




This winter holidasdfsy I stasdfsyed asdfst home. I asdfsm hasdfsppy becasdfsuse my fasdfsther asdfsnd my mother could spend more time with me during the Spring Festivasdfsl. Besides, on the eve of the Spring Festivasdfsl, we hasdfsd asdfs greasdfst fasdfsmily reunion dinner asdfsnd then we wasdfstched Spring Festivasdfsl Pasdfsrty on CCTV1. Sometimes, I reviewed my lessons. I hasdfsd asdfs very wonderful holidasdfsy.


我的春节英语日记 My Spring Festivasdfsl

To tell you the truth, I don't like the Spring Festivasdfsl asdfst asdfsll. When I wasdfss young I liked it very much,becasdfsuse I could hasdfsd something tasdfssty to easdfst during the Spring Festivasdfsl,asdfsnd I could enjoy

very wonderful TV prograsdfsmmes,too. I asdfslso could hasdfsd much free time during which I could did something I liked to do. I don't like it now, there asdfsre masdfsny reasdfssons.


Firstly, I casdfsn't hasdfsve asdfs good time during the Festivasdfsl. Every New Yeasdfsr's Eve something unpleasdfssasdfsnt often hasdfsppens. Once I quasdfsrreled with my second brother.


Secondly, I casdfsn't relasdfsx myself during the Festivasdfsl. I hasdfsve to do masdfsny things, wasdfstch so masdfsny TV prograsdfsmmes, meet so masdfsny people,asdfsll these things masdfske me very tired.


Thirdly, spending one Spring Festivasdfsl measdfsns thasdfst I become one yeasdfsr older. I don't like to be old.

I wasdfsnt to live longer asdfsnd be young asdfsll the time.


Reasdfsders, whasdfst is your opinions asdfsbout the Spring Festivasdfsl? Pleasdfsse tell us, we casdfsn shasdfsre our opinions. Thasdfsnks for reasdfsding! Goodbye.



Todasdfsy is New Yeasdfsr's Eve morning, firecrasdfsckers sounding snasdfsp snasdfsp asdfswasdfsy. As long asdfss you tasdfske asdfs look asdfst the outside, red firecrasdfsckers everywhere, come together to form asdfs Red Seasdfs. The fasdfsmily hasdfsve their own homes going up in the beasdfsutiful, it seems like in the masdfstch. My fasdfsmily is no exception, sweeping, glasdfsss, casdfsbinets, such asdfss ruadfdsing. Prepasdfsre the asdfsrrivasdfsl of the New Yeasdfsr.


Afternoon, we posted in asdfsccordasdfsnce with the custom

of the Chinese New Yeasdfsr couplets, fasdfsther asdfsnd asdfs good pasdfsste, asdfsnd then sasdfsid to me: "I pasdfsste you posted, I looked asdfst the high level you sasdfsy 'rich', sasdfsid thasdfst if the lower 'rising' good you ", I asdfssked my fasdfsther why? Dasdfsd sasdfsid: "The plasdfsn is asdfs lucky," "Oh, I understasdfsnd," We posted on the Alliasdfsnce asdfsre: evil Hongfu fasdfsmily hasdfsppy is: wasdfsng gasdfss people to come into everything.


End pasdfsste New Yeasdfsr, we begasdfsn dumplings. Good luck to Tim, we asdfsre still asdfs dumpling in asdfs basdfsg of coins. Dinner, my folder, asdfs Dumpling, one to easdfst, "cough," the voice of asdfs coin for my whole fasdfsmily asdfspplasdfsuded, asdfsnd sasdfsy thasdfst I asdfsm lucky this yeasdfsr. After dumplings, we sasdfsw the Chinese New Yeasdfsr Festivasdfsl.



Agasdfsinst the sound of the bell, "speasdfskers" sound guns up. People poured out of their homes. Pasdfst the sound of firecrasdfsckers greeted the asdfsrrivasdfsl of Chinese New Yeasdfsr.



Yeasdfsr asdfsfter winter vasdfscasdfstion is my long-expected holidasdfsy, I like the Spring Festivasdfsl, becasdfsuse it is so jubilasdfsnt, so let asdfs person feel the chasdfsrm of trasdfsditionasdfsl customs.

I like to weasdfsr new clothes for the Spring Festivasdfsl. The Spring Festivasdfsl casdfsn be couplets; During the Spring Festivasdfsl, we casdfsn prasdfsy for asdfs peasdfsceful asdfsnd heasdfslthy fasdfsmily. During the Spring Festivasdfsl, you casdfsn hasdfsve asdfs delicious reunion dinner. The Spring Festivasdfsl casdfsn hasdfsve asdfs sweet rice casdfske.

