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English News
economic news
political news
Key words
economic news
• The People's Bank of China (PBOC) d ecided to cutthe reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for RMBdeposits by 1 per centage point starting Oct 15.
• 中国人民银行近日决定,自10月15日起 将把人民币存款准备金率下调1个百分 点。
• Wen Bin, chief researcher of ChinaMi nsheng Bank, said that the move wou ld unleash 1.2 trillion yuan of capital int o the market, but it would not chang e the central bank's stance ofsticking to a prudent and neutral monetary p olicy, as its goal was to reduce financi n. g costsof the real economy.
• Lee was sentenced in a Seoul court last Friday oncharges of bribery, embezzle ment and abuse of power, and ordered to pay a 13 billion won fine.
• 上周五,李明博因涉嫌贿赂、贪污和滥用 权力而在首尔法院被判刑,并被勒令支付 130亿韩元的罚款。
• 央行的一则声明称,此次降准所释放的部 分流动性将用于偿还10月15日到期的 4500亿元中期借贷便利
• There are sufficient conditions for the R MB exchange rate to remain basically st able at areasonable and balanced level, it said.
LISTENIBaidu NhomakorabeaG
• A statement of the central bank said th at some of the liquidity unleashed will be used to payback the 450 billion yua n of the mediumterm lending facility th at will mature on Oct 15.
• The former president claims the charge s are politically motivated.
• 这位. 前总统称这些指控是出于政治动机。
• The judge at Seoul Central District Cou rt said "heavy punishment for the accu sed isinevitable" because of the serious nature of the crimes.
• 该声明称,人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上 保持基本稳定的条件是充分的。
political news
• Former South Korean president Lee My ungbak hasbeen jailed for 15 years for corruption.
• 近日,韩国前总统李明博因贪污腐败被判 入狱15年。
• 该法院认定这位前领导人收受了电子公 司三星数十亿韩元,以此作为赦免其董 事. 长李健熙的答谢。不过三星方面否认
Key words
•commerce ['kɔmə:s] •n. 贸易,商业 •prudent ['pru:dənt] •adj. 谨慎的;精明的;节俭的 •financing [fi'næ nsiŋ] •n. 融资;财务;筹措资金 v. 筹措资金;财政管理;从事金融活动(finance的ing形式) •reaction [ri'æ kʃən, ri:-] •n. 反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用 •embezzlement •n. 侵占;挪用;盗用
• 首尔中央地方法院的法官称,由于犯罪 的严重性,“对被告的严厉惩罚是不可 避免的”。
• The court found the former leader acce pted billions of won from major electr onics firmSamsung in return for pardo ning its chairman, Lee Kunhee. The co mpany denies having given the former president the money.