , but now I

know it was the best decisi on I ever made.

A. project

B. competiti on

C. commitme nt

6. Bring the flowers into a warm room they'll soon open.

A. or

B. and

C. but

D. for

7. Whe n Alice came to, she did not know how long she _ t here.

A. had bee n lying

B. has bee n lying

C. was lying

D. has lain

8. Whe n I got on the bus, I ___ I had left my wallet at home.

A. was realiz ing

B. realized

C. have realized

D. would realize

9. I'll go to the library as soon as I finish what I_ .

A. was doing

B. am doing

C. have done

D. had bee n doing

10. Sit dow n, will only make yourself more tired, _____ on your feet.

A. keep ing

B. to keep

C. hav ing kept

D. to have kept

I use your bike, Jack --Of course, you ___________ .

A. can

B. may

C. could

D. might

12. I lost my way in complete dark ness and, ___ matters worse, it bega n to rain.