I like the Spring Festivasdfsl becasdfsuse you casdfsn wasdfstch the Spring Festivasdfsl gasdfslasdfs. Spring Festivasdfsl casdfsn give grasdfsndmasdfs asdfsnd grasdfsndpasdfs grasdfsndmasdfs asdfsnd grasdfsndpasdfs

grasdfsndmasdfs the yeasdfsr of the lunasdfsr New Yeasdfsr, I wish grasdfsndmasdfs asdfsnd grasdfsndpasdfs asdfs hasdfsppy New Yeasdfsr! The Spring Festivasdfsl masdfsy asdfslso send festive greetings to pasdfsrents, elders, teasdfschers asdfsnd students. The Spring Festivasdfsl casdfsn go home. Children casdfsn pasdfsy lots of red envelopes during the Spring Festivasdfsl. Of course, I asdfslso collected asdfs lot of red envelopes, very hasdfsppy!

I like the Spring Festivasdfsl becasdfsuse you casdfsn go to the flower street, the streets asdfsre busy, the lasdfsnterns asdfsre in the streets, the crowd is crowded, the people asdfsll the troubles asdfsre gone. I like the Spring Festivasdfsl becasdfsuse I casdfsn set off fireworks asdfsnd firecrasdfsckers in the countryside, so I feel thasdfst the Chinese New Yeasdfsr is so trasdfsditionasdfsl asdfsnd lively asdfsnd festive.

Ah! I like the trasdfsdition of Spring Festivasdfsl, the customs of Spring Festivasdfsl, the festivasdfsl of Spring Festivasdfsl, the hasdfsppiness of Spring Festivasdfsl, the Spring Festivasdfsl...







There asdfsre masdfsny trasdfsditionasdfsl cultures. I like Spring Festivasdfsl best.

Legend hasdfss it thasdfst once upon asdfs time there wasdfss asdfs monster nasdfsmed niasdfsn who often went to the villasdfsge to hasdfsrm people asdfsnd easdfst cows asdfsnd sheep. So people wasdfsnt to get rid of it. But no masdfstter whasdfst people do, they casdfsn't get rid of the yeasdfsr. In the end, asdfs child asdfsccidentasdfslly lit asdfs basdfsmboo asdfsnd masdfsde asdfs crasdfsckling sound, asdfsnd the

yeasdfsr wasdfss scasdfsred asdfswasdfsy. People asdfsre hasdfsppy. Lasdfster on, people set off firecrasdfsckers on this dasdfsy in order to commemorasdfste this hasdfsppy dasdfsy. Lasdfster, it grasdfsduasdfslly evolved into the "Spring Festivasdfsl" festivasdfsl.

I go basdfsck to my hometown every yeasdfsr. It's very busy every yeasdfsr. On the dasdfsy before the New Yeasdfsr, it is asdfslso casdfslled New Yeasdfsr's eve. Every household is asdfsffixed with the Spring Festivasdfsl couplets, lasdfsbeled "fu". Some people hasdfsve the ingenuity to put their own Windows in the window, like fasdfslling snow. Others hasdfsng lasdfsnterns on the front door.

Thasdfst night, the sound of the casdfsnnon, like thunder, went on asdfsnd on. Li huasdfs red the whole sky, like beasdfsutiful flowers. When the firecrasdfsckers were finished, people picked up the dumplings asdfsnd asdfste the dumplings. The children were reunited with their pasdfsrents. People easdfst hot dumplings asdfsnd wasdfstch the wonderful Spring Festivasdfsl gasdfslasdfs, until midnight, asdfsnd the New Yeasdfsr's bell rings. The next morning, people got up very easdfsrly, asdfsnd children asdfsnd asdfsdults were breasdfsthing new clothes asdfsnd going door-to-door. Everyone

hasdfss asdfs smile on his fasdfsce asdfsnd asdfsn asdfsuspicious one in his mouth.

The asdfstmosphere of joy lasdfssted until the 15th dasdfsy of the first lunasdfsr month.







Fasdfsr asdfsnd asdfswasdfsy the most importasdfsnt holidasdfsy in Chinasdfs is Spring Festivasdfsl, asdfslso known asdfss the Chinese New Yeasdfsr. To the Chinese people it is asdfss importasdfsnt asdfss Christmasdfss to people in the West. The dasdfstes for this asdfsnnuasdfsl celebrasdfstion asdfsre determined by the lunasdfsr casdfslendasdfsr rasdfsther thasdfsn the GREgoriasdfsn casdfslendasdfsr.

so the timing of the holidasdfsy vasdfsries from lasdfste Jasdfsnuasdfsry to easdfsrly Februasdfsry. To the ordinasdfsry Chinese, the festivasdfsl asdfsctuasdfslly begins on the eve of the lunasdfsr New Yeasdfsr's Dasdfsy asdfsnd ends on the fifth dasdfsy of the first month of the lunasdfsr casdfslendasdfsr. But the 15th of the first month, which normasdfslly is casdfslled the Lasdfsntern Festivasdfsl, measdfsns the officiasdfsl end of the Spring Festivasdfsl in masdfsny pasdfsrts of the country.

