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[摘要] 产品的时代已经过去,如今是品牌的时代。品牌已经成为时下的一种趋势,不管什么产品都在讲品牌。从某种意义上说,“以质取胜”已成为过去,企业品牌形象的差异正在取代传统的商品本身的差异,企业卖的不再是差异化的商品,而是差异化的品牌理念。在产品的销售过程中,起决定性作用的也不再是商品本身,而是一个企业独特鲜明的品牌形象,是企业或产品给消费者的“感觉”。品牌经营战略使“老干妈”从众多竞争者中脱颖而出从一个地方产品成为一个全国性的品牌。但是,在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,“老干妈”的发展受阻,它将如何继续它的品牌经营?如何使“老干妈”品牌走向国际化?这是“老干妈”殛待解决的问题。市场环境的不断变化和“老干妈”自身的一些变化,导致了“老干妈”的品牌经营受阻,只有解决自身存在的问题,不断调整企业自身,改善与外部环境的关系,才能使“老干妈”的品牌经营战略继续下去,也才能使“老干妈”这一品牌成长为真正的国际品牌。


[关键词] “老干妈”品牌品牌经营策略辣椒制品


Guiyang “laoganma” in brand management difficult

position and development outlet

[Abstract] The product time already passed by, now was the brand time. The brand already became the present one tendency, no matter any product all were speaking the brand. In a sense, “uses quality to compete” has become, the enterprise brand image difference is substituting for traditional the commodity itself difference, the enterprise sells no longer is the variation commodity, but is the variation brand idea. In the product sales process, plays the decisive role also no longer is commodity itself, but is an enterprise unique bright brand image, is the enterprise or the product “feels” for the consumer. The brand management strategy causes “laoganma” to fully expose talent from the multitudinous competitors from a place product becomes a nationwide brand. But in market competition day by day intense today, “laoganma” the development is blocked, how will it continue its brand management? How causes “laoganma” the brand to move towards the internationalization? This is a question which “laoganma” kills remains unresolved. The market environment unceasi ng change and “laoganma” own some changes, has caused “laoganma” the brand management is blocked, only then solves own existence problem, continual readjustment enterprise oneself. Improvement and external environment relations, can cause “laoganma” the br and management strategy continues, also can cause “laoganma” this brand to grow into the true international brand.

This article from “laoganma” brand management present situation obtaining.Conducts the research in view of the hot pepper product market environment and the enterprise interior, (difficult position which attempts which to discover “laoganma” the brand management to be blocked the reason enterprise faces). In union hot pepper product profession trend of development foundation, in view of “laoganma” the development was blocked proposed some truly effective constructive measure. The hope can to “laoganma” the brand manages help at the same time also to manage the model function to other hot pepper product enterprise's brand.
