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Fill in the contract in English aording to the Chinese given

1. 卖方:中国茶叶有限公司

2. 买方:德国SUNRY贸易公司

3. 兹经买卖双方同意就以下货物按下列条款签订本合同:

4. 品名:中国绿茶

5. 数量: 5600千克(净重)

6. 单价:上海港离岸价每千克55美元

7. 总金额:30.8万美元

8. 支付条款:凭买方开具的不可撤消即期信用证付款,于装运期前一个月开到卖方,并于下述装运期后15天内在中国议付有效

9. 唛头:由卖方选定

10. 装运港:中国上海

11. 目的港:德国汉堡

12. 装运期:xx年8月25日前从中国上海港发至德国汉堡港,允许分批装运和在香港转船

13. 保险:按照国际惯例由买方按发票总值的110%投保基本险和破损险


? 1. The Sellers: China Tea Co., Ltd.

? 2. The Buyers: Suy Trading Company, Germany

? 3. This sales contract is signed by and between the seller and the buyer covering the

under-mentioned goods aording to the terms and conditions below:




? 4. Commodity: Chinese Green Tea 5. Quantity: 5600 kg, 6. Unit Price: USD 55.00 per kg. FOB Shanghai 7. Total Value: USD 308000.00 (Say US Dollars Three Hundred and Eight Thousand


? 8. Terms of Payment: (to be made) by an irrevocable sight L/C opened by the buyers,

which is to reach the sellers 30 days before the date /time of shipment, and valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day/within 15 days after the under-mentioned date/time of shipment.

? 9. Shipping Marks: at the sellers’option

? 10. Port of Loading: Shanghai, China

? 11. Port of Destination: Hamburg, Germany

? 12. Time of Shipment: before August 25th, xx, from Shanghai Port, China, to

Hamburg Port, Germany, allowing partial shipments and transshipment at Hong Kong. ? 13. Insurance: to be covered by the buyers for 110 % of the invoice value against

W.P.A (W.A) and Breakage Risk as per the international practice.

English contract for importing:



Contract No:



The Buyer:买方:

The Seller:卖方:

The Contract, made out, in Chinese and English, both version being equally authentic, by and between the Seller and the Buyer whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows:


SECTION 1 第一部分

1 Name of Commodity and specification: 商品名称及规格:

2 Country of Origin & Manufacturer: 生产国别及制造厂商:

3 Unit Price (packing charges included): 单价(包装费用包括在内):

4 Quantity: 数量:

5 Total Value: 总值:

6 Packing (seaworthy): 包装(适合海运):

7 Insurance (to be covered by the Buyer unless otherwise): 保险(除非另有协议,保险均由买方负责):8 Time of Shipment: 装船时间:

9 Port of Loading: 装运口岸:

10 Port of Destination: 目的口岸:

11 Shipping Marks: Mark shown as below in addition to the port of destination,package number,gross and weights,measurements and other marks as the Buyer may require should be stencilled or marked conspicuously with fast and unfailing