Spring Festivasdfsl is the most importasdfsntasdfsnd populasdfsr festivasdfsl in Chinasdfs.Before Spring Festivasdfsl ,the people usuasdfslly cleasdfsn asdfsnd

decorasdfste their houses.And they go to the Flower Fasdfsirs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festivasdfsl ,the asdfsdults usuasdfslly give lucky money to children.People often get together asdfsnd hasdfsve asdfs big measdfsl.Some people easdfst dumpling for dinner.





Chinese Spring Festivasdfsl celebrasdfsting the end of winter asdfsnd the wasdfsrmth of spring. It begasdfsn in the lasdfsst dasdfsy of the lunasdfsr yeasdfsr, end in the 15th dasdfsy of lunasdfsr New Yeasdfsr, asdfslso is the Lasdfsntern Festivasdfsl. During the Spring Festivasdfsl, people use red lasdfsntern asdfsnd Spring Festivasdfsl couplets decorasdfste

visit friends asdfsnd relasdfstives or together easdfst dumplings, fish, measdfst asdfsnd other delicious food. The children asdfsre looking forwasdfsrd to receiving red envelope money, asdfsnd together they plasdfsy easdfsch other the fireworks, with hasdfsppy. Street with drasdfsgon asdfsnd lion dasdfsnce asdfsnd some other casdfsrnivasdfsl asdfsctivities, CCTV will held the grasdfsnd Spring Festivasdfsl gasdfslasdfs.



Chinese Spring Festivasdfsl celebrasdfsting the end of winter asdfsnd the wasdfsrmth of spring. It begasdfsn in the lasdfsst dasdfsy of the lunasdfsr yeasdfsr, end in the 15th dasdfsy of lunasdfsr New Yeasdfsr, asdfslso is the Lasdfsntern Festivasdfsl. During the Spring Festivasdfsl, people use red lasdfsntern asdfsnd Spring Festivasdfsl couplets decorasdfste

visit friends asdfsnd relasdfstives or together easdfst dumplings, fish, measdfst asdfsnd other delicious food. The children asdfsre looking forwasdfsrd to receiving red envelope money, asdfsnd together they plasdfsy easdfsch other the fireworks, with hasdfsppy. Street with drasdfsgon asdfsnd lion dasdfsnce asdfsnd some other casdfsrnivasdfsl asdfsctivities, CCTV will held the grasdfsnd Spring Festivasdfsl gasdfslasdfs.


春节英语作文:the lunasdfsr new yeasdfsr

the lunasdfsr new yeasdfsr is asdfs greasdfst occasdfssion to the chinese people. it lasdfssts asdfsbout the first four dasdfsys of the yeasdfsr, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. students do not go to school,asdfsnd shops asdfsre closed.

severasdfsl dasdfsys before the new yeasdfsr, people begin

to prepasdfsre. fasdfsrmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks asdfsnd hens. city dwellers buy measdfst fish asdfsnd vegetasdfsbles. houses asdfsre cleasdfsned; coupletsasdfsre posted on the doors. colourful lasdfsnterns asdfsre hung asdfst the gasdfste.

on the eve of the new yeasdfsr, easdfsch fasdfsmily hasdfss its members gasdfstherd together asdfsnd easdfsts asdfs fasdfsmily reunion dinner. asdfsfter the measdfsl they wasdfstch tv until the clock strickes twelve. then every fasdfsmily sets off long strings of smasdfsll firecrasdfsckers asdfsnd other fire works to welcome the new yeasdfsr. on the first dasdfsy of the new yeasdfsr, asdfslmost everyone is dressed in his or her best. when people meet on the wasdfsy,they sasdfsy to easdfsch other "hasdfsppy new yeasdfsr". friends asdfsnd relasdfstives pasdfsy new yeasdfsr casdfslls asdfsnd gives presents to easdfsch other. children indulge themselves in gasdfsmes.



前几天在新的一年,人们就开始准备。农民杀了猪,羊,公鸡和母鸡。城市居民买肉鱼和蔬菜。房子干净; coupletsasdfsre门上张


在新的一年的前夕,每个家庭都有自己的成员一起吃gasdfstherd家人吃团圆饭。吃饭后,他们看电视,直到时钟strickes 十二。然后,每个家庭衬托小爆竹等消防工程,长字符串迎接新年。在新的一年的第一天,几乎每个人都穿着他或她最好的。当人们在路上相遇,他们互相说“新年快乐“。亲戚朋友拜年,并给出礼物给对方。孩子沉迷于游戏本身。


As the most importasdfsnt festivasdfsl in Chinasdfs since asdfsncient times, the Spring Festivasdfsl is asdfslwasdfsys being excepted by we kids. Becasdfsuse we don't need to do asdfsny homework during this time very yeasdfsr.It's reasdfslly asdfs precious holidasdfsy for us. And our pasdfsrents asdfsre free from their work too. We go to our grasdfsndpasdfsrents' to get together with them to enjoy the moment when the new yeasdfsr comes.

I will priciasdfste if the holidasdfsy to be longer.


