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For 用法小结

For 是英语中出现率相当高的一个介词,其意义非常广泛,掌握它的用法对英语水平的提高起着至关重要的作用。现在,我把它常见的用法简单归纳如下:


The West Lake is famous for its beautiful scenery. 西湖以它美丽的风景而闻名。

He was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons. 他由于政治原因而被迫离开了祖国。

Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it. 恩格斯给他写了一封信,并且因此表扬了他。

Yesterday the Department of Education gave him a medal for having completed sixty years of teaching. 昨天教育部给他颁发了一枚奖章,表彰他六十年的教学工作。


She came here for her pen. 她来这儿是拿钢笔的。

They asked if they could put up here for the night. 他们问能不能在这儿过夜。

In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work. 他1849年到了英国,把伦敦作为他革命工作的根据


Besides his work in physics , he spent much time working for human rights and progress.除物理研究之外,他还在人权和进步方面花了大量时间。


He had different clothes for every hour of the day. 他一天不论什么时候都有不同的衣服。

These are books for children. 这些是孩子们看的书。

This is a letter for him. 这是他的信。

That is homework for today. 那是今天的作业。

They are tickets for tomorrow. 那些都是明天的票。


He stayed in Belgium for a few years. 他在比利时呆了几年。

She stays here for a week. 她在这儿停了一周。

Later my father and Mr Crossett talked for about half an hour of things and persons they remembered in the school. 后来,父亲和克罗塞特先生就他们记起来的学校的人和事谈了大约半个小时。

Haven’t seen you for ages and miss you very much. 好久不见,非常想念。


He’ll leave for Zhengzhou tomorrow. 他明天要到郑州去。

They are passengers for Boston. 他们是去波士顿的旅客。

It is a train for Luoyang. 这是一列开往洛阳的火车。


He bought the dictionary for 30 yuan. 他花三十元买了这本词典。

She sold it for twenty dollars. 这东西她卖了20美元。

He once refused to speak on the radio for $1,000 a minute. 他曾经拒绝过在电台上每分钟一千美元的讲话。

All the people in the city were talking about the wonderful cloth which the Emperor had ordered to be woven for so much money. 全城的人都在谈论皇帝花这么多钱去织的神奇的布料。

How much do you want for that? 那事你要多少钱?

She got the bamboo basket for next to nothing. 她得到那只竹篮简直没花什么钱。

When he dies, you won’t be able to get his paintings for love or money. 他死的时候,你别想得到他的画。



They made way for the car to pass. 他们闪开让汽车过去。

Here are some books for them to read. 这儿有几本书可以让他们看。

There is no need for anyone to know. 没有必要让谁都知道。


So much for today. 今天就到此结束。

The day is warm for April. 就四月份来说这天还算暖和。

He is tall for his age. 依他的年纪,个头挺高的。

That is good enough for me. 对我来说那已经够好了。


Are you for or against the proposal? 你是赞成还是反对这个建议?

Are you for the government or against it? 你拥护不拥护政府?

He played well for his side. 他为自己的队立了大功。


They took him for a fool. 他们把他当成了傻瓜。

Don’t take everything for granted. 不要事事想当然。


This cloth must be woven for me right away. 必须马上给我织这种布。

---I can’t do this. ---Let me do it for you. ——这件事我做不来。——让我替你做吧。
