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A "Career-Life" Crisis

In the new movie Up in the Air, Anna Kendrick stars opposite George Clooney as Natalie Keener, an ambitious new college graduate who takes a job at a company whose business is to fire people.

Natalie quickly gets to work developing a videoconferencing system that saves the company millions by performing terminations online. While on a cross-country trip to learn the rope,however, Natalie is shaken by the emotional implications of her prized job and quits.

These days, many people---young and old---are experiencing a career-life crisis, asking: "What do I do when I realize my dream job isn't so wonderful after all?"

Not long after Christine Hassler, 33 years old, of Los Angeles landed a prestigious and lucrative job as a Hollywood agent, she found herself arriving at work with knots in her stomach and counting the minutes until the weekend.

"I didn't like the job, and I didn't like the person I was becoming while doing

it-stressed out, irritable and unmotivated," she says.

Recognize the Impact

Securing a position in your most desired field is a major achievement, and when the day-to-day work doesn't turn out to be as great as you thought it would be, it's normal to feel depressed,disappointed and confused.

You may feel powerless to make a decision, and this state of limbo can cause you to experience physical symptoms like insomnia, malaise and stomachaches.

Examine Expectations

The way to cope is first to examine your expectations. Says Ms. Hassler:"Often, the first few years at a job aren't the most thrilling because you're learning the ropes, and it may be unreasonable to think that you'll be jumping out of bed to go to work every day, or that you'll get promoted before you've had time to prove yourself."

Plan on the Sidelines

If you're certain that you've made a wrong turn not to get mired in feelings of negativity. "If you go to work every day with a woe-is-me attitude, you are going to feel even worse," says Ms. Hassler, who eventually left Hollywood to become a life coach and book author. She suggests talking about your feelings with a friend or mentor, but keeping your game face on at work.

Maintain your work reputation and in your free time you can start putting plans in place to transition your career. Begin researching positions that are a better fit for your skills and interests, start saving money, and attend networking activities in different industries so that you can get plugged into their communities.

Take the Pressure Off
