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14.2.1 Collective nouns as subject (5)
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
the + adjective as the subject → notionally equivalent to a collective noun. The choice between a singular or plural verb depends on whether the adjective refers to a group of people qualified as such or to a particular person or an abstract quality so described: e.g. The poor are getting poorer; the rich richer. The old are self-conceited because of their rich experience while the young are proud of their youthfulness. The deceased was his grandfather.

14.2.1 Collective nouns as subject (3)
2) Collective nouns that almost invariably take the plural verbs: cattle, militia民兵 组织 , people, police, vermin害虫, 寄生虫 , etc. e.g. The British police have very limited power. Poultry are less expensive in the rural areas.
14.2.1 Collective nouns as subject (2)
collective nouns which denote groups of animate beings fall into three subclasses: 1) Those which usu. take the singular verb and which typically go with the definite article: the aristocracy贵族 , the bourgeoisie中产阶级 , the church, the clergy, the elite精英 , the gentry绅 士, 名流 , the press, the public, the rank and file普通成员 , the youth, etc. e.g. The public holds a very negative attitude towards this newspaper. The aristocracy does not enjoy as much privilege as it used to.
Chapter 14
主语和谓语动词的一致、代词的一致;了解一 致的原则及这些原则在不同场合下的运用: 三个一致原则的内容及相互之间的关系 主语和谓语动词的一致:集体名词、并列名 词词组、表示数量概念的名词词组、名词性 分句 人称照应的一致
14.0 Introduction
14.2. Subject-verb concord Subject-verb concord in respect to number is already discussed in Chapter 3 Subject-verb concord with regard to ① a collective noun ② a coordinated noun phrase ③ an indefinite expression of amount ④ a nominal clause
14.2.1 Collective nouns as subject (5)
Such a difference also holds good for proper nouns referring to organizations: e.g. The BBC was to send him to Hong Kong to report on the handover. The BBC are planning to change some programme schedule. England is leading 1-0 at half-time. England are usually stronger than France, but this year France are doing better at the European Championship.
14.2.1 Collective nouns as subject (1) collective nouns which denote collections of inanimate objects usually take the singular verb. They include cutlery, foliage叶子(总称),, furniture, jewelry, machinery, merchandise, etc. e.g. New machinery is arriving tomorrow. Jewelry is no longer a mark of wealth.
14.2.2 Coordinated noun phrases as subject (1) three factors to consider: The internal structure of the coordinated subject The meaning that it conveys The choice of coordinator e.g. Peter and Bob are deadly rivals. Both work and play prove indispensable to a healthy person. ※two parallel items, each referring to a different thing →grammatical principle of concord Her camera, passport, money, diary (was / were) all left in the hotel. ※Conjoined items that go without and or with the
14.1. Principle of concord
principle of proximity就近一致 → the agreement of the verb with a closely preceding noun phrase in preference to agreement with the head of the noun phrase that functions as subject. → especially common if the subject and the verb are kept apart by an intervening modifier. (主语 和谓语隔的距离越远,谓语动词与相邻部分越采用 就近原则). → Normally applies to informal speech e.g. Neither my wife nor I am coming to the ceremony. Dr. Black together with his crew are going to stay in the observation station for a whole winter.
14.1. Principle of concord
grammatical principle语法一致 → the verb matches its subject both in person and in number (a set of rules govern this) The notional principle意义一致 → is concerned with the subject-verb concord on the semantic basis (i.e. according to the notion of number) → especially common between a verb and its subject that contains a collective noun e.g. The average family is a great deal smaller than it used to be. (singular) His family were at variance with him in their opinion about his plan to join the army. (plural)
14.1. Principle of concord Three complementary principles of concord: The grammatical principle语法一致 The notional principle意义一致 The principle of proximity就近一致 e.g. Everybody was happy with the decision. (the grammatical principle) The audience were brought to their feet at the sight of Superman in his wheelchair. (the notional principle) Either you or I am responsible for the mistake. (The principle of proximity)
14.2.1 Collective nouns as subject (4)
3) Collective nouns that can take either the singular or the plural verbs: army, audience, brood一窝, 一伙 , cast演员阵容 , college, committee, community, company, council, crew(一组)工作人员, data, department, enemy, family, flock一群 , gang, e.g. I like to know what the enemy is thinking. The enemy were going to attack soon. Each family was asked to plant a tree before summer came. The family are noisy upstairs. ※ The singular lay emphasis on the non-personal collectivity of the group The plural lay emphasis on the personal individuality within the group.
concord: Also termed “agreement” Subject-verb concord is governed by three complementary principles Problems arise with concord when the subject is ① a collective noun ② a coordinated noun phrase ③ an indefinite expression of amount ④ a nominal clause ⑤ existential sentence Pronoun references in terms of number and gender