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高一英语必修3 Unit3导学案Words & Expressions



Learning aim: 1. To learn the words & expressions in part 1(warming up and reading)

2. To know something about the diets.

Difficult points: To learn some difficult expressions.


1.Recite the new words in warming up and reading.

2.Discuss the questions about films.

Discovering useful words and expressions:

I.Find the correct word for each of the following


1 _____________ mistake

2 _____________ to allow something to happen

3 _____________ someone who writes books

4 _____________ to try to find or get something

5 _____________ a thin paper cover for a letter

6 ____________ the place where someone was born

7 ____________ a man who works in a business

8 ____________ unusual, exciting or dangerous experience

9 _____________ ability to wait fro a ling time or to accept trouble without getting angry

10 _____________ part of a play during which there is no change in time or place

11 _____________ path at the side of a road for people to walk on

12 _____________ a long written story in which the characters and events are not usually real

II. Explain the usage and meaning of each italicized word in each sentence.

A He wandered around Tibet for about a month. His experience is unbelievable.

B The professor wandered from the subject of his speech.

A Please keep a complete account of the money we have spent.

B I opened an account at the bank downstairs.

A It was her fault. We were late because she took so long finishing her lunch.

B It sounds as if there is a fault in that computer.

A The museum sits on the exact spot where the gold was first discovered.

B That dress has a dirty spot right in the middle.

C She spotted her friend among the passengers who got off the train

A We walked down a long passage to the back of the office building.

B I couldn’t afford the passage to Australia.

C The old bridge isn’t strong enough to allow the passage of heavy vehicles.

1 Yesterday when I was wandering on the pavement near a park, I met an old neighbour __________. He was so happy to see me again and he talked a lot about my grandparents who ___________ me _________. __________, I didn’t want him to _____________ with his story. It wasn’t because I had no ________ to listen to him, but because it was still very painful for me

to think about my dear grandma who died five years ago.

高一英语必修3 Unit3导学案Leading In



Learning aim: 1. To lead in the reading part.

2. To know something about the author Mark Twain.

Difficult points: To learn some difficult expressions.


Recite the new words in warming up and reading.

Discuss the questions about diets.

Warming up

This unit is a play based on a short story by an American writer - Mark Twain. In pairs discuss what you know about him. If you don't know about him, read this short passage. Then fill in the chart.

Mark Twain

▲a great American writer

▲ a famous speaker

▲liked to tell funny stories
