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Unit 1 Language Testing

Section A

Word pretest 1. A

Reading Comprehension

Vocabulary Building Idioms

1. works his fingers to the bone

2. burns the midnight oil

3. falls down on the job

4. hits the books

5. does back-breaking work

6. works like a dog General Vocabulary Exercise Analogies leaving one refer both which with made

Section C

Unit 2 Exploration

Section A

Word Pretest 1. C

Reading Comprehension 2. B

Vocabulary Building


1. has a green thumb

2. is a breeze

3. has two left feet

4. has a golden touch

5. has a nose for

6. is easy as pie General

Vocabulary Exercise

1. 2. ambitiously 3. discriminative resistance

6. Contamination 9. specifically amused

Cloze its

progress leads that since

Section B 4. persistent 5.


11. magical 12. ignorant 13. survive 14. explored intimidate 17. pilgrimage


1. B

2. A Cloze

until Most reached from ice combined and deep over includes in

Section B

Section C

1. T

2. T 4. F 7. F 9. T 10. T

Unit 3 Refugee

Section A

Word pretest Reading Comprehension

Analogies Cloze

most take grow costing protecting affected for powerless

Section B

Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. down to earth 3. is showing off to mankind 5. put …in their place General Vocabulary Exercise

2. putting on airs 4. thinks he is God ' 6. blowing his own horn





Section C

Unit 4 Cigarettes

9. abundance 10. improvised 11. various 13. proposed 14. original 15. created 16. advocating

17. trendy 18. promising 19. consultation 20.


2. B Cloze against increased in warnings Moreover smoking observance around bring consumption

Unit 5 Globalization

Section C

Section A Word Pretest 1. B 2. B Reading


2. B 5. C Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. held his tongue 2. see eye to eye 4. rocked the boat 5. buried the hatchet the tide

7. button his lips 8. les sleeping dogs lie General Vocabulary Exercise 1. retaliatory 2. rudimental perplexed 5.

averted boisterously

6. conjecture

his ownbusiness

6. flowed with 3. presumptuous

7. satirist

4. 8.

12. intention gracious

Section B

6. C


Section A

Word Pretest

Reading Comprehension

Vocabulary Building

1. left us high and dry

2. faces up to the buck 4. will shoulder the responsibility 5. worm out of 6. points his finger at General Vocabulary Exercise Analogies

Section C

Unit 6 Immigrants

Section A

Word Pretest

4. A

Reading Comprehension

Vocabulary Building Idioms

1. find middle ground

2. all or nothing

3. meet people halfway

4. sticks to her guns give-and-take General Vocabulary


Cloze English promotes stems


information proclaimed

trouble benefit

rising grave survival exceptions accompanied

5. middle-of-the-road
