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Unit 4Wildlife protection



1.(2012·高考重庆卷)—Look,here comes your dream girl.Invite her to dance.

—________What if she refuses me?

A.I don’t know.B.Why me?

C.With pleasure. D.So what?

2.(2012·陕西五校三模)What ________ relief! It almost took us five years to pay back all the money we borrowed from the bank.Now we are out of ________debt.


C.the;a D./;/

3.(2011·高考福建卷)I’d prefer to ________ my judgement until I find all the evidence.

A.show B.express

C.pass D.reserve

4.Recently some Japanese have been trying to make conflicts with China,________effects we are greatly concerned.

A.to whose B.about whose

C.to which D.about which

5.Over the past decades,sea ice________ in the Arctic as a result of global warming.

A.had decreased B.decreased

C.has been decreasing D.is decreasing

6.(2012·厦门期末考试)Much to the________of the worried parents,their son finally came back safe and sound.

A.relief B.regret

C.anger D.disappointment

7.—I am at ________ loss at the moment.Can you help me?

—That’s out of ________ question.What can I do for you?

A.a;/ B.a;the

C./;a D./;the

8.Too much drinking will do ________ to your health;you should take the doctor’s advice.

A.harm B.trouble C.damage D.hurt

9.(2013·西安五校模拟)While we were listening to the speech attentively,a voice ________ to announce the result of the election.

A.broke in B.broke up

C.broke off D.broke down

10.If we don’t take steps,the Tibetan antelopes and pandas will ________ some day just as dinosaur,which is terrible.

A.die out B.die away

C.die down D.die off

11.—It seems that you have worked here for a long time.

—No.It was just a year ago ________ I started working here.

A.that B.how

C.when D.before

12.With so many people ________ anxiously to use the lift to go to work,we must get it repaired as quickly as possible.

A.to wait B.waited

C.wait D.waiting

13.(2013·青岛模拟)Most children need encouragement in time of failure ________ they can

cheer up again.

A.so that B.in case

C.because D.if

14.The headmaster has retired but no one knows who will ________ him in the post.

A.follow B.succeed

C.remove D.achieve

15.(2013·兰州模拟)There’s no doubt that children are always longing ________ the Christmas holidays.

A.to B.on

C.for D.about


The remarkable weather extremes of the past decade were not directly caused by global warming,President of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Professor Neville Nicholls said on Monday.

Professor Nicholls,who is one of Australia’s most __1__ climate scientists,said such extremes__2__the heat wave in Victoria of Australia that__3__the Black Saturday bushfires,similar heat in Pakistan and Russia,and the devastating tornado(龙卷风) ripped through parts of the U.S.earlier this year are,in many__4__,unprecedented(空前的) in modern times.

__5__,he said that global warming should not be__6__for these events.

“__7__these things happen,people ask‘was it caused by global warming?’”The short answer is no,“Professor Nicholls told the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) conference in Melbourne on Monday.

“They were all caused by well-known and reasonably well-understood weather and climate events,even with some predictability.”

__8__global warming does not cause the weird(怪异的,超自然的) weather,Professor Nicholls __9__its part in making some of the extreme weather more__10__.

“Global warming doesn’t produce these events,however,it’s__11__hard to avoid the conclusion__12__global warming has increased the frequency and the intensity of these heat waves,”Prof.Nicholls,who is also a famous Monash University professorial fellow,said.

“It is __13__harder to make the connection to__14__those floods in Queensland in early 2011 to global warming,”

“There was a particular and very unusual meteorological(气象的) sequence that__15__those floods and__16__is very difficult to work out if climate change is worsening that situation__17__.”

He__18__that the cause of the recent floods in Australia,instead is a record-breaking version of La Nina.

The 25th general assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)__19__on Wednesday in Melbourne.Almost 4,000 participants from about 100 countries will discuss recent natural disasters and the__20__on human life and infrastructure at the eight-day conference.

1.A.famous B.common

C.sharp D.strict

2.A.like B.for

C.as D.to

3.A.kept B.brought

C.accompanied D.produced

4.A.cases B.positions

C.conditions D.scenes

5.A.Therefore B.However

C.Yet D.But

6.A.accused B.charged

C.blamed D.criticized
