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Unit One Education and Dreams

Exercise 1

1 Where did the man see the woman yesterday?

D. At registration.

2 How was the distance learning course different from the traditional one?

A. Students are not required to attend regular classes.

3 What is the main advantage of the distance learning course that the speakers agree with?

C. It allows more flexibility in students’ schedules.

4 Why did the woman decide to enroll in the distance learning course?

D. Because she would work a lot of hours next semester.

5 What is the disadvantage of the distance learning course that the man thinks?

B. It limits interaction among students.

Exercise 2

1 According to the speaker, which of the following statements best reflects his reason for his success?

C. He prepared himself well beforehand.

2 What example has he set up for the rest of people?

B. American dream.

3 Which of the following statements is likely to have a monument?

A. Generals.

4 What is the most powerful way to increase one’s capacity?

D. Learning on one’s own.

5 Which kind of the communications might not be preferred by the speaker?

D. Call-to-call contact. Unit Two Jobs and Duties

Exercise 1

1 Who is Alan Greenspan?

B. An economist.

2 To whom does Alan Greenspan have to answer?

D. No one.

3 What is the goal of Greenspan?

D. To let economy grow and contract gradually.

4 What happened to Dow Jones Index after Greenspan’s speech?

A. It rose by 3%.

5 Which one is not true about Greenspan?

C. He is appointed the job by President Bush.

Exercise 2

1 Which one is not mentioned in the woman’s first job experience?

A. Answering the door when doorbell rings.

2 Why did the woman quit her first job?

D. Because she could not ask for a 4-week leave.

3 What was not the reason for the woman’s dislike of her third job?

D. Because there was too much harassment.

4 What was the main reason for the woman holding her last job?

A. It is very promising for future her in the company.

5 How many jobs has the woman tried?

B. Five.

Unit Three Cultures and Customs

Exercise 1

1 Why do some American men no longer push the chairs for ladies at a dinner table?

B. Because they emphasize equality of the sexes.

2 What’s the difference between American and European customs in using the knife and fork?

D. Europeans keep the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left while Americans use just one hand and keep the other one on their lap.

3 What’s the difference between American and European customs in drinking coffee?

A. Europeans are more apt to drink coffee after the meal while Americans between bites.

4 Which of the following statements is considered to be polite concerning the placement of silverware in America?

C. Putting a coffee spoon on the saucer or a soup spoon on the service plate.

5 How long a guest may stay after dinner?

B. Two or three hours.

Exercise 2

1 To whom is it inappropriate to give four of anything?

A. The Japanese and Korean.

2 What does it mean to present an even number of flowers in European countries?

B. It means bad luck.

3 What should you do first when you present flowers to a German?

D. Unwrap the bouquet.

4 What gift is inappropriate to a French person?

A. A gift of perfume.

5 What should people pay special attention to in rank conscious societies like Japan when presenting gifts?

C. Presenting gifts in accordance with position and prestige. Unit Four Health and Medicine

Exercise 1

1 What do we know from the first paragraph?

C. More and more people take up the habit of smoking.

2 What determines a person’s smoking habits?

D. Occupation, income and education.

3 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

D. Well-educated men with high incomes are generally less likely to smoke.

4 What is the smoking situation for women?

B. Better-educated women are likely to smoke heavily.

5 What can we say about teenage smokers?

A. The picture about the teenage smokers is similar to that of women smokers.

Exercise 2

1 What is this passage about?

D. General information about cancer.

2 What is meant by metastasis?

A. The unchecked spread of cancer.

3 Which of the following statement is true?

D. Benign tumors can be life-threatening when they are near a major blood vessel.

4 Which of the following therapies offers hope for a patient whose cancer had spread throughout the body?

B. Chemotherapy.

5 Which of the following statements may respond to hormone treatment well?

C. Ovarian or uterine cancer.
